Something New

Author’s Note: Normally I tend to go for the dark, brooding male love interest in the Choices books (hello, Flynn?!?!), but for some reason in VoS I just cannot get over what a badass knockout Naomi is.  After the fireworks scene last week I got the idea for this little fic and needed to write it down.  And I’m not going to lie, I’m a little nervous to publish this!  It’s definitely more angsty and less fluffy than my usual stuff, so I’m interested to hear what you guys think.  Thanks for reading! 😉


Marin sat alone at the empty banquet table, twirling a fork between her fingers to distract herself.  After Bryce’s grand fireworks finale, the police had shooed most of the partygoers away.  The only people remaining were the staff as they cleared out the mess in the banquet tent, the police as they looked for any evidence at the scene, and Marin.  She should have gone with Flynn when he offered to take her home instead of waiting here, alone and confused, for Naomi.

Her mind was a flurry of questions and emotions, trying to piece through the moments leading up to the accident.  The whole scene had been horrific, Bryce thrown from the platform, a shrill scream echoing through the crowd as he catapulted in the air engulfed in flames.  Luckily he had landed in the water and the fire was immediately extinguished, but he had suffered some severe burns and bruises in the chaos. Marin has gasped in horror at the explosion, Naomi placing a protective arm around her shoulder and rubbing her arm to comfort her.  The paramedics had arrived quickly (because of course this city was always at the Sterlings’ beck and call) and rushed Bryce off to the hospital for a thorough examination.  As the police started clearing the scene, Naomi had met up with the rest of her team to assist in the investigation.  She had encouraged Marin to go, a look of remorse and concern in her eyes, but Marin had insisted on waiting.  She just couldn’t bring herself to leave her yet tonight.

Now sitting alone amongst the wait staff, Marin’s mind replayed the events of earlier that day and night.  She recalled the scared look on Kate’s face as that jackass Walsh cuffed her and read her her rights, Marin watching helplessly as the scene unfolded before her.  She and Naomi had only just found her dear friend who had been through such a traumatic experience, to be pulled away again so soon … But despite everything horrible she had witnessed this week, Marin couldn’t help as her thoughts wandered back to that moment underneath the fireworks when Naomi’s lips pressed against her own.  She felt dizzy and her body tingled at the memory, the unexpected jolt of electricity she experienced as their lips finally found each other’s.  

Marin had never even considered being attracted to another woman … she had always found herself falling for the strong, brooding males that made her feel safe and desired.  Within moments of meeting Flynn a few days ago she had felt the instant attraction, finding herself drawn to this stereotypical embodiment of her ‘type.’  But what she hadn’t expected was the pull to someone else, someone completely opposite of Flynn.  And somewhere between her initial impression of this strong-willed female cop and their whispered confessions in a deserted cabin during a thunderstorm, Marin had found herself beguiled by Naomi Silverhawk.

“I think we’re almost wrapped up here.”  Naomi startled Marin as she approached her from behind, causing her to jump to her feet in alarm.  She looked up at the statuesque figure in front of her, averting her stare as if Naomi would be able to read her thoughts.  “If you can give me a minute, I can walk you back to the B&B?”  Naomi’s voice wavered a bit as she spoke.

Marin glanced back to Naomi’s eyes, immediately falling prey to their warm caramel color as she stared back.  Her stomach fluttered with butterflies, but her body instantly relaxed as she gazed into those deep pools.  “I’d like that.  I’ll just be waiting outside.”  Naomi gave a shy grin and nodded before walking back to her team.

A few moments later Marin stood outside the tent leaning against a large tree, watching as Naomi approached.  Her brow was furrowed in thought as she stared down at the ground in front of her, her hands working to roll up the sleeves of her long-sleeved t-shirt to her elbows.  Her sleek, dark hair glistened under the lights around the the tent, a few loose strands falling out of her signature ponytail to graze her eyes.  Marin hadn’t realized she had stopped breathing until Naomi was right in front of her, looking down at her with a warm smile and causing her to inhale sharply.  She pressed her lips together in a small smile, trying her hardest to act cool and casual as they set off towards the B&B where she was staying.

As they walked Naomi recapped the clues they’d found at the explosion site, a mish-mash of random items and signs that had no obvious correlation.  Marin listened intently as Naomi rattled on, a look of determination on her face as she worked through the puzzle out loud.  Marin usually loved puzzles, but tonight she couldn’t seem to focus on anything other than the fiery woman walking beside her.  As if reading her thoughts, Naomi glanced up suddenly and blushed.

“I’m sorry Marin, I didn’t mean to bore you with all these details.” She said apologetically.

Marin felt an instant pang of guilt. “No, no!”  She blurted out.  “I’m not bored at all!  I’m sorry, I’m just a little … distracted tonight.”  She looked down at her hands as she was wringing them against her belly.

Naomi didn’t respond at first and they walked in peaceful silence, the only sound to be heard was the crunching of gravel beneath their feet.  “I’m sure you’ve got a lot on your mind, Marin.  With Kate, finding Tanner, the horrific scene tonight …” her voice trailed off.

Marin inhaled deeply and then released the breath slowly as she pondered her next statement.  “Yes … I do have a lot on my mind.  I’m worried about Kate, of course.”  She stopped abruptly, eyes finally meeting Naomi’s as she turned around to face her.  The soft look of concern in Naomi’s eyes reassured her before she continued.  “I just can’t stop thinking about … that kiss.”  Marin paused, trying to read Naomi’s now-blank expression.

“Oh …” Naomi mumbled quietly, casting her eyes downward.

“In a good way!” Marin inserted quickly.   A look of relief washed across Naomi’s face as she met her stare again, a subtle smirk curling the corner of her lips.  ”I’ve just … never been into a woman before.  This is all very new to me.”

“I see …” Naomi continued to smirk but nodded her head in understanding.  “So you’re confused, I guess?”

“No … Yes … I’m not sure, to be honest.”  Marin sighed heavily, trying to process her own thoughts.  “Can I ask you, when did you first realize you were attracted to girls?”

“Well … I didn’t exactly.”  Naomi motioned ahead, questioning if it was okay to begin their advance again.  Marin smiled weakly and stepped forward, gradually matching her pace as they fell into a comfortable rhythm before Naomi continued.  “I never placed much importance on love and sex growing up, never even thought to identify myself as one thing or another.  But as I grew older, as a teenager, I found myself in close relationships with both boys and girls … and sometimes those relationships were romantic.”  She paused, gathering her thoughts to emphasize her point. “I’m attracted to a person for who they are, not for their gender.”

Marin mulled this admission over, trying to process it internally and compare to her own chaotic emotions.  “So, you’ve dated girls and guys then?”  

Naomi chuckled.  “Hmm, I guess you could say that. Although for the most part I’m a loner, I don’t go out looking for love.”  The two walked in comfortable retinence for a few moments, eyes straight ahead on the gravel path leading into the town center.  Finally Naomi spoke again.  “Look, Marin, I don’t want to be a confusion for you.  I understand if you need some space right now.”

Marin stopped again, eyes wide at Naomi’s suggestion.  “No!” She muttered softly.  “No, that’s not what I was suggesting at all.”

Naomi closed her eyes and inhaled sharply, blowing the air back out of her mouth as she released the tension that had been building.  When her eyes opened, they sparkled with hope.  “Good.  Because I really like you, Marin.  And I’d like to get to know you better if you’ll let me.”

“I like you, too Naomi.  I just … I hope you don’t mind being patient with me.”  Marin couldn’t fight the dopey grin on her lips as she beamed up at the beauty in front of her.

“I tell you what …” Naomi started, a playful smile on her mouth.  “Tonight, just let me walk you home.  But …” She reached down with her long, slender hand and grasped Marin’s smaller one in hers, entwining their fingers together.  “Is this okay?”

Marin looked down at their hands embracing, the warm tingly sensation of Naomi’s touch radiating up her arm and through her body.  Suddenly her mind cleared and all she felt was Naomi’s skin against hers and a feeling of contentment.  She smiled thoughtfully and looked back up to meet her stare.  “Yeah, this is great.”


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