Shifting Flames

Summary: Caleb is caught by the hero, with surprising results.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 29 of #ChoicesCreates: Villains

Caleb downed one last mezcal and then headed out of the bar. Even after all those drinks, he could still feel the rage burning inside. Damn Shrapnel. Damn Silas Prescott. Who did they think they were, telling him what to do? But what choice did he have? He didn’t want to be dissected alive.

As he walked down the street, he eyed the buildings. He stopped in his tracks as he recognized a familiar name on a sign. He had ended up in juvie because of that lawyer. He burst into flames and moved closer to the law firm. Time to burn the place down.

He turned around as he heard someone drop to the ground behind him. Oh no. That hero had found him. He watched as she turned on the fire hydrant, releasing the water. Then she ran towards him. He fell to the ground as she kicked him in the leg. Before he knew it, she kicked him again, pushing him towards the running water.

“Damn you!” The flames went out as the water reached him. He began to stand up, but she rushed towards him and pushed him down, then restrained him by grabbing his hands and sitting on his legs. The water kept flowing, soaking them both.

“I’ve got you now, Caleb!” She stared into his eyes.

“What are you going to do, kill me like I killed Talos?” He stared back angrily.

“You didn’t kill Talos. You hurt him badly, but he’s OK now. And no, I’m not going to kill you. But I could have you sent to jail, like your boss Shrapnel. Except you won’t get out like he did. Maybe you could be kept in a shower so you don’t try to burn your way out. And with any luck, you’ll have company soon. I’m going to get Shrapnel too, and put him back in jail. Then you guys can be together again.” She grinned. “Nice thought!”

Caleb glared at her. “No, it isn’t! I hate Shrapnel! And I’m not going to fucking jail! The cops may be your buddies, but they can kiss my ass!”

The hero’s eyes widened. “You hate Shrapnel? And the cops are not my buddies. They tried to arrest Talos and me after you burned down the DMV.”

“No shit? The cops tried to arrest you? And yeah, I hate Shrapnel. The fucking asshole knocked me out and tied me up. And he’s a sellout too. He’s working with Silas Prescott.”

The hero’s mouth dropped open. “Shrapnel is working with Silas Prescott?”

“Yeah, and I hate him too. But I’m not going to let him…” Caleb’s voice trailed off as he remembered the threat that Silas had made.

“I think you’re wet enough.” The hero reached over and turned off the fire hydrant, then placed a hand on Caleb’s shoulder and looked into his eyes. “Caleb, what aren’t you going to let Silas do?”

He could swear he saw sympathy in her eyes. “He…he threatened to dissect me alive if I don’t do whatever Shrapnel wants.”

She shuddered. “That’s horrible! No one deserves that.” She paused for a moment. “If Talos and I protect you from Silas, will you team up with us?”

Caleb shook his head. “Team up with you? I’m not working with the corrupt system. And Talos would try to kill me anyway.”

“We’re working outside the law. We hate corruption. Maybe we’re not as different as you think we are. And I’ll talk to Talos. Maybe I can get him to come around.”

“Yeah, maybe. You broke the law by turning on that fire hydrant. If you didn’t drench me, I’d actually respect that.” He smiled slightly.

“I did it for the greater good. So what do you say?”

He looked at her suspiciously. “How do I know this isn’t some sort of trap? Maybe you’re going to bring me to Talos and let him get his revenge. Why wouldn’t you want to make me suffer? You must hate me.”

“I hate the things you’ve done, but I don’t hate you. People make mistakes, but they can change.”

Caleb stared at her for a moment, stunned. He thought of all the times that he’d gotten into trouble, and all the people who had looked at him with contempt. He couldn’t recall a time when anyone had believed in him. Even his family thought he was nothing but trouble. “You really mean that?”

She nodded. “I do.”

He smiled. “You know, you’re not so bad.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” She ruffled his wet hair. “And you’re a hottie.”

“The flames, right?”

She laughed. “Those too.” She stood up, pulling him up with her. “Come with me. We’ll talk to Talos. I promise I won’t let him hurt you, as long as you behave.”

She took his hand, and they began walking. Caleb felt calmer than he had in a long time. Maybe this would work out, or maybe it wouldn’t. But it was worth a try.

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