Soulmates AU: I Knew It Was You

I Knew It Was You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will then return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- I’d planned on doing a Kenna/Diavolos soulmates story to go before this one (different than the one I already wrote) but I haven’t been inspired, so I am just going to post this one anyway. However, you can have the knowledge that Diavolos and Kenna are soulmates (as they will be in any universe I write). In this universe, soulmates are discovered by the bare skin of one’s hand touching the other. This is set at the end of Book 3 of the TC&TF.

Rating- PG

Pairing- Tevan/Zenobia

Summary- Zenobia could not shake the belief that Tevan was her soulmate, she just couldn’t summon the courage to find out.

Words- 751


I should have found a way to touch him, then I would know one way or the other.

That thought plagued Zenobia constantly over the years, but she tried to banish it. To tell herself that it didn’t matter.

Her father would still have attempted to kill Tevan Drammir, he still would have become the enemy, even if he was found to be her soulmate.

Besides just because her heart called to him didn’t mean he was her soulmate. But she would have liked to known, because then if he wasn’t, she could have let him go.

However, she had barely been able to talk to him that night, let alone offer him a chance to touch her bare skin.

Even without knowing, some part of Zenobia clung to that idea and no other man compared to the memory of Tevan, until she was in his presence again.

But things had changed. He’d survived a war started by her father. They were allies, but uneasy ones, and Zenobia was even more unsure of herself than she’d been that long ago night.

Yet, she needed to know. Her father was dead, her brother had married Kenna Rys of all people, and for the first time, Zenobia’s future was her own to plan and she needed to know one way or another… Needed to know if her heart had been lying to her all these years.

So she summoned all of her courage and approached Tevan at the wedding feast.

“King Tevan,” she greeted, forcing herself to sound calm.

He smiled, “Princess Zenobia, you look lovely as always.”

Zenobia blushed. She knew he was a flirt, but she couldn’t help how she reacted to him. Why did he have to be so smooth? Still, she needed to do this. She needed to know. “Would you like to dance?”

Tevan looked surprised, maybe because this was the most words she’d ever been able to say in his presence. “Let me put on my gloves,” he said after a moment.

“No!” Zenobia shouted and then blushed deeper.

Tevan looked surprised. “Are you already marked?”

“No,” Zenobia told him, “I just… I…” She couldn’t finish the sentence, humiliation overwhelming her. She felt ridiculous. How could she tell Tevan that she thought he was her soulmate? He would think she was ridiculous, after all they’d never even shared a real conversation.

To her surprise, Tevan’s expression soften and he held out a hand. “May I?”

Zenobia nodded wordlessly. He took her hand in his, Zenobia marveling at how right it felt and then instantly the warmth of his skin was replaced with a burning sensation.

I was right! Was all Zenobia could think as she watched the purple and black mark form on her palm and it’s mate etching its way into Tevan’s skin.

He seemed stunned, staring at their joined hands in wonder. “I never thought…” He began and then trailed off.

Zenobia froze, wondering if he was dismayed, if he would have chosen someone else. Just because she had always wanted it to be him didn’t mean he felt the same way. She bit her lip, waiting for the rejection, for him to declare that he wanted nothing to do with Luther Nevrakis’s daughter, soul marked or not, but it didn’t come.

Instead, Tevan lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it gently. “I spent my life being told that I couldn’t touch anyone not of noble birth, of dreading a life where I would never know my soulmate, but I don’t have to worry anymore.”

“Me either,” Zenobia breathers, wanting to tell him how long she’s waited for this, how long she has wondered, but unable to find the words.

“Part of me wishes we’d shared this long ago,” Tevan continued as if reading her thoughts, “but I know the timing wasn’t right. It’s better that it happened now with all the war and unpleasantness behind us, don’t you think?”

Zenobia just nodded.

“I’d like to kiss you now,” Tevan told her tenderly, “May I?”

“Yes,” Zenobia answered eagerly, “you have no idea how long I’ve wanted that.”

“Is that so? Well, it would be impolite to make a lady wait any longer than necessary,” Tevan commented with a smile.

He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close before lowering his mouth to hers. Zenobia kissed him back eagerly, feeling completely content for the first time in her life. This was it, what she had spent her whole life waiting for.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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