Soulmates AU: Longshot

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is Day 3 of the May Soulmate Challenge. This one is Matt and Sabrina from the Red Carpet Diaries. This is set early in Book 1. I had a feeling that at least one of the soulmate shorts would go NSFW. This takes place in a soulmates universe where people are born with tattoos that match their soulmates.

Pairing- Matt/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Having a Hollywood superstar for a soulmate felt like impossible odds, but Sabrina had to believe that fate would come through for her.

Words- 1094

The first time Sabrina sees Devil’s Canyon, she realizes that Matt Rodriguez is her soulmate. She’s sure that most teenage girls in America feel the same way, but she’s got proof: the tattoo visible on his right pec perfectly matches the one on her left breast.

However, she knows no one will believe her if she says that, so she keeps quiet but it adds to her desire to be an actress because just maybe fate will let her meet Matt.

Fate is kinder than she ever expected and they cross paths her first day in L.A. but Sabrina keeps quiet about the matching tattoos, instinct telling her that he’s heard it before. She’s read the articles in the magazines, with him brushing off the mark as ‘just a tattoo’, obviously meant to defer people from claiming to be his soulmate (she wonders how many women went to the tattoo shop with a picture of Matt Rodriguez’s bare chest), and she doesn’t want to be dismissed as another fame-hungry liar.

Besides as hot as he is, she isn’t ready to show him her breasts the day they meet.

She just has to hope that her personality and the undeniable spark between them to attract his attention and it is. He invites her to his birthday party and the second time they meet, their chemistry is undeniable.

When things get heated on the balcony, Sabrina hesitates. Not because she doesn’t want this, she does, but… She knows what is about to be revealed and that it will change everything, that this won’t just be a fun hook-up.

“Are we going too fast?” Matt asks her, his hands resting on the zipper of her gown, “we can slow down.”

“It’s not that,” Sabrina says, though part of her thinks that that might be true. She’s never been the type to rush into physical intimacy. But this is different. This is Matt. This is her soulmate.

Sabrina sucks in her breath as Matt gently undoes the zipper of her gown, letting it pool around her feet. She keeps her gaze focused on his face, nothing the way his eyes widened when he sees the mark on her breast.

“It’s not fake!” She rushes out, “I was born with it, my mom’s got the embarrassing bathtub pictures to prove it.” She realize she’s babbling and turns scarlett. This is not how she imagined this moment going.

“I know it’s real,” Matt says gently, “everything about you is real.” He quickly unbuttons his own shirt, tossing it aside carelessly, and then reaches for her. “May I?”

Sabrina nods, pausing to unclasp her bra, exposing the entire mark, before stepping into his embrace. Matt’s arms tighten around her, crushing her bare chest against his and the result is instantaneous.

Sabrina is filled with warmth as the marks meet and join, confirming what she’s always known. It’s a pretty amazing feeling, suddenly everything in the world feels right. Like she’s found something she didn’t even know was missing.

“Wow,” Matt says, gazing into her eyes.

“Yeah,” Sabrina agrees with a smile.

Matt leans down to kiss her, a long, slow kiss that makes her toes curl. “I want you,” he whispers against her mouth, his hands resting on her bare skin, “I need you.”

“I need you too,” Sabrina tells him and it’s true. The desire she felt a few minutes ago has suddenly magnified. She’d heard it’s like that sometimes, that the bonding can provoke an intense physical reaction.

Suddenly she and Matt are tearing at their remaining clothes, tossing them aside with abandon, their hands and mouths hot on each other’s skin, touching and tasting. This wasn’t what she pictured, making love with her soulmate on a balcony during a crowded party, but she doesn’t care. All she cares about is Matt, is feeling him inside of her, completing her.

His fingers tease her, testing her wetness and she sighs a little at the sensation and then tugs him towards her.

“I want you now,” she tells him. He doesn’t need any more encouragement before he’s inside of her. It feels so good. It occurs to her briefly that they aren’t using protection and normally that would be a big no, but Sabrina can’t bring herself to care. Not at this moment.

She wraps her legs around him, holding Matt close as he thrusts inside of her. His mouth is warm and demanding against hers and they exchange sloppy kisses as they move together. Even though the location leaves much to be desired, this is still the intimate thing she has ever experienced.

Every time their chests touch, it sets a jolt through her body and makes her buck her hips into him and makes Matt speed up his thrusts, obviously just as affected as she is. It’s not long before they are coming together, their mouths muffling any cries, his hands digging into her hips.

Afterward, they gather their clothes and their bearings.

“That was….” Matt begins, still looking dazed.

“Yeah,” Sabrina agrees, biting her lip.

“I want this,” Matt tells her suddenly, “all of this. I know it’s fast.” It was, mind-blowing sex aside, they had just met a few days ago. “But the moment I met you, I knew you were different,” he continues, taking her hand in his, “and this confirms it. I want to see where this goes.”

“Me too,” Sabrina tells him and then she decides to go for total honesty, “I’ve wanted this since I first saw Devil’s Canyon.”

Matt’s eyes go wide and then he laughs, “well, I’m glad the knowledge didn’t make you run in the opposite direction.”

“Far from it,” Sabrina tells him, “it made me happy to know it was you, but terrified at the same time. Terrified that you wouldn’t believe me, that you wouldn’t want me, that I wouldn’t be enough.” She doesn’t know why she’s being so honest, except he’s your soulmate, the one person she should be able to be open with.

Matt pulls her into his arms, cupping her face. “You will always be enough for me,” he promises her and the sincerity in his voice and eyes make her heart leap into her throat.

He wants this, she can see that, he wants her. She knows it’s not that simple, they still have to get to know each other and Matt’s life and world will bring its own complications, but in this moment, as Matt’s lips descend on hers again, none of it matters.

All that matters is the two of them.


  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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