Small Intimacies

Small Intimacies
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is part of my 1000 followers drabble. This is set after the wedding.

Pairing- Liam/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Liam and Eleanor share a small moment of intimacy before a court function.

Words- 355

“Do you need a hand?” Liam asked as he finished doing up his cufflinks and then turned to me.

I nodded, “yes, please.”

Liam crossed the room and then helped me into my gown, his hands gentle as he straightened it and then pulled up the zipper.

“If only the court could see you now,” I teased, “the King of Cordonia acting as a ladies maid. I actually overheard Lady Helene comment how scandalous it was that I refused to keep a ladies maid and just who was helping me dress then.”

“Your very lucky husband,” Liam answered placing a tender kiss on my shoulder before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me from behind, “and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Me either,” I told him, leaning into his embrace.

I figured that of all the ways I could scandalize the court, this one was pretty minor. I didn’t want a ladies maid, I didn’t want anyone intruding in the one private space Liam and I had managed to carve out for ourselves and Liam agreed, so he dutifully took on the role of helping me dress instead (and Hana filled in on the rare occasions Liam and I were apart) and it was perfect. Not only did we not have to share our space with outsiders, but we got to have these wonderful, intimate moments, just the two of us.

“Besides, it’s only right that I help you into your gown,” Liam added in a teasing tone, “since I’m also the one who gets to help you out of it.”

I laughed and turned in his embrace, kissing him briefly. “That you are.”

Liam held me for a moment, his hands resting on my back, and then let me go. “However, before I get that pleasure, we have a ball to attend.” He held out his hand. “My Queen, will you do the honor of letting me escort you?”

“Of course, my king,” I said, taking his hand and together we exited our bedroom, ready to assume our royal duties, something that was made easier by the small, private moments that went before.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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