Sexual Healing

Summary: Tom gives Milla first aid, and things heat up between them afterward.

Author’s note: This is an expansion of the diamond scene with Tom in Chapter 11 of It Lives Beneath.

Milla opened the door and found Tom standing in front of her, holding a first aid kit.

“I’m not bothering you, am I?” Tom asked shyly.

“Of course not!” How could he think that? After the intimate moments they had shared in the photo booth earlier that day, it should have been clear to him that she cared about him. Shouldn’t it? Oh no. Maybe he thought she did that sort of thing with everyone. Although she had also spent time hanging out with Imogen, Danni, and Parker, nothing had happened between them. Parker had looked so disappointed when she told him they were good friends. She probably shouldn’t have kissed him when they were hiding from the cultists, but they had been in such close quarters. Her heart belonged to Tom, though, and once they had taken things to the next level, it didn’t feel right to be with anyone else.

“Good. I thought you might need this.” He held up the first aid kit. “And, uh, maybe you could use some help? And we could, you know, talk…if you want to, I mean.”

Milla smiled warmly at Tom. “That sounds great. Come on in.”

They sat down on the bed, and Milla looked to Tom. “So, should I take my shirt off?”

Tom blushed and almost dropped the bandages. “Um, sure, if you don’t mind. That would help.”

“I’d say it’s nothing you haven’t seen before, but the photo booth was pretty dark. Although the flash did keep going off.” She pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside.

As Tom looked over her bare back, he whistled.

“Like what you see?” Milla asked.

“No, I…um…yeah! I mean, I wasn’t…it’s just that, uh, you got pretty banged up.” He reached out and touched her back, gently moving his fingers over her skin.

Milla shivered with pleasure as Tom touched her. Her wounds were feeling better already. She relaxed and enjoyed the sensations as Tom patched her up. All too soon, he was done.

“Feeling any better? Or are you still in a lot of pain?”

“That helped, but you know what would help even more?” She turned around to face him. “If you kissed it and made it better.”

Tom turned red. “Uh…that would be unsanitary.”

Milla shook her head. “Not this way.” She reached out to touch his face, then leaned in and kissed him on the lips. She pulled him closer as they deepened the kiss. A few moments later, they reluctantly pulled apart.

“I think I might be getting sick,” Tom confessed. “I wouldn’t want you to catch it.”

“Oh no. What’s wrong?”

“Well, my heart is pounding, and my hands are sweating. It happens a lot when I’m around you.”

Milla grinned. “Don’t worry. You’re not getting sick. Haven’t you ever been in love before?”

“No, I haven’t,” he admitted.

“Well, I’m falling in love with you too.”

Tom’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yeah.” She pulled him close and kissed him passionately.

When they finally broke apart, Tom looked to her. “Is it just me, or is kissing way better when you’re in love?”

“Oh, it’s not just you.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “And you know what else is way better when you’re in love?”


She lowered her hands, moving them over his chest and tugging at the bottom of his shirt. “Sex.”

Tom blushed again. “Um…do we have time for that?”

“We’ll have to make it quick.” Milla pulled Tom’s shirt over his head, then reached down and unzipped his pants. She could feel that he was already getting excited. “We might as well make use of this bed, right?”

Tom nodded as he reached behind her and unhooked her bra. As it slipped off her, she yanked off his pants and underwear. She guided his hand to the button of her jeans, and wriggled out of them as he pulled them down. She hurriedly took off her underwear, the last piece of fabric between them, then lay on the bed.

Tom’s eyes roamed over her naked body. “You’re so beautiful, Milla.”

Milla smiled at him. “And you’re so damn sexy.” She pulled him close, kissing him deeply as she grasped his hardness. He reached between her legs and began caressing her.

She pressed up against him and drew him close, lining their bodies up together. Her hands moved to his butt cheeks, and as she squeezed them, he slipped inside her. She began moving her hips in time with his thrusts. Being with him felt so incredible. For just a little while, she could forget about all the danger. There was only her, him, this bed, and the pleasure they gave to each other.

Their movements grew more frantic, and soon Milla found herself going over the edge. She tugged on Tom’s hair, and he moaned as he thrust into her one last time. He kissed her gently, still lying on top of her.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Hey, can we come in?” Parker called out from the other side.

“Just a minute!” Milla shouted. She and Tom gathered up their clothes and quickly got dressed. “Next time we won’t be so rushed,” she promised Tom.

He nodded. “Soon we’ll have all the time in the world.”

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