soulmate au

summary: au where the first thing your soulmate will say to you is tattooed on your arm ((based on this post))
a/n: here i am again! this time with my absolute fave kind of fic, i’m a sucker for soulmate au

Ashley hated the whole soulmate crap. She truly did. Not because there was this one person destined for her and she had nothing to say about it- that wasn’t that big of a deal. What really was pissing her off was the concept of soulmate marks, especially her soulmate mark. While her friends had things like ‘you’re so beautiful, wow’, ‘i really hope you’re my soulmate because dAMN GIRL!’ or even ‘hi i now we’re two straight dudes but can you maybe kiss me?’ tattooed on their arms she was stuck with ‘fuck you!’ just fuck you. She could end up with literally anything but, of course, it had to be something as stupid as fuck you and for Ashley that was the worst thing in the whole world.

When her mark showed up, the day after her thirteenth birthday, she was grounded because of it. Most kids had their marks before they were ten so at this point, her parents were convinced she won’t have one and thought she was just pranking them and so for the next month, she couldn’t go anywhere. But after her mother tried to wash it off and fuck you was still there it was pretty clear that’s just Ashley’s mark and it will stay with her forever. But it didn’t mean that everything was fine. Her parents had multiple ideas how to cover this unfortunate mark but unfortunately, none of them worked. When Ashley tried to hide it with make up, her mark just broke through. The same thing happened when she wanted to cover it up with a sharpie. The only thing that seemed to work was wearing long-sleeved shirts, hoodies etc.

And if the whole parent thing wasn’t enough, when kids at the school discovered her soulmate mark that’s when the jokes began. At first, she wasn’t bothered, they were just some stupid kids with their stupid need to make fun of her. There were moments when she felt badass because when asked about what her mark says she could actually swear and no one could punish her for that. But after few years she was incredibly annoyed with the same jokes every day. They could at least put some effort and be more creative about it.

Luckily now, nine years later, Ashley was finally free from all those kids and her parents. She moved out almost two years ago along with her best friend Diego and now they live together in a small but absolutely adorable apartment which she was supposed to leave five minutes ago.

“You’re sure you don’t want to go shopping with Michelle and me?” She asked for the hundredth time within ten minutes.

“I told you I’m meeting Varyyn in half an hour. But tell Mich I promise I’ll be there next time.”

“Okay, okay. Just don’t get too freaky.” She teased and for what Diego threw a pillow at her. “I’m serious! I know you two can get carried away and we have business to attend to tonight. Craig’s birthday party, remember?”

“Of course I remember! And don’t worry we’ll meet you there. Now go already!”

“Okay! I’m leaving! Bye!”

As Ashley was leaving their apartment she got a text from Michelle asking when she’ll be there. She didn’t really have time to answer the message because she walked into someone and dropped her phone.

“Fuck you!” Said some mysterious voice but this short sentence was enough for Ashley to leave her phone on the ground and look at the stranger who was about to say something more but Ashley was not having it.

She just bumped into her stupid soulmate. The reason for her stupid soulmate mark. And she was more than ready to kick this guy’s ass right here in the middle of a sidewalk and right in this moment.

“Oh! So you’re the motherfucker who gave me thE WORST FUCKING SOULMATE MARK EVER! WELL GUESS WHAT I WILL NEVER LET THIS GO! THERE IS NOTHING WORSE THAN HAVING THE WORDS ‘fuck you!’ PERMANENTLY MARKED ON YOUR SKIN!” She shouted causing a few people to turn their gaze in her direction while her stupid soulmate just stood there unamazed.

“Well imagine having that fucking essay written on you in caps-lock…” He said raising his eyebrows. “I could really argue which one of us had worse. But since apparently, we’re soulmates I guess we’re gonna have plenty of time for that.” He smirked. “I’m Jake. What’s your name, Princess?”

“I hate everything in my life right now.” Ashley groaned but when she looked at Jake again she couldn’t help but smile a little. “I guess at least my life won’t be boring with you, huh? I’m Ashley.”

“I can assure you, Ashley, with me there won’t be time for boredom.” He winked and Ashley just shook her head, smiling.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” She rolled her eyes, trying to look annoyed. “Hey, so I had this party to go tonight and since, as you said, apparently we’re soulmates and we’re like bonded for life and stuff, maybe you wanna come?” She proposed.

“I think I can clear my night for you.” He smirked again. “Care to give me your number? Or do I have to find you myself?”

“I feel generous today.” She smirked back.

She reached into her pocket only to remember that her phone is still on the ground. She picked it up and after she unlocked the phone she saw all the messages from Michelle. “Shit.” She cursed under her breath. “I’m sorry I really have to go.” She took Jake’s phone and hurriedly typed in her number. “I will text you all the details okay? I’m really sorry.”

“No problem. See you tonight, Princess.”

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