Should I Stay or Should I Go

Summary: Allie tries to get out of a surprise celebration.

“I know you know something,” Allie says, stuffing a pair of heels in her weekend bag and pointing at Liam accusingly.

“I know nothing. I swear,” Liam responds, holding his hands up in mock defense, but she can see that he’s fighting back laughter.

“Liam. You know I hate surprises,” she says pleadingly.

“I know.”

“No. I really, really hate them.”

“You’ll like this one,” he promises, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a gentle kiss to the side of her neck as she looks through her wardrobe.

“So you do know something!”

“Damn,” Liam swears softly. “How do you always get me to admit things I’m not supposed to?”

Allie turns, grinning at him and looping her arms around his neck. “Secret talent. Good thing your poker face is much better with everyone else.”

Someone knocks on the door emphatically, and Allie groans. “Do I have to go?” she asks, tugging at Liam’s hand as he goes to open the door.

“Yes,” he laughs. “It’s your bachelorette party. It’s tradition.”

She narrows her eyes at him. “So is not spending the night together before the wedding, and I know you’ll never agree to that.”

“Not fair,” Liam says, opening the door to reveal Olivia, tapping her foot impatiently.

“Finally,” Olivia says. “We have reservations, you know. Let’s go.”

“Hello to you too, Olivia,” Allie says pointedly, raising an eyebrow.

Olivia rolls hers eyes and huffs. “Hello, how are you, glad to hear it, I’m great, thanks. Now can we go?”

Allie laughs. “Yes. Just give me a minute.”

“Oh lord,” Olivia mutters, spinning on her heel and heading back downstairs. “We don’t have all day for you two to make kissy faces.”

“Five minutes!” Allie hears her holler up the stairs.

“Why are we friends with her again?” Allie asks jokingly.

She really has grown to like Olivia, and her blunt, upfront tendencies. She’d been incredibly helpful during their efforts to reveal the traitor, and nothing but supportive of Allie and Liam’s engagement. Though she had threatened bodily harm if Allie broke his heart.

“That won’t happen,” Allie had said softly, smiling as she’d watched Liam from across the ballroom as he’d shaken hands with diplomat after diplomat.

Liam presses his lips to hers lightly, bringing his arms around her waist. “I know you hate surprises, but you really will like this one.”


Allie brushes her mouth over his as he pulls her in tight against him. “I’m sure I will. I just like to be prepared.”

“You can’t be prepared for everything,” he murmurs, his lips feather-light against her as he kisses her again and again.

Allie snorts out a laugh. “Says the guy who researches restaurant menus every time we’re out of the country.”

Liam pokes her in the side. “I don’t want to spend half an hour trying to figure out what to eat.”

“Mm-hmm,” she teases him, nipping at his lower lip and grinning as he groans quietly.

“Allie,” he says in that low voice that never fails to make her shiver. “You have to leave soon.”

“I don’t have to,” she murmurs, running her hands up his chest and fidgeting with the buttons at his collar.

“Nice try,” he whispers, kissing her again.

Allie hears indistinct shouting and honking from outside. “Time’s up,” she sighs.

Liam gives her another lingering kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Have fun, okay?”

“I will.”

The honking picks up incessantly, and Allie laughs as she grabs her bag. “Hey. Maybe I’ll buy some sexy lingerie while I’m gone.”

Liam grins. “I like the way you think.”

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