Shadow of the Crown, Part 4

Summary: Adrian and Adelia Rys-Lykel find romance in Fydoria; Mina raises her and Adrian’s son.

King Tevan and Queen Zenobia’s party was in full swing as the Rys-Lykel family arrived. When Tevan spotted them, he immediately headed over to greet them.

“Queen Kenna, you’re looking lovely as always. It’s a pleasure to see all of you.”

Kenna smiled. “It’s good to see you too, King Tevan. How is your family?”

As Kenna and Tevan talked, Adelia scanned the room, then tugged on Adrian’s arm. “Look. Over there. Do you think she’s after him?” Adelia pointed to Ciara Umad, who was conversing with Prince Zenon Drammir.

Adrian tried to reassure his sister. “They’re just talking, Adelia.”

“We should go over there. Maybe you can distract her. If she wants a crown prince, she’s got another option!”

Adrian shook his head. “I’m not going after her just to help you.”

“Well, maybe you’ll really like her. And she’s pretty, don’t you think?”

Adrian looked over at Ciara. “Well, yes…”

“Come on.” Adelia began walking in the direction of Zenon and Ciara. Adrian glanced at her, then to his other siblings. Leonidas stood by Raydan, who was closely watching him. He heard Gabrielle and Marcelline talking.

“There are so many people here.” Marcelline stared at the floor self-consciously.

“You don’t have to talk to everyone. Let’s go say hello to Princess Amantha. She’s nice.” Gabrielle took Marcelline’s hand and began leading her away.

Adrian hurried to catch up with Adelia, and they made their way over to Zenon and Ciara. Adelia reached out to Zenon and gave him a hug.

“It’s so good to see you! It’s been way too long.”

“Princess Adelia! It’s wonderful to see you. You look absolutely stunning.” Zenon reached for Adelia’s hand and kissed it.

Adrian tuned his attention to Ciara. “Hello, Lady Ciara. It’s lovely to see you. How have you been?

“Quite well, Your Highness.” Ciara looked him in the eye and smiled slightly.

Adrian had to admit that Adelia was right: Ciara was very pretty. Her light brown hair cascaded down her back in soft waves, and her purple gown accentuated her sparkling blue eyes. As he smiled back at her, he wondered if Adelia was also right about her intentions toward Zenon; perhaps he should put a little distance between them.

“I just got here, and I haven’t had a chance to get a drink yet. Would you care to come with me?”

Ciara nodded, and they walked over to the refreshment table. He handed her a glass of wine and raised his glass to hers.

“To the prettiest woman in all of Fydoria.”

Ciara blushed. “And who might that be?”

“I’m looking at her.” Adrian’s eyes met hers.

As they turned around to head back, Adrian realized that Adelia and Zenon were nowhere in sight. “Hey, where did they go? They were just here.”

Ciara looked around the room. “I don’t see them anywhere. It’s like they just disappeared.”

“My family is far too good at disappearing.” Adrian surveyed the room once again. He noticed Queen Zenobia approaching his father.

“King Raydan! Can you do something about your sister? Even though I’m not in Abanthus full time, I am just as much a ruler as she is!”

Raydan shook his head. “Oh, Queen Zenobia, haven’t you realized that my sister does what she wants? I have no influence over her.”

As Raydan directed his attention toward Zenobia, Leonidas snuck up behind a man and reached toward his sword belt. Raydan quickly turned around and grabbed his hand. “Leo! Get back here. What do you think you’re doing?”

“Practicing stealth moves. How else am I supposed to learn?”

Raydan pulled Leonidas closer to him. “Not like that! You could get hurt. What if that man thought you were attacking him, and he turned the sword on you before he could get a good look at you?”

“Come on, I was just playing!” Leonidas pouted.

Adrian looked from his father and brother to Ciara. “My little brother can be quite a handful.”

“So it seems. Is the rest of your family that wild?” Ciara reached over and gently touched his arm.

“Not all of us.” He smiled and took her hand.

“Would you like to go for a walk? The palace gardens are beautiful. Maybe that’s where your sister and Prince Zenon went.”

“That sounds lovely.”

Adrian and Ciara made their way out of the palace and strolled into the courtyard. A variety of purple flowers were in bloom, surrounding the paths that led to the fountain in the center. As they walked, they admired the beauty of the gardens.

Adrian pointed to several beds of flowers. “Which ones are your favorites?”

Ciara looked from one bed of flowers to another, considering. “I like the gladiolus, the delphinium, and the lilacs.”

Adrian raised his arm and placed it around Ciara’s back. “Those who favor the gladiolus are faithful, honorable, and have strong character. Those who admire the delphinium have an open heart and feel ardent attachment. And purple lilacs represent first love.”

Ciara leaned closer to Adrian. “How do you know so much about flowers?”

“I learned from my father. He knows what all the flowers represent. When my parents first met, they went to the gardens of Aurelia. My father could tell a great deal about my mother just from her choice of flowers. He knew right away that she was the one for him. And now, all these years later, they’re still very much in love.”

“Oh, that’s so romantic!” Ciara smiled brightly. As they reached the fountain, she sat down at the edge. A moment later, Adrian was sitting beside her.

“I’d give you a bouquet, but King Tevan might not want me to pick flowers from the royal gardens. I wouldn’t want to get into trouble.”

Ciara nodded. “Yes, you have a good point.”

“Maybe there’s something else that I can give you.” He looked into her eyes, leaned in close, and gently kissed her on the lips.

As he pulled back, Ciara reached out and stroked his hair. “That’s even better than flowers.” She pulled him closer and kissed him again. He wrapped his arms around her, deepening the kiss.

Eventually they made their way back to the palace. As they walked in, they spotted Zenon and Adelia coming down the stairs. Adelia’s face was flushed and her hair was slightly disheveled, and she clung to Zenon as they walked.

Adrian looked to Adelia. “Where have you been?”

Adelia blushed. “Um…Zenon wanted to show me something upstairs.”

“Oh, I bet he did.” Adrian glared at Zenon.

Zenon stepped away from Adelia. “I’ll give you two a moment alone. Come with me, Ciara.” He began walking away, motioning for Ciara to follow.

As soon as they were alone, Adrian turned on Adelia. “What the hells are you doing?”

Adelia scowled. “Probably nothing you haven’t done yourself, right?”

“Not like this! Our whole family is here, and most of the nobility of Fydoria! You’re lucky that it was me that saw you, not someone else. People gossip. Do you want people talking about you? What if Gabi and Marcie saw you? They look up to you. Is that the example you want to set for them?” Adrian softened as he saw the hurt look in Adelia’s eyes. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Do you even know where you stand with him? Just a little while ago, you were worried that there might be something going on between him and Ciara. What if you’re not the only woman in his life?”

“He really likes me. He said so,” Adelia insisted.

“I hope you’re right. I’m just worried.” Adrian reached out to Adelia and gave her a hug.

A few minutes later, Zenon and Ciara walked back over to them. Zenon patted Adelia on the arm. “Is everything all right?” As Adelia nodded, Zenon reached into the pocket of his purple robe. “I have something for you.” He handed Adelia a small purple orb. “You can use this to send me messages, so even when we’re apart, you can speak to me.”

“Thank you, Zenon.” She leaned over and kissed him, then turned to Adrian and gave him a look as if to say “I told you so.”

Ciara looked to Adrian and handed him a purple orb. “I have one for you too. I hope you will keep in touch with me.”

“Absolutely.” Adrian smiled as he put his arm around Ciara and pulled her close to him.

Mina watched over her young son as he slept. For so long she had had no family, and now she had this precious little boy. Julien had inherited her dark brown hair, but his features strongly resembled his father’s. Still, who would ever guess that his father was the future king of Stormholt? They were far away in Abanthus, and no one would expect her to know royalty. Would anyone even believe her if she were to tell them? Maybe Adrian himself wouldn’t even believe that the child was his. After all, they hadn’t known each other for very long. And he couldn’t have cared too much about her. He had promised to take her with him when he left the Tartassis household, but he had gone back to Stormholt without her. Maybe it was just as well that he didn’t know he had a son. She didn’t want to face more rejection. How would she even tell him anyway? And even if she did, and he believed her, a bastard child would probably be an embarrassment to the royal family. If King Raydan hadn’t set up a shelter in Lykos, she would have had nowhere to go. The least she could do was spare him and his family the embarrassment. No, she would keep this secret forever. Thankfully, her employer had been supportive, and he could be a sort of father figure to her son. She could provide for Julien and give him a good life.

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