Shadowed Observations

Shadowed Observations
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This a is a request based on the prompt “You’re in love with her.” “Aren’t you?” spoken by Raydan and Diavolos. This is set the night before the battle with Azura. The ending of this is actually my justifying why Diavolos would have accompanied his father to the throne room that morning in the first place. And the only thing I could think of is that he is truly torn and so I created a good reason for him to be torn. Also, given that Luther isn’t stupid, he might at least expect the situation and that might explain why he felt he needed to make a move. Also, my headcanon is that Raydan never expected to keep Kenna, he’s always known that she would marry a noble once the war was over and he’s pragmatic about it (though he might be secretly heartbroken).

Pairing- Diavolos/Kenna, minor Raydan/Kenna

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Two men who love Kenna Rys have a conversation about her future.

Words- 1082

“I’m used to being the only one standing in the shadows.”

Diavolos turned to see Raydan standing behind him. “I have a hard time relaxing the night before the battle and don’t feel like socializing,” he commented, “what about you?”

“I find the shadows more comfortable,” the spymaster told him, “I find I have a hard time relaxing at gatherings. A spymaster must always be on guard, I would guess it’s similar for a soldier.”

“Yes,” Diavolos agreed, a little surprised that the other man was able to read him so well.

“But you are also a prince,” Raydan reminded him, “and thus should be accustomed to events like this.”

“And isn’t part of a spymaster’s job to blend in with his surroundings?” Diavolos countered, “I’m sure there are times when you’ve been forced to socialize as part of the task.”

“True,” Raydan agreed, “though once this is all over, I will remain a spymaster, but you will not have the luxury of remaining a soldier.”

Diavolos thought of Kenna’s offer to support him if he chose to lead Abanthus. Though he couldn’t imagine going against his father like that.

As soon as his thoughts turned to Kenna, his eyes immediately searched for her. She was across the room, talking to Annelyse and Whitlock. Almost as if she could feel him watching her, she turned and their eyes met. She smiled at him, long and slow, maybe remembering their hour underneath the stars. Diavolos couldn’t help smiling in return, wishing he could go over there and whisk her away again.

“She’s going to need a king by her side.”

Diavolos blinked and looked at the man by his side, he’d been so wrapped up in the sight of Kenna, that he’d forgotten the other man was there. “I…” He began, not sure what Raydan meant.

“She can’t lead Stormholt alone,” Raydan continued, “her people will need stability, once the war is over they will want her to marry and have children.” The spymaster paused. “And who better to have at her side than the Prince of Abanthus? A marriage between the two of you would unite your kingdoms and end the war for good.”

It was something Diavolos wanted desperately but refused to let himself even think about. They couldn’t think about life after the war yet, not until they actually managed to win. Besides, no matter how badly he wanted Kenna, how right it had felt to hold her in his arms, he knew his father was going to be a major obstacle. He knew his father, he knew that he had to be planning something, the only question was what? Whatever it was, Diavolos doubted he would just stand aside meekly and allow him and Kenna to be wed.

Diavolos didn’t know what to say so he watched Raydan instead, noticing the way the other man’s gaze lingered on Kenna. “You’re in love with her,” he realized.

The spymaster merely shrugged, “aren’t you? She is a very easy woman to love.”

Yes, yes, she was. Diavolos had managed 33 winters without giving love much of a thought and a week in Kenna’s company and everything had changed. She made him feel things he’d never felt before, made him want things he’d never wanted.

“Then why?” Diavolos asked, motioning to himself. Why would the spymaster even suggest that the woman he loved marry someone else?

“Because I cannot come out of the shadows,” Raydan said quietly, “I have always known I had no place by her side. But you could and I believe you have the ability to make her happy.”

The other man motioned to Kenna again, still talking to Annelyse and Diavolos followed his gaze, studying her, and as he did he noted the mysterious hint to her smile, the slight flush on her cheeks and knew that he was the cause, he realized that Raydan knew it too. Had been aware that they had slipped out to be together. But then, knowing things was his job.

“I’d rather see her with someone who she can love, who can make her smile brightly and her eyes sparkle,” Raydan said quietly, “than with someone she chose because she believed he was the right choice.”

“I’m still a Nevrakis,” Diavolos pointed out, trying to ignore the sour feeling in his gut at the very thought of Kenna choosing someone else.

“You are admired by all who serve in your command,” Raydan told him, “in Lykos, where the Nevrakis are known for their cruelty, there are stories of your kindness to the townsfolk who cross your path. Many of your men have vowed their loyalty to you personally, not your father.”

Diavolos would be surprised by the fact that Raydan had discovered so much about him, but again that was his job. “There’s still my father,” he pointed out, “I doubt he would offer his support.”

Raydan was silent. Diavolos met his eyes and immediately understood what wasn’t being said. Whatever Kenna had promised, whatever good intentions she had, there were those in her inner circle didn’t intend to let his father live in peaceful exile when this was over. Diavolos wasn’t sure he blamed them, after all his father was not the type to actually accept a life of peaceful exile. He simply nodded, knowing there was nothing to say.

“Of course, before any of this can come to pass, we must win the battle tomorrow,” Raydan and said smoothly, “and if I am going to be any use, I should go to bed.”

Diavolos just nodded and watched him go. After a long moment, he crossed the floor to Kenna’s side. “Would you care to dance?”

“I thought you didn’t dance the night before battle?” She teased even as she allowed him to lead her to the dance floor.

“Well, it turns out I found a way to work off some of my nervous energy,” he reminded her with a grin, “so now I can handle dancing.”

She merely smiled and sank into his arms as he led her in a simple dance. She felt so good, so right, and he pondered Raydan’s words and wondered if he could really have more of this. If somehow, some way, he was going to be allowed to keep this woman and build a life with her.

However, as he spun Kenna around the dance floor, Diavolos caught sight of his father, watching them carefully and he was reminded of the obstacles standing in his way. He could have Kenna, but only if he sacrificed his father. Could he do it? Could he put aside a lifetime of loyalty for this woman?

As she smiled at him, he started to fear that the answer would be yes…

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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