Slip of the Tongue

Slip of the Tongue
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- Sometimes stories just pop into your head and go away. I had no intention of writing Matt smut. I am still mad at Matt. Sabrina is still mad at Matt. But my muse apparently didn’t care and this idea wouldn’t go away. It’s set sometime after the end of Tender Nothings.

Pairing- Matt/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- During a heated moment with Matt, Sabrina blurts out three words that change everything.

Words- 972

“I love you.”

The words came out before I could stop them and the moment I say them, I freeze, mortified. Did I really just say that?

Matt stilled, his hands no longer working their magic on my body and the look on his face was unreadable. A feeling of dread knotted in my stomach. Had I ruined everything? After all, we definitely weren’t at that level yet. Our relationship wasn’t even really defined. We’d worked together and we were having a lot of sex on a regular basis. Mind-blowing sex, but we’d never talked commitment or defining our relationship let alone saying ‘I love you’.

“I’m sorry,” I said in a panic, wondering how to fix the situation.

Matt was still leaning over me, staring into my face and I wished he would say something, anything. Even if it was just to say it was too soon, that he wasn’t ready, it would be easier to hear than this silence. “Do you mean it?” The question was quiet, but I could hear the seriousness behind it.

I paused. I could say ‘no’, that it had been a heat of the moment thing brought on by the wonderful things he’d been doing to my body. If I did that, it would probably be awkward, but we could laugh it off and go on as normal. But…

I hesitated because it hit me that I did mean it. I love him. I was in love with him. And not because he was one of the sexiest men on the planet and I’d had a crush on him for years, but because he was Matt. My Matt. Except he wasn’t mine, not really, and yet…

“Yes,” I said softly, biting my lip. “I love you, Matteo Rodriguez.”

I expected him to pull back, to get distant and tell me it was too soon. I was steeling myself for disappointment and heartbreak. But he didn’t do that. Instead, the most tender expression came over his face and then, the next thing I knew he was kissing me so deeply that he was all I could feel. When he finally broke the kiss, he stared into my eyes.

“I love you,” he told me, “I’ve never said those words to anyone who wasn’t family before. Could never imagine them saying to someone else, not until now, not until you.”

Oh. Ohhh. Oh. Matt’s hands resumed their previous movements and his lips began to trail down my body.

“I love you,” he repeated as his mouth found my breasts, “I love you,” his hands parted my thighs and his tongue swirled around my nipple. “I love you.” I moaned at his touch. It felt so good and his words just made it better. “I never thought I’d find someone like you,” Matt whispered against my skin, “but I am so glad I did.”

His mouth traveled lower, sucking on my sensitive nub as he pumped his fingers inside of me. It felt so good. So perfect.

“Matt!” I screamed as I came, my hips rising off the bed.

“That’s it, baby,” Matt encouraged, “I love seeing you like that. Knowing that you are mine.”

“I am,” I agreed, though the acknowledgment made me feel vulnerable.

“And I’m yours,” Matt promised me, gazing into my eyes. “If you want me.”

“I do,” I assured him, unable to believe this was real, “I want you so much.” I meant that in more ways than one. I wanted Matt at that moment, but I also wanted so much more. I wanted things I’d never dared dream I could find with a man like Matt Rodriguez.

“Baby, I’m yours,” Matt promised and then he was inside of me and it felt so good. I moved in time with him, never having felt so connected to anyone before. Sex with Matt was always incredible, but this… This was different.

Matt seemed to feel it too because his eyes never left mine as we moved unison, neither of us in a rush. Soon, our movements because more hurried, less even and I could feel the pressure building in me, could see it in his face and then Matt slipped his hand between us, rubbing my clit. “Come with me, baby,” he urged, gazing into my eyes.

The combination of words and sensation were all I needed and I whimpered as the orgasm built. Matt covered my mouth with his, kissing me deeply as we came together, the kiss swallowing our sounds of pleasure.

Afterward, Matt rolled onto his back, taking me with him and cradling me against his chest tenderly. “I love you,” he said again, his hands running over my back.

“I love you too,” I assured him, snuggling into him. Then I paused, not wanting to ruin the moment, but needing assurance. “What does this mean? For us. We never defined…”

“You are the only woman I want,” Matt assured me, “the only one I can imagine ever wanting again. I’m all in, Sabrina. Those words aren’t something I say lightly and this isn’t casual for me, it never was. I hope you feel the same way.”

“I do,” I told him instantly. “I just didn’t want to hope. I mean, you’re you and I’m…”

“You’re you,” Matt said simply, tightening his arms around me, “you’re Sabrina, the sweetest, most thoughtful, talented woman I’ve ever met. The woman who takes my breath away every day. The woman I love.”

I knew I’d never get sick of hearing those words. If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up. I wanted to stay in this place forever. I had never been happier about my tendency to blurt out the wrong thing than I was in this moment because this time the wrong thing to say had turned out very right.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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