So Much to Lose

So Much to Lose
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Pairing- Diavolos/Kenna

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Kenna is reminded of how fragile life is when Diavolos is wounded.

Words- 1432

Kenna was in the midst of a meeting with a bunch of Abanethean nobles when the door suddenly burst open and Magnus, Diavolos’s captain of the guard, strode in with Jackson right on his heels. A feeling of dread washed over Kenna at the looks on their faces.

She started to ask what was wrong, but Magnus spoke before she could.  “Your majesty,” Magnus began, “if I can have a word?”

Kenna could see the nobles exchanging looks, obviously wondering what was happening. She was wondering that herself and none of her thoughts were good. Something bad had happened. But Magnus was obviously trying to avoid causing a panic and Kenna knew to follow his example.

“Of course,” Kenna said, struggling to stay calm as she attempted to get to her feet, though that wasn’t an easy feat these days. Jackson offered her a hand, which she took and then in silence the three of them exited the meeting room.

“What’s happened to Diavolos?” Kenna demanded as soon as they were out of earshot of the nobles. She knew her husband had to be injured, it was the only reason Magnus would have been the one to come fetch her.

Besides, the reason she had been meeting with the nobles alone was that Magnus, Diavolos and a few soldiers were riding out to investigate reports of civil unrest north of Lykos. Magnus’s presence without Diavolos meant something that happened.

“We were jumped,” Magnus explained in a low voice, “we were outnumbered, but fought them off. The King took a knife wound to his side.”

Kenna went pale. “Is he ok?”

“He’ll be fine,” Magnus assured her, “I’ve seen him take similar wounds and go straight back into battle.”

Kenna glowered at him, she didn’t find that particularly reassuring. “I want to see him now,” she told the two men.

“He’s in the infirmary,” Jackson told her, “Annelyse is with him.”

Kenna nodded and turned on her heel and headed in that direction as fast as she could. As she got close, she could hear her husband cursing and smiled despite herself.

“Diavolos,” she cried, rushing to his side.

He smiled, though Kenna could tell it took some effort, “just a scratch, my love, no reason to worry.”

Annelyse rolled her eyes, “it was not just a scratch and he’s being incredibly stubborn. He’d already scared off one healer when I arrived.”

Kenna laughed despite the seriousness of the situation, her husband was a terrible patient. “How bad is it?” She asked Annelyse, ignoring Diavolos’s protests.

“Honestly, he got lucky because the knife missed hitting anything vital,” her friend said, “but he still lost a lot of blood. I’d like him to stay in bed for the next few days. I’ll also want to check that wound in the morning.”

“I have a kingdom to run,” Diavolos objected, “I can’t just stay in bed for days.”

“Your sister and Tevan arrive tomorrow,” Kenna reminded him, the Fydorian royal couple had insisted they wanted to be on hand for the impending birth, “I’m sure they can be called on to step in and help.”

Diavolos made a face, “if that’s supposed to be reassuring, it’s not. I remember the kind of messes Zenobia can create.”

“Yes, but she has Tevan to keep her in line,” Kenna reminded him, “besides at least this way she’ll be occupied and out of your hair.”

Kenna turned to Annelyse. “Does he need to stay in the infirmary,” Diavolos began to protest but Kenna just kept talking over him, “or can he rest in our quarters?”

“I wouldn’t dare try to keep him here,” Annelyse said dryly, “your quarters will be fine.”

“Thank you Annelyse,” Kenna said warmly, “I’m glad you’re here to help.”

Annelyse had arrived in Lykos the day before since Kenna’s time was getting closer and Annelyse wanted to be there to help with the delivery, like she had with Leon.

The Aurelian woman leaned over and gave her a hug, “happy to help. Just remember, you need to take it easy too.”

“I will,” Kenna promised, “do you think you can check on Leon for me?” She asked her friend, “he’s with his nurse, but normally I take him to play…”

“Well then, I think some auntie time is in order,” Annelyse assured her, “you make sure Diavolos gets the rest I need and I’ll look after Leon.”

“Thank you,” Kenna said again, “I appreciate it.” She would go check on her son, later, of course, but right now she wanted to focus on Diavolos. She turned to her husband. “Do you need help getting upstairs?”

“I’m not going to lean on my very pregnant wife for support,” Diavolos told her flatly, “I don’t want to put you under that strain.”

Kenna fought the urge to argue, knowing he was just being protective, so instead, she offered, “I could get Magnus or Jackson.”

Diavolos shot her a look, letting her know what he thought about that idea.

“Or not,” Kenna said, though she privately thought he was being stubborn. It was obvious that walking was painful from the sharp intakes of breath and the way he winced with every step, but when Kenna moved to wrap her arm around him, he waved her away. Stubborn bastard.

Eventually, they made it to their quarters, once they were, Diavolos did allow Kenna to help him undress. “I’ll never say no to you getting me out of my clothes,” Diavolos joked.

Kenna just rolled her eyes, he would never change. Not that she wanted him too, he wouldn’t be Diavolos if he wasn’t that perfect combination of infuriating and endearing.

“You’re going to have another scar,” Kenna said lightly, looking at the bandage and trying not to think how it could have been so much worse. She could have lost him today.

“It’s been almost four years since the last one, I guess I was due,” Diavolos joked as he climbed into the bed.

“Do you need anything?” Kenna asked him, standing at the edge of the bed.

“You,” Diavolos said simply, motioning to the space beside him.

Kenna was about to make a joke about how neither of them were in any condition for that, but the look on Diavolos’s face stopped her. There was something so sweet and vulnerable in his expression and it made her melt.

“Of course,” she said instead, quickly getting undressed, or as quickly as she did anything these days, and climbed in beside him.

Diavolos immediately gathered her into his arms, wincing as he did so.

“Careful,” Kenna chided, “you don’t want to make it worse.”

“I need to hold you,” he told her, kissing her shoulder.

“What happened?” Kenna asked after a moment, “Magnus didn’t give me any details.”

“There isn’t much to say,” Diavolos dismissed, “we found the dissenters, who obviously knew we were coming. They attempted to ambush us, we took them out, but not before one of them got lucky.”

Kenna shuddered, thinking that Diavolos was the one who had gotten lucky. “Have they been taken care of?”

“Yes,” Diavolos said coldly and Kenna knew they were all dead. She couldn’t bring herself to care, not when they could have easily killed her husband. “Do you think we’ll have any more problems?” She asked curiously.

“I doubt it,” Diavolos answered, “this group didn’t seem well organized.” He rested his hands on her stomach and kissed her shoulder gently. “I really am going to be ok, Kenna.”

“Good,” she said, placing her hands over his, “because you have a family that needs you. These aren’t the old days, Diavolos, you can’t recklessly take on a dozen men at once without a care in the world because you think your purpose is fighting your father’s war until it kills you.”

“I know,” Diavolos assured her, “but I can’t stay hidden inside the castle walls, either, no more than you can. I took a calculated risk today, Kenna, and I’d do it again.”

Kenna knew he was right. She had made lots of questionable choices in her life because it was the right thing to do. It didn’t make it any easier though.

“You should really get some rest,” Kenna advised after a moment.

“Hmmm…” Diavolos agreed and she could hear the exhaustion in his voice, “don’t go.”

“I won’t,” Kenna promised, in a soothing voice, “I’ll be right here, I promise, for as long as you need me.”

“That’ll be forever,” Diavolos murmured sleepily.

“Mmmm….” Kenna agreed as she closed her eyes, realizing how tired she was, “that’s the plan.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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