Something in Common

Something in Common
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This was inspired by the diamond scene in Chapter 3 and the revelation of Maxwell’s tattoo. I really related to it, because I have a tattoo that I got in my father’s memory and I thought it was so sweet that Maxwell had one for the same reason. Since my backstory for Eleanor involves both her parents being killed, I thought it would be a good bonding opportunity for her and Maxwell. I think this is my first time writing a Maxwell story (or even a story where Maxwell had more than one or two lines).

Pairing- Minor Liam/MC, Maxwell/MC friendship (and maybe a tiny hint of something more)

Rating- PG-13

Summary- After learning the story behind Maxwell’s tattoo, Eleanor shares the story behind hers.

Words- 864

“Maxwell, wait,” I said after Bertrand had left my room, but before Maxwell could do the same.

He turned to me with a smile, “what’s up, Eleanor?”

“I wanted to show you something,” I told him and started to undo my jeans.

His eyes widened. “Um… Eleanor, what…”

“It’s not like that,” I assured him with a laugh. I pushed the material just enough so that he could see my hip and the simple rose tattoo that rested there.

“Oh…” Maxwell said, looking at it carefully. He started to reach out to touch it and then realized what he was doing and froze, blushing slightly.

“My parents were killed a few years ago,” I told him quietly, doing my jeans back up, “and I got this tattoo on the first anniversary of their death. The red rose was my mom’s favorite flower and it was their wedding flower. My dad bought her roses for every important occasion. In front of our house in Connecticut, we even had a rose bush that they planted the day they brought me home from the hospital. It seemed like the most fitting way to honor them.”

I didn’t talk about my parents very much because it still hurt but when Maxwell had told the story behind his tattoo, I’d felt the need to share my own story, I had just wanted to do it in private.

As much as I cared about Drake, Hana, and Liam, they didn’t need to know it. Not yet, anyway. Liam would hear the story someday, when we had a chance to share intimate details with one another instead of just savoring stolen moments, and maybe, one day I’d tell the others, but for now, Maxwell was the one I wanted to share that part of myself with.

“Thank you for telling me, Eleanor,” Maxwell said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. “So you don’t think my tattoo is ridiculous?”

“No, I think it’s sweet,” I assured him, “it’s a great way to honor your mom.”

“And your tattoo is a great way to honor your parents,” he assured me and then made a face, “but I wouldn’t tell Bertrand about it.”

I laughed, “don’t worry, the only two people in Cordonia who know I have a tattoo are you and Liam.”

Maxwell’s eyes widened at that information and he dropped my hand. It was obvious that he was thinking about where my tattoo was hidden and the fact that it had been concealed when he’d seen me in a bathing suit…

“You and Liam…” He began and then trailed off, “sorry, that’s none of my business.” He paused, looking concerned. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. I mean, we’re going to fix this and expose who did this to you and find a way for you and Liam to be together, but until then, he is engaged….”

“I know,” I told him, though I wasn’t sure I was actually going to be able to turn Liam down if the opportunity presented itself. I didn’t want to be the other woman, but… I loved Liam so much. “It was before…” I assured Maxwell, “the night of the Coronation Ball, actually.”

I wasn’t sure if I should be telling him that, but… What was the harm? I trusted Maxwell, besides it wasn’t like I was telling him the gory details.

“Oh…” Maxwell said, trailing off. He looked away for a moment as if he couldn’t bear to meet my eyes, and then he let out a deep breath and looked at me sympathetically. “This situation really sucks.”

I smiled weakly. “It really does.”

He gave me a hug and I leaned against him, thinking how comforting his arms were. For all his quirks, Maxwell had been my rock these past few months and I didn’t know what I’d do without him.

“I probably should go back to my own room,” he said after a moment, “we don’t want people getting the wrong idea, even if you are part of our house.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, “besides Bertrand expects us to be up bright and early to investigate this.”

“We’ve got this,” Maxwell assured me, once again his usual enthusiastic self. He headed to leave but paused when he reached the door and turned back to look at me, “thank you for sharing your story, Eleanor, it means a lot to me.”

I smiled, “it meant a lot to me that you shared your story with us. Plus it’s nice that we have something in common, isn’t it?”

He smiled again, not one of his normal cheerful smiles, but one that was almost shy. “Yeah, it is.”

He looked like he wanted to say something and I waited, but he stayed silent and then after a moment he turned back to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Eleanor.” He said before closing the door behind him.

I watched him go, thinking, not for the first time, how much there was about Maxwell I didn’t know and wondering what he hid behind that smiling, enthusiastic exterior. I also wondered if he’d ever trust me enough to truly open up and what exactly was holding him back…

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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