Soulmates AU: Free

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This is my 2nd Soulmates May story and the first connected one. This one comes before the Liam/MC soulmates short (there will be four connected stories in total). For this soulmates verse, I’m using the idea that soulmarks appear with touch, more specifically one partner’s bare hand has to touch the other’s bare skin, because of this, a lot of nobility wear gloves in public. This takes place during ROE Book 1 and I’m using my mental timeline which is that the events of ROE took place a year or so before TRR Book 1.

Pairing- Leo/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- All he could do was hope that the universe would come through for him and give him a reason to walk away.

Words- 496

The first thing Leo does when he escapes Cordonia for a summer in Greece is take off his gloves. As the Crown Prince, he has to wear them because he can’t risk having a soulmate and disrupting the royal plan.

He was allowed to touch Madeleine (and the other leading candidates in his season, just in case) but no mark had appeared. However, he’d already known that would be the case. There was no way she was his soulmate. But she would be his wife, unless a miracle occurs.

He and his father had made a deal, he has 3 months to do whatever he wants, but at the end of those 3 months he has to come home and marry Madeleine. But Leo is still hoping for a miracle. For a reason to not go back.

So he makes the most of those 3 months, touches as many random woman as he can (and beds more than a few of them) but the outcome remained the same and no mark appears.

He is starting to lose hope, his 3 months are almost up and still there is no sign of his soulmate. Maybe he is one of the unmarked. Maybe his fate really is to go back to Cordonia, marry Madeleine and assume the throne.

Maybe he had been delusional to think otherwise.

Still, even if that is true, he is determined to enjoy every moment of his last days of freedom.

That is the philosophy that brings him to the Acropolis on a random June day.

He’s seen it many times, and without having to fight through crowds of people, but he likes watching the crowds. He likes mingling amongst them and pretending that he is normal. That his life is his to decide, when the opposite is the case, his life has never been his own.

A pretty brunette catches his eye and he steps forward to talk to her, just in time to see her lose her balance. He instinctively reachs for her, his hands resting on the bared skin of her midriff to steady her, shock filling him at the heat that suddenly burns his palm.

The woman in his arms seemed just as stuns, but she smiles. “I have to admit this wasn’t quite the way I was expecting to meet you.”

“Me either,” Leo tells her with a grin, “but it makes quite a story to tell later, doesn’t it?”

She laughs. “I guess it does, I’m Maya.”

“I’m Leo,” he tells her, euphoria threatening to bubble over.

Not just because he has found her, though that is nice and she is very beautiful, but because it means he is going to be free to live his own life.

Meeting his soulmate and having her be a commoner, an American guessing from the accent, gives him an excuse to walk away from the life he’s never wanted and create one for himself.

He is finally going to be free.

  • End


Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

2 thoughts on “Soulmates AU: Free”

    1. Thank you, I’m having a lot of fun with this concept and exploring how the characters would react to the idea of soulmates.

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