Shadow of the Crown, Part 5

Summary: Kenna and Raydan’s illegitimate grandson Julien rescues a boy, and his life changes.

Julien sat in the shadows near the bay and gazed upon the horizon. So much had changed for him in such a short period of time. First his mother’s employer, Nikolas Tsakiris, had fallen ill. His mother had tried to nurse Nikolas back to health, but he had died, and by that time she had become ill as well. Julien had done his best to try to take care of his mother, but in spite of his efforts, she had passed away. Now he was all alone, with no family. The village where he had grown up was full of painful reminders, so he had come to Lykos. Nikolas, a former soldier in the Abanthus army, had taught him how to fight. Perhaps he would join the army.

As he surveyed the area, he spotted a boy dressed in a fancy purple tunic. What was the child doing there alone? He was much too well dressed to be one of the street children. The boy seemed to be looking at the bay, just as he had been doing. He glanced around and spotted a man walking in the direction of the boy. Maybe the man was his father and was going to get him. A child really shouldn’t be out there alone; Lykos was a dangerous place.

As the man came closer, Julien got a better look at him. He didn’t really look like the boy, and his clothes were nowhere near as nice. Something didn’t seem right. Julien edged closer, remaining in the shadows. The man approached the boy and spoke to him. As the boy drew close, the man grabbed him and held a knife to his throat.

Julien’s blood ran cold. He reached for his dagger, crept up behind the man, and plunged the dagger into his back. “Run!” he shouted at the boy. As the man dropped to the ground, Julien fled the scene. He caught up with the boy, and they kept moving until they were a safe distance away.

The boy stared at him, trembling. “You…you saved my life!” He was clearly still terrified. Julien reached out and hugged him, holding him close until the boy stopped shaking.

“‘You’re OK, kid. You’re safe now.” He turned to the boy as they pulled apart. “What were you doing out here alone?”

“I wanted to see where the Battle of the Bay took place. I’ve heard so much about it from my family.”

Julien nodded. “So have I. Well, sort of, anyway. The man that my mother worked for fought in the Battle of the Bay. He was like a father to me. Or maybe more like a grandfather, since he was much older.”

“My grandmother fought against my great-grandfather in the battle.”

Julien’s eyes widened. Who was this boy? “What’s your name, kid?”

“Gabriel. What’s yours?”

“Julien. What are the names of your grandmother and great-grandfather?” He suspected that he already knew the answer.

“My grandmother is Kenna Rys. My great-grandfather was Luther Nevrakis.”

It was just as he thought. No wonder the boy was dressed in such fancy clothes. “So you’re a prince?”

Gabriel nodded. “Prince Gabriel Drammir of Fydoria.”

“What are you doing in Lykos? Surely you can’t be here alone.”

Gabriel shook his head. “I’m here with my family. We’re staying at the castle.”

“I should get you back there. I’m surprised that they let you go off by yourself.” Or had they? Julien didn’t think that seemed likely.

“Well, they didn’t really,” Gabriel admitted. “I kind of snuck out.”

“Your family must be worried sick!”

“Maybe they don’t even know I’m gone. My cousins and I were playing hide and seek. They probably think I’m still hiding.”

Julien frowned. “I wouldn’t count on it. That’s a long time to hide. Come on, I’m bringing you back.”

Julien and Gabriel made their way to the castle, where they were greeted by a servant. Two boys and a girl rushed toward the door. The oldest boy came forward first, and spoke to Gabriel. “Where have you been? Mother has been looking all over for you.” He then looked to Julien. “And who are you?”

“My name is Julien Landais. I found Gabriel down by the bay and brought him here.”

Gabriel looked to Julien. “This is my older brother, Kevan.”

Two women with long black hair began heading their way. One of them hurried over to Gabriel. “I have been worried sick about you! You can’t just take off by yourself! It’s not safe! What if something had happened to you?”

The little girl called out, “Ooh, you’re in trouble!”

The other woman moved close to the girl. “Dimitria, this is between Gabriel and your Aunt Adelia.” Dimitria pouted but kept quiet.

“I’m just glad you’re not hurt,” Adelia continued.

As Gabriel looked down, Julien patted him on the arm. “Gabriel, are you going to tell your mother what happened, or do I have to?”

“Tell me what?” Adelia stared at them, waiting.

“Um… a man pulled a knife on me. Julien saved me.” Gabriel quickly looked away.

“WHAT? You could have been killed!” Adelia looked to Julien. “Thank gods you were there. I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if you weren’t.”

“I’m glad I could help, Your Highness. I suppose I should be on my way now.” Julien turned to Gabriel. “Listen to your mother and don’t run off again. It’s dangerous out there.”

“Why don’t you come in for a while? You saved my son’s life. I should thank you properly.” Adelia motioned for Julien to follow her.

Julien followed Adelia and the others inside, and the other woman asked a servant to bring some food and beverages. Gabriel sat next to Julien and introduced him to the others.

“You’ve met my brother Kevan and my mother, Princess Adelia. These are my cousins, Constantine and Dimitria Nevrakis, and their mother, Princess Gabrielle. She’s my mother’s sister.”

Gabrielle smiled at Julien. “It’s a pleasure to meet the young man who rescued my nephew. Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?”

“I grew up in one of the smaller villages of Abanthus, but my mother was from Lykos.” Julien paused as three men came into the room. He did not recognize the younger two, but he knew who the older man must be. He never imagined that he would be in the presence of a king.

Adelia called out to one of the men. “Zenon, this young man brought Gabriel home.” She pointed to Julien. “We’re so lucky that he was there. Someone attacked Gabriel, but Julien rescued him.” She looked to Julien. “Julien, this is my husband, Prince Zenon Drammir.”

“You have my eternal gratitude for saving my son. And you will be rewarded handsomely.”

“Thank you, your highness. It was an honor to protect your son.” Julien was a bit overwhelmed by the presence of so many members of the royalty. As he looked to the other men, Gabrielle introduced them.

“This is my husband, Prince Damianos Nevrakis. He’s Prince Zenon’s cousin. And this is my father-in-law, King Diavolos Nevrakis.”

“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Highness, Your Majesty.” Julien looked from one man to the other. “King Diavolos, I really admire the leadership you have shown in the military. I’m thinking of enlisting in the army. I hope that you will find me worthy.”

Diavolos glanced at Julien. “You saved my great-nephew’s life. I think you have already proven yourself worthy.”

“He knows how to get the bad guys!” Gabriel exclaimed.

Julien nodded. “The man my mother worked for was in the military. He taught me everything I know.” He turned to Diavolos. “Nikolas Tsakiris. He spoke very highly of you.”

“Yes, I remember him. He was a fine soldier. Please give him my best regards.”

Julien’s eyes darkened. “He passed away recently.” He swallowed as he thought about the losses he had experienced. “He became ill, and my mother tried her best to take care of him. But he didn’t make it, and then she got sick too…”

Gabrielle and Adelia looked at him sympathetically. “You lost your mother too?” Adelia asked him.

“Yes,” he said quietly. He missed her so much, and now he was all alone in the world.

“Do you have any other family?”

Julien shook his head. “My mother’s parents died when she was young. She didn’t have any brothers or sisters. And I never knew my father. I don’t even know anything about him. My mother wouldn’t tell me who he was.”

“I’m so sorry.” Adelia motioned to Zenon, and they stood up. “Excuse us for a moment. We’ll be right back.”

Adelia and Zenon walked out of the room. When they returned a few minutes later, Adelia walked over to Julien.

“Julien, how would you like to work for us? You would be Gabriel’s personal guard. He seems to like you, and you have already proven that you are qualified for the job.”

“I would be honored, Your Highness. Thank you very much.” Maybe things were finally starting to look up for him. He looked to Gabriel and smiled.

Gabriel grinned back. “I’m glad you’re staying.”

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