Soulmates AU: It’s You

It’s You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when finished.

Author’s Notes- This is a bonus Soulmates fic. It’s a companion to “When I Heard Your Name” and a bit of a crossover (my headcanon is that my Zig MC and my Jax/Adam Vega MC are childhood best friends and that the events of The Freshman took place 5 years before Bloodbound). This one is set in a soulmates universe where your soulmates name appears in puberty, fully forming by adulthood. Also, it’s the name they choose (so if you’re soulmate changed their name, the mark would change). Also in this, the MC works for Adrian, but Lily is never attacked. 

Pairing- Adam Vega/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Having a soulmate with an incredibly common name, meant constantly speculating and wondering, is this it, is this him?

Words- 1054

The problem with having a soulmate with a common name was it meant years of second-guessing and wondering ‘is this it, is this him?” At least that was how Lilith felt when her words had begun to form in her teen years, becoming a solid mark by the end of high school.

She evaluated every Adam that crossed her path, wondering if this was it, if this was him. But even though, she knew or had met half a dozen Adams by high school graduation, none of them were her Adam.

“You’re so lucky,” she complained to her best friend constantly, “Zig! You get Zig and I get Adam. Do you know how many Adams there are in the US?”

“You’re assuming he’s American,” Sofia teased, which resulted in a pillow being thrown at her head.

Lilith graduated high school and went to college and waited for that connection with every Adam that crossed her path. She had to admit that she was a little hopeful about the really hot guy in her Freshman Biology class, but after their third date, he admitted his soulmate had a different name, but that he didn’t really put much stock in that and he really liked her and could they keep dating?

Lilith agreed, though she was disappointed, however, it ended the morning after they slept together, his eyes lingering on her soulmark.

“Is that why you approached me,” he asked quietly.

Lilith knew she should lie because she really liked him, but… “Yes.”

It didn’t last beyond that.

There were three other Adams that made it to the “soulmate conversation” part, but none of them were her Adam and the relationships ended immediately.

On the other hand, Sofia met her soulmate near the end of their Freshman year, at the start of the spring semester, calling Lilith excitedly to tell her. “Lil, I met him! I met Zig!”

“That’s amazing,” Lilith said genuinely, though she was deeply envious, “have you guys shared soulmarks yet?”

“No,” Sofia admitted, “but how many Zigs can there be? Besides, my name definitely registered with him. It’s him, I know it is.”

Sofia was right, of course, and the hot barista with the unusual name was indeed her soulmate. While, Lilith kept meeting Adams, but not the Adam.

“Maybe, it’s Senator Vega,” one of her friends teased during a girls night in Senior Year, “I mean, you think he’s hot.”

“He’s almost 20 years older than me,” Lilith defended, though she didn’t deny her attraction to the Senator.

“He’s single though,” her friend pointed out. “Maybe it’s because he’s never met his soulmate.”

“Maybe,” Lilith agreed, though she didn’t take it seriously, she assumed the Senator was single because he enjoyed being an eligible bachelor, not because his soulmate was still finishing college.

The conversation then turned from the Senator to other famous Adams, some being dismissed because of known soulmarks and other’s getting an “eww, I’d rather be single forever” reaction, but none of it was taken seriously. While it was fun to speculate, Lilith was sure that her soulmate wouldn’t be anyone special, he’d just be one of the random Adams who crossed her path.

Besides once she took a job working for Adrian Raines and learned about vampires, meeting her soulmate didn’t seem that important. Not as important as gaining her footing in this new world.

At least until she was introduced to Adrian’s business associates and finally got a chance to meet Senator Vega in person. She had to admit that he was even more gorgeous than he was on television, but the fact that he was a vampire made it impossible for him to be her soulmate, right?

Yet, she didn’t miss the way his eyes narrowed when Adrian introduced them or the way he kept his attention focused on her during the meeting. He wasn’t looking at her in the creepy, predatory way that some of Adrian’s associates did, but rather as if she was a mystery he was trying to understand.

He lingered at the end of the meeting after everyone else had left.

“May I speak to you?” He asked in a low voice, his eyes intense and focused, “in private.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Lilith could see Adrian stiffen at the request, obviously about to intervene, but she nodded. “Of course.”

Adrian looked at her for a long moment and then nodded reluctantly. “I’ll be in my office.”

A moment later, he was gone and she and Adam were alone. “Lilith is an uncommon name,” The Senator commented, “I’ve only met 5 others in my lengthened life.”

There was a purpose to his words and Lilith’s eyes widened, was he… “There are over 400,000 Adams in the US,” she responded, hoping she wasn’t misinterpreting the reason for his interest in her name.

“Then it appears I had the advantage,” The Senator commented, “at least the odds were more in my favor.” He smiled and Lilith noticed his gaze resting on her shoulder, and she knew it was no coincidence. This was it. “If I may be so bold, your mark is a little more accessible than mine.”

Lilith nodded, silently removing her blazer and exposing her shoulder and the mark that lay there.

The Senator’s eyes narrowed as he took in the bold scrawl on her shoulder. “Mine is in the same place,” He confirmed, “but I am not sure Adrian would approve of me taking my shirt off in his conference room.”

Lilith laughed, “I trust you.”

And she did, after all, he had known exactly where her soulmark was, that couldn’t be a coincidence. She didn’t need to see the mark to know.

An expression that she didn’t quite recognize crossed Adam’s face then but it was gone before she could question it, replaced by a charming smile. “I’m glad.”

“What happens now?” Lilith questioned, she’d spent years wanting to meet her soulmate but hadn’t planned on him being both a vampire and a US Senator. She felt very out of her league.

“Now, we go talk to Adrian and then I take you out for dinner and we get to know each other,” Adam told her, “I’m not going to rush you into anything Lilith, I’ve waited a long time for this. I can be patient.”

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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