Semi-Royal Wedding

Summary: Bastien and Mara talk about Riley and Drake’s upcoming wedding and about their ancestors’ wedding centuries earlier.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 53 of #ChoicesCreates: Crossovers and takes place after Changing of the Guard.

The ball was coming to an end, and the guests were departing. Bastien watched Riley and Drake walk out together, hand in hand.

“They make a nice couple, don’t they?”

Bastien looked to Mara as she approached. “They seem happy.”

“Definitely.” Mara moved closer and stood beside Bastien. “What a love story theirs is! She was a commoner and now she’s nobility, and soon he’ll be nobility too. And their wedding is going to be a big event. I bet nothing like that has ever happened before.”

“Well, actually, something a bit like that did happen, centuries ago. Remember how I told you that we’re descended from Queen Kenna and King Raydan?” As Mara nodded, Bastien continued. “Their grandson Julien Landais, the illegitimate son of their son Adrian, technically wasn’t royalty. He was a bodyguard for his cousin Gabriel Drammir, who was also the grandson of King Tevan and Queen Zenobia. But when he got married, royals came from all over the Five Kingdoms. Commoner or not, he was the grandson of Kenna Rys. They got married right here in Fydelia. Well, it was Fydoria back then.”

The wedding guests gathered inside Fydoria’s castle. Kenna sat beside Raydan, feeling emotional. Soon their grandson would be a married man. It had only been a couple of years since they had learned of his existence and welcomed him into the family, and now they were gaining a new family member.

Julien stood at the front of the room, with Adrian by his side. Seeing them next to each other, Kenna was struck by the resemblance between them. Julien’s hair was shorter and not quite as dark, but otherwise they looked very much alike. And Adrian looked so much like Raydan.

Julien’s bride, Susanna Ward, began to walk to the front of the room, accompanied by her father Edwin, one of Tevan and Zenobia’s guards. She wore an exquisite white dress that looked fit for royalty, and an amethyst and sapphire necklace that Kenna had given her as a wedding gift, to symbolize both Fydoria and Stormholt. When Susanna reached Julien’s side, they gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes.

Jackson had come from Stormholt to perform the ceremony. In addition to marrying Kenna and Raydan, he had also married most of their children to their spouses. It had become a family tradition. Only their youngest, Leonidas, had been married by someone else, since he had married in Ducitora. He began to speak the words he had said so many times before. “We gather here today to join these two souls in sacred covenant, and pay witness to their vows.”

Julien and Susanna pledged their love to each other, and once Jackson pronounced their union, they kissed passionately. When they finally broke apart, they turned to face the guests, joined hands, and began to walk towards the castle door. Everyone headed out to the Fydorian gardens for the reception.

A large number of guests had come from all over. Of course, many of them were family. Kenna and Raydan’s five children were all there with their spouses and children. Their daughter Adelia had married Zenon Drammir, son of Tevan and Zenobia, and Julien worked for them, so the Fydorian royal family had been happy to host the wedding. Adrian had married Claudius Umad III’s daughter Ciara. Ciara’s family was present too; after all, Julien was Ciara’s stepson and the half-brother of her children. Their daughter Gabrielle had married King Diavolos’ son Damianos, and the rest of the Nevrakis family had come with them. Their daughter Marcelline had married Koa Keawe, son of Noa, and his family was also there. Even Leonidas’ father-in-law, Jorrin Kal, was there, since Lia and Whitlock had come. Adder had come from Lykos for her great-nephew’s wedding. Many of their other longtime friends were in attendance: Dom, Sei, Annelyse, Val, and others. Naturally, Susanna’s family and friends and all the Fydorian guards were there.

Kenna and Raydan made their way over to the newlyweds. Kenna hugged Julien, then turned to Susanna. “Welcome to the family.”

Susanna smiled. “Thank you, Queen Kenna.”

“You don’t need to be so formal. You’re one of us.” Kenna gave Susanna a hug.

“Interesting,” Mara said. “A bodyguard’s wedding was practically a royal affair. Could you imagine one of us having a wedding like that?”

At those words, Bastien wondered what might have happened if Drake hadn’t proposed to Riley. Would she have eventually made a different choice? Could they have ended up together? Bastien had never really expected to have a future with her, but as they had grown closer, his feelings had deepened. Since both Liam and Drake loved her, he didn’t dare express his feelings openly, but if the time ever came when they were both over her, maybe he would have a chance. He knew she felt something for him. Maybe she still did.

“Bastien? You OK?” Mara looked to him.

“My leg hurts.” Although it was true, it was also a convenient excuse. “I should get some rest.”

She nodded. “It’s late anyway. Good night.”

They parted ways, and soon Bastien was asleep, dreaming of Riley.

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