Six Weeks

Ava stood in the doorway of Emelia’s nursery, a contented smile on her face as she gazed at the two people she loved most in the world snuggled together.

Drake was stretched out on the chaise, one arm wrapped protectively around his newborn daughter as she slept peacefully on his chest.

“Hey.” She said softly as she made her way into the room.

Drake looked up and smiled. “Hey yourself.” He whispered back.

She bent to press her lips against his as she stroked her hand lightly over Emmy’s tiny head.

“She sleeps just as well in her crib, you know.” She chided gently.

“Lies.” Drake said with a crooked grin, “She sleeps best right where she is.”

Ava smiled, knowing better than to argue this point with Drake.  He’d read in one of her baby books that a child should be held as much as possible in the first few months to form a close bond with the parents, and he’d taken that advice to heart.  If he was at home, chances were good that Emelia was in his arms.

Although, Ava could think of one thing that might make him put her down…

She bent down until her lips brushed against his ear, sending a gentle shiver down his spine, “Do you know what today is?”

Drake’s brow furrowed as he wracked his brain trying to remember why today was significant.  


Ava’s birthday? No  

It definitely wasn’t their anniversary, that was coming up in a few months.

Was it the anniversary of their first date? Hmn, Maybe.   

He had no earthly idea when the hell that was, or if they ever even actually had a “real” first date.  

Was he better off not guessing at all rather than risking answering this question wrong? Probably

“Um…well, it’s Wednesday.” He said hesitantly, “That much I’m sure of.”

Ava let out soft laugh and nodded. “Yes. It’s Wednesday.  Anything else?”

Drake groaned and gave her a guilty look, “I’m sorry babe.  I really have no idea. Can I get a hint?” He asked hopefully.

“Six weeks.”

“Six weeks.” He repeated, his brow furrowed thoughtfully.  After a minute he shook his head, “Yeah, I still don’t…”

Suddenly his eyes lit up.  “Wait…Six weeks? Really?”

Ava gave him a sly smile and nodded.

Drake struggled to sit up without waking Emelia.  “Just gimme a minute to get her settled in her crib…”

Ava giggled and put her hand on his shoulder pushing him back down, “Whoa, slow down there, Walker.  I didn’t mean right now.”

“But…”  His face fell as he gazed up at her with big, brown puppy dog eyes, “You said…”

She pressed her finger to his lips and gave him a sexy smile.  “Tonight baby, I promise.”

Drake sighed and let his head fall back on the pillow.  He’d already waited six weeks, a few more hours wouldn’t kill him.

Or would it?  Right now he wasn’t so sure.

Ava stood and gently lifted Emelia from Drake’s chest, cradling the baby in her arms as she walked slowly to her crib.

“You have a meeting at the Palace at noon, so you better go shower and start getting ready.  I laid out the grey suit for you.”

Drake ran his fingers through his hair and nodded.  

He’d taken over full responsibility for all business relating to the running of Valtoria starting in the late stages of Ava’s pregnancy when the three hour trip to the palace became too much for her. Until she was ready to resume at least some of her official duties, it meant that Drake was required to attend a weekly meeting with Liam and the heads of all the other Houses.  At first he did so reluctantly, but after a few weeks he’d started to look forward to it. It was fascinating how all of the Duchy’s worked in conjunction with one another to insure that Cordonia ran smoothly and peacefully. He’d never realized how many moving parts there were to get even the simplest things accomplished. Liam always made it look so effortless. Drakes respect for the man had grown exponentially since he’d become more involved at court.

Drake stood and stretched, shooting Ava a look over his shoulder.  As he figured, she was watching him, her hungry gaze roaming over his naked torso

“If you change your mind…” He said with a sexy smirk, “I’ll be in the shower.”

Ava dragged her eyes from his body and shook her head, “Our first time in 6 weeks is not going to be a quickie in the shower, Drake.”

He shrugged and grinned, “Can’t blame a guy for tryin’.”

Ava tucked the blanket around Emilia and turned to Drake, biting her bottom lip seductively.  She walked slowly toward him, her hips swaying gently. He watched her approach with a look of pained exasperation on his face.

“You’re really not playing fair, Mrs. Walker.” He groaned.

She reached out one hand, running her fingertips lightly down his chest to the waistband of his pajama pants before tilting her chin to meet his hungry gaze, “You didn’t ask me what I was doing today while you’re in your meeting.” She purred.

He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her hips flush with his so she could feel what she was doing to him.

“What are your plans today, my love?” He murmured, nibbling on her earlobe.

Ava smiled and still stroking his chest.  “Hana and I are going to the Spa for a day of beauty.”

“Nice.” He replied as his teeth grazed over her neck.

“We’ll be getting manicures…pedicures…” She looked up at him from under her lashes, “Brazillians.”

Drake lifted his head and gazed down at her, his voice dropping an octave, “That’s where they wax…everything, right?”

Ava smiled and nodded before pulling away with a shrug of her dainty shoulders, “I just don’t know, though.  I can’t decide if I want to go completely bare or…if I should leave a little something.”

Drake’s hand darted out and he pulled his wife back into his arms, holding her tightly to his chest as he grinned down at her. “Do I get a vote?”

“Of course.” she purred, “I’m doing it just for you.”

He bent his head to capture her lips in a hard, possessive kiss before lifting his head to gaze down into her big blue eyes, “Definitely landing strip.  I like a trail to follow.”


Drake sat in the boardroom at the Palace, trying in vain to concentrate on the agenda in front of him, but his mind kept wandering back to Ava, and how happy he was that this six week waiting period was finally over.

Longest six weeks of his goddamn life.


His head snapped up and he found Liam looking expectantly at him. “Yeah.” he shook his head trying to clear the image of Ava, spread-eagle on their bed, waiting for him, “I’m sorry, what?”

“Yea or Nay?”

Drake stared blankly at him, still nodding his head, “I…uh…”

“Are you for or against reallocating funds from the Lythicos vineyard expansion project to the Seawall project in Portavira?” Liam said, a patient smile on his face.

“For…I mean, uh…Yea.”

He gave Liam a grateful smile and tried to get his head back the game.

“This is an outrage!” Olivia shouted, standing quickly and pounding her fist on the table, “You promised to help fund my project over a year ago and at every opportunity you yank my funding!  I won’t stand for it!”

“Now Olivia…” Liam said with a placid smile, “It pains me greatly to disappoint you, you know this…but you must understand that the sea wall is in grave danger of collapsing if we have another record rainfall like…

Drake looked down at his phone and groaned as he saw the time.  If this meeting kept dragging on, like it showed every sign it would, it’d be long after dark before he got home and Ava would probably be asleep.  She didn’t make it much past nine o’clock these days.

He didn’t have the time or the patience for one of Olivia’s tantrums today

“Save the sob story for someone who cares, Nevrakis!” He growled as he slammed his palm onto the tabletop, “There’s not a goddamn person in this room, aside from you, who thinks that your being able to produce more of your shitty wine is more important than saving homes from being swept out to sea. The motion passed. Moving on.”


As the crowd trickled out of the boardroom, Maxwell had to break into a jog to catch up with Liam and Drake.

He flung his arm around Drakes shoulder, earning him a dark look.  “Beaumont.” Drake said by way of greeting, “When did you become head of your house?”

Max flashed him a wide grin, “Bertrand and Savannah went away on a romantic getaway for a few days, so…”  He flung his arms wide, “You get me.”

“Lucky us.” Drake muttered under his breath.  

Liam gave him a jab in the ribs with his elbow as he smiled at Maxwell.  “It is indeed our pleasure to have you join in the council meeting. Did you find it interesting?”

“Fascinating!” Maxwell enthused,  He smirked at Drake, “The best part was when you gave Olivia that verbal smackdown.  Did you see her face?!” He let out a loud laugh and clapped Drake on the back gleefully, “She looked like a guppy, standing there with her mouth opening and closing with nothing coming out.  It was Awesome!”

Liam shook his head, a slight smile playing on his lips “You know you’re going to pay for that, right?” He asked Drake mildly.

“Oh yeah.”

When they reached the Kings study, they paused. “Nightcap gentlemen?” Liam asked rhetorically, as he moved inside and crossed to the bar cart, filling three tumblers with ice.

Maxwell followed Liam inside but Drake just leaned against the doorframe.

“Not tonight.” He said, shaking his head, “Gotta get home.”

Liam’s brow furrowed in concern as he looked at his friend.  When Drake turned down a glass of whiskey, something was up. Especially after that marathon meeting. Normally he would’ve been pouring the drinks himself by now.

“Is everything okay, Drake?”

“Yeah, yeah…everything’s fine. I just…” His face broke into a sheepish grin.  “It’s been six weeks is all.”

Liam frowned, “Six weeks?”

“Yeah, y’know, since the baby was born.”

Liam nodded.  It seemed odd to celebrate a six week birthday, but he chalked it up to an American thing.  They had so many strange customs it was hard to keep track of them all.

Liam smiled happily at Drake, “Well happy six week birthday to Emelia!”

Drake laughed and nodded his head.  “Thanks.” He had no intention of explaining this to Liam right now, especially not with Maxwell in the room.

“So…I’m gonna go.”

“Drake and Ava couldn’t have sex for six weeks after Emelia was born.” Maxwell announced, taking a gulp of his whiskey and grimacing as it burned its way down his esophagus, “But tonight they can.  He needs to go home to bang his wife.”

Maxwell grinned and waggled his eyebrows at Drake.

Drake’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Maxwell, “Do I even want to know how in the hell you know this?”

“Ava told me.”

Drake let out a loud sigh and nodded.  Of course she did. She told Maxwell every damn thing.

He threw his hands in the air, “Okay.  You got me. Now you know.” He pointed to the door, “So I’m just gonna…”

“Six weeks?” Liam asked incredulously, “You and Ava haven’t had relations in six whole weeks?”

Drake rolled his eyes, “I mean we’ve done other stuff…It’s not like we haven’t…” He shook his head, “Nope.  Not doing this. I’m leaving.”

“Have fun!” Maxwell called to his retreating back, “Make sure to use protection!”


The drive back to Valtoria from the capital was the longest he could ever remember.  When he finally pulled into the driveway is was nearly an hour past the time he told Ava he’d be home.  He just prayed she was still up, because as much as he wanted her, he’d never have the heart to wake her.  She got little enough sleep as it was these days.

Ava’s eyes were heavy as she fought to stay awake.  Drake had called an hour ago to tell her that he’d be home soon, but there was still no sign of him.  She looked at the clock. Emelia would be awake in another hour for her 10 o’clock feeding. She let out a little sigh and rested her head on the arm of the couch, her eyes fluttering shut.

She wasn’t sure how long she’d been asleep when she heard Drakes Jeep pull into the driveway. She jumped up and ran to the main hall, pausing for a moment at the gilt mirror to fluff her hair, smooth down her nightgown and pinch her cheeks to bring a little color to them before she heard his footsteps pounding up the front steps.

Drake opened the front door to find Ava waiting for him in the Foyer.  

He inhaled sharply as his eyes drank her in.  She was wearing a short silky negligee the same vivid shade of blue as her sapphire eyes.  Her breasts, at least a full cup size larger since the baby, spilled over lace decolletage top. She wore her hair loose, cascading over her bare shoulders as she gazed back at him, her plump bottom lip caught between her teeth.

“You’re still up.”  He said, as his hand went to his tie, slowly loosening it.

Ava nodded and took a step toward him, then another…suddenly she was running across the marble floor toward him.  Drake opened his arms as she launched herself at him, catching her easily. Her legs wrapped around Drake’s waist, as his hands went automatically to the luscious globes of her ass, holding her in place as they kissed hungrily.

Finally Ava pulled her head back and gazed down into his face.  She slid her fingers lightly through his hair. “Welcome home.” she said softly.

“I’m so sorry I’m late.  The meeti…” His words were cut off when she pressed her finger to his lips.


Ava leaned forward until he could feel her warm breath on his lips. “Just take me to bed” She whispered.

Drake crushed their mouths together in a deep, hard kiss, then without warning, hoisted her up over his shoulder.

Ava let out a squeal of surprise when she found herself hanging upside down  “Drake!” She laughed, “Put me down!”

Drake gave her ass a playful slap.  “Shhhh! Keep it down, woman. Wake that baby and we’re done for!”

He took the stairs two at a time and strode down the hallway as her tiny fists pounded futilely against his back.  When he reached their bedroom, he kicked the door open and tossed her gently onto the downy center of their King sized bed.   

She pushed herself up onto her elbows as she gave him a sultry look.  Her cheeks were flushed, her lips swollen from his kisses, her dark hair a riot of dark curls around her shoulders.  

She looked like an angel.

An angel that was about to get fucked good and hard, he thought with a grin

“What are you smiling about?”

“I just love you, that’s all.”

“I love you too, baby.”   Ava bit her bottom lip and gazed up at him through her long, dark lashes, “So why aren’t you naked yet?”

Drake yanked his tie the rest of the way off and threw it to the ground.  His dress shirt, t-shirt and pants quickly followed. In seconds, he was standing in front of her, completely naked and fully erect. “Better?” He asked, quirking a brow at her.

Ava licked her lips and nodded, “Yes. Much.”

Drake crawled slowly onto the bed until he reached her.  He lowered himself over her, capturing her mouth in a hot, hungry kiss, their tongues tangling together, hands roaming over each others bodies as they made out like horny teen-agers.  Ava hooked her leg over his hip, pulling him close until she could feel his hard length pressed tightly against her throbbing core.

“Drake.” She sighed into his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. He rocked against her and she moaned.  That sound set his blood on fire. He swore he could feel her cries of pleasure pulse through his own veins, burning their way through him, scorching all of his nerve endings.

He slid his lips from her mouth to her neck, where he could feel her pulse fluttering rapidly against his tongue as he trailed a path down her neck and over her collarbone until he reached the hollow between her breasts.

His hands found her hips and he inched the silky fabric upwards until he exposed her tiny lace thong.  His rough fingers pushed the scrap of fabric down over her hips until she wiggled the rest of the way out of them, kicking them away. Drake ran his fingertips across the smooth expanse of freshly waxed skin until he found the thin strip of downy hair that she’d left just for his pleasure. He ghosted his fingers downward, following the trail until he reached her entrance. She was already dripping wet and ready for him, just as he knew she would be. He slid two fingers inside of her and curled them upwards as his thumb found her tiny bundle of nerve endings. She gasped and arched against his hand as he stroked her with an expert touch.  His eyes never left hers as he thrust his fingers into her, slowly at first…then harder and faster as he brought her closer and closer to her release. Avas eyes began to flutter shut as her breathing became more labored.

“Open your eyes.” He commanded softly, “I want you looking at me when I make you come.”

Ava’s eyes flew open and she stared at him intently as her hand darted out to grab his wrist, holding it tightly in place while she arched into his hand. “Oh God…Draaaaake.” She cried as her vision dimmed and then exploded in a firestorm of bright white lights.

She collapsed back onto the bed, her chest heaving as Drake stroked the gentle curve of her hip, peppering soft kisses across the side of her face, down her neck and over her shoulder until her breathing returned to normal.

“You good?” he murmured against her flushed skin.

“Never better.” She sighed.

Drake lifted his head and gave her a sexy smirk, “That sounds like a challenge.” He shifted his body down on the bed and began pressing a trail of fiery kisses across her stomach.

“Drake.” She said breathily, as her fingers wound through his hair, gripping it tightly. “No.” She gave a sharp tug, and he raised his head, a confused frown marring his handsome face.

“What’s wrong?”

“I can’t wait anymore.” She cried, her voice sounding desperate even to her own ears, but she was past the point of caring.  “I need you inside me right now.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” He growled as he moved his body over hers.  She felt him pressing into her belly and felt a rush of moisture between her legs.

God, how she’d missed this. She ached to feel his hard, warm body pressed against hers.  She craved the way he touched her…filled her…stretched her…

When she felt his hand on her thigh, gently spreading her legs, she let out a loud sigh of anticipation.  She felt the tip of his gorgeous cock pressing against her…

Her eyes flew open. “Wait!”

Drake froze, his eyes wide as he pulled away from her, “What’s wrong?  I’m sorry! Are you okay? Did I hurt you…”

Ava shook her head. “No…It’s just…” she gave him a sheepish look, “You need to wear a condom.”

Drake sat back on his knees, confusion etched on his face “Seriously?”

Ava nodded, “Yeah.”

“Since when?”

“Since I’m nursing and can’t take my birth control anymore.”

“Ohhhh.” Drake nodded and let out a dejected sigh as he raked his fingers through his hair. “Right.”

Ava rolled her eyes at him, “Unless of course condoms are a dealbreaker, in which case we can just not have sex for the next eight months or so until she stops nursing.”

Drake’s head shot up and he gave her a horrified look, ‘No…fuck no!” He shrugged his shoulders, “It’s just…I didn’t know.  I don’t… have any.”

Ava giggled, “But I knew, silly.  Bedside table, top drawer.”

Drakes face broke into a relieved grin and he pressed a quick kiss against her forehead before leaning over and opening the drawer, retrieving the box.  

He raised an eyebrow at her, “Ribbed for her pleasure?”

Ava shrugged and batted her lashes at him.

Drake ripped the box open and pulled out a foil packet, “Trust me baby, you’ll have plenty of pleasure, but those ribs won’t have a fucking thing to do with it.”

He ripped the foil packet open with his teeth and made a show of smoothing it slowly over his thick, rigid cock, stroking it slowly as Ava watched, mesmerized.  When she was finally able to tear her eyes away, she looked up and met his burning gaze.

“I need you to fuck me right now.” She demanded.

Drake grabbed her by the hips and pulled her close.  He spread her legs wide and knelt between them, grabbing his length in one hand and sliding it through her dripping folds, teasing her until she bucked her hips upward, “Please.” She whimpered.

Drake smirked at her and continued to stroke her clit with the tip of his cock until she shuddered beneath him.  He’d waited a long damn time for this, he was going to savor every last second of it.

But Ava was less patient.  She reached out and grasped him firmly in her fist, drawing him close until he was pressed right where she needed him.  When Drake felt the heat radiating from her he knew he was done for. His fingers tightened on her hips and he pushed slowly into her, his groan mingling with hers as their bodies were finally joined together.  

Drake gave her a minute to get used to him, gazing into her eyes looking for any trace of pain or discomfort, any indication that she wasn’t enjoying this, but he saw nothing in her expression but pure bliss.  “You okay baby?” He asked gently

Mnnnn.” She hummed as her fingernails grazed his thigh, “Better than alright.”  

Satisfied, Drake started to move, pushing into her slowly, gently until she started bucking her hips upwards, meeting him thrust for thrust urging him to move faster, deeper…harder.

Ava’s eyes rolled back into her head and she arched against him, driving him deeper still.

“Oh God.” Ava cried, “Baby…yes. So good.  So fucking good.”

Drake closed his eyes and ground his teeth together.  It had been too fucking long. She felt too good. He knew he wasn’t going to last long and tried desperately to think of something, anything to take his mind off how fucking amazing she felt wrapped around him. Anything that would drown out the sounds of pleasure she made as she got closer and closer to coming all over his cock. Anything that would block out that sexy look on her face as she begged him to fuck her, harder, harder…harder!

He started mentally reciting football statistics in his head as he reached down to push her knees up to her chest, sliding in even deeper, thrusting into her hard and fast, his balls slapping against her ass as his own breath escaped his lungs in desperate bursts.  His hand slid between her legs and he felt her clit, swollen under his fingertips. It took only a few well-placed strokes on the sensitive nub and she was screaming out his name as she tightened around him, her juices drenching the sheets beneath them. He nearly cried out in relief when he could finally allow himself to give into his body’s own urges…

Suddenly the room was filled with a piercing wail. Drake froze and both he and Ava whipped their head to the side to stare in horror at the baby monitor.

Noooooo.” Drake stared down at Ava.

“Keep going.” She said encouraging, “She’s fine.  She can wait a minute.”

Drake nodded and began moving again, but he couldn’t seem to block the sound from his head. It grew louder, shriller…angrier by the second.  His thrusts slowed until they finally stopped.  He hung his head in defeat and rolled off Ava, flinging his arm over his eyes as he fought to regain his breath and quell the throbbing ache in his balls.

There was no boner killer in the world quite like the ear-splitting cry of a newborn.

He reached down and yanked off the unused condom, flinging it across the room in frustration.

Ava rolled over and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “I’ll feed her real quick and settle her down and then we’ll pick this right up where we left off, okay baby?”

“Yup.” He sighed

Ava kissed him again and sprang from the bed, pulling on her robe and tying the belt as she hurried from the room.

After a minute he could hear Ava on the baby monitor, her voice low and soothing as she tried to calm Emelia. “Shhhh, my love.” She cooed, “It’s okay, mama’s here.”

Drake smiled despite himself and removed his arm from his eyes, turning his head to the monitor.  

“You have spectacularly bad timing, my sweet.” She gave a little chuckle, “You really are a Walker, it must be a family trait.  Your daddy has it too. But it’s okay, because thanks to his terrible timing, we have the most beautiful little girl in the world.”

Drake laughed out loud and rolled his eyes.  That was up for debate. In his view, Emelia was the direct result of Ava forgetting to bring her birth control pills on a week long camping trip.  It had been a joint effort at best.

Drake smiled and closed his eyes as the sound of Ava’s soft, soothing voice lulled their daughter back to sleep.


He awoke with a start as he felt Ava’s soft hand travelling up his thigh.

“Baby, what are you doing?” He whispered, his voice thick with sleep.

“Picking up where we left off, “ She purred as her hand began stroking him, “As promised.”

Drake shook his head, “Nah. It’s okay, you don’t have to…”

Ava crawled up the bed until they were nose to nose. “There is no way you’re sleeping tonight until we see this thing through.  So man up, Walker. You have work to do.”

Drake chuckled and grabbed her around the waist, rolling them over until she was pinned beneath him.  She smiled in satisfaction as she felt him growing hard against her thigh.

“I think you’re the one who has work to do, wife.”  He raised one brow at her, “I’m pretty sure I already did my part. Several times.”

“Fair point.”  Ava agreed with a smirk as she slid her hand down the rigid plane of his stomach, her fingertips dancing over his tight abs, down over his abdomen until she reached her prize.  She closed her hand around his length and began pumping slowly, running her thumb over the head how she knew he liked it, until his eyes closed and his breathing hitched.

“Feel good baby?”

“Mmm.” His tongue darted out of his mouth, wetting his lips as his hips bucked against her hand.

Ava bent to take him in her mouth and Drake groaned, his hand going immediately to her hair, sliding through the silken strands until he had a handful. She circled her tongue slowly, sensually around the swollen head, lapping up the beads of precome that were leaking from him, before taking him deep into her throat. She moaned around his cock and he felt the vibrations radiate straight to his balls.  His grip in her hair tightened slightly as he thrust gently against her lips. She tilted her head up and found him staring back at her intently with a burning look in his eyes that sent a jolt of electricity straight to her core.

“Are you ready to fuck me, baby?” She asked, biting her lip seductively.

“You better fucking believe it.” He growled, sitting up quickly and pulling her into his arms as his mouth crashed against hers. She bit down lightly on his bottom lip, sucking on it gently as she pressed close to him, grinding against his thigh.

She pulled away suddenly, leaving Drake bewildered and gasping for breath, until he saw her reach for the drawer.  He flopped back against the pillows and closed his eyes, smiling when he heard the sound of the foil packet being torn open.

He felt Ava slide it onto his dick and opened his eyes to watch as she positioned him at her entrance and rocked her hips forward. He slid inside her warm waiting pussy and he swore to God he heard the angels sing.  There wasn’t a better feeling in the world than being inside this woman, and no one would ever be able to convince him otherwise.

They locked eyes as she began to rock back and forth against him.  Drake reached up to cup the back of her head in his strong hand and pulled her mouth to his, kissing her deep and hard as she rode him.  Ava pushed him back onto the pillows and she braced her hands on his chest as she took control, bucking her hips against his, grinding down against him over and over until her breathing was ragged, and they were both covered in a fine layer of sweat.  

“Drake.” She panted, “Baby…I’m so close.”  

“Good girl.” He whispered, as his hand stroked her back, “I’m close too. Come with me, baby.”

“Yes”  She whimpered, yes…yes!”

Drake grabbed her hips so tightly she was sure she’d have bruises in the morning.  But she didn’t care. She was his and he was hers, their bodies moving as one as they brought each other to the edge and tumbled over it together.

“Drake!” she cried, her walls tightened around him, triggering his release

‘Ava…Ava..Avaaaa….” Her name spilled from Drake’s lips like a mantra as his body shuddered underneath hers.

She collapsed against him and they shared as slow, languorous kiss as their bodies melted together.  Ava laid her head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart as he stroked her hair gently. With a little mewl of contentment Ava closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep, wrapped tightly in her husbands strong arms.

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