Soulmates AU: More Than a Name

Summary: Adder didn’t expect her soulmate to be that Matt. A soulmates AU, with a little reimagining of their first meeting and Matt’s birthday party.

The problem with her soulmate’s name being so common, Adder thinks ruefully, is that it leads to frequent teasing about who it is. Her hometown isn’t that big, but it certainly has its fair share of guys named Matt. It’s the name that shows up the morning of her 18th birthday, low on her left hip. The script is scrawled and messy, which intrigues her a little bit.

Whoever her soulmate is, he must sign his name a lot. Her parents hold out hope that he’s a doctor, or a lawyer. Her little sister says she hopes he’s a famous movie star, which makes Adder laugh. Sure, she hopes to become an actress, but she doesn’t think it’s likely her soulmate is a big-name celebrity.

The soulmark is at least easy to cover, except when summer rolls around and she’s in a bathing suit at the lake or the pool. That’s when the good-natured teasing starts, and goes on until she leaves for college. At least, Adder reassures herself, none of the Matt’s she actually knows have her name on them anywhere.

She meets a lot of Matt’s in college, but none of them have her name on them anywhere either.

“Maybe,” her sister says excitedly on the phone one day shortly before Adder graduates from college, “It’s Matt Rodriguez. The really hot actor you have on your wall?”

“I have one poster,” Adder protests. “One!”

“Whatever. He’s hot. His name is Matt. And have you seen his latest interview? He still won’t say what his soulmate’s name is, but he said it’s ‘unusual’,” her sister chatters on.

Adder rolls her eyes but laughs affectionately. “Well, if I ever meet him, I’ll try and find out.”

She doesn’t count on it. Yes, she’ll admit, she’s had a massive crush on Matt Rodriguez since she was a teenager, but so had most of her friends. L.A. is huge. She’s not expecting to randomly run into him or meet him anywhere.

So Adder has to laugh when, within her first few hours in L.A., she winds up at Chazz’s boss’ house, and Matt Rodriguez is there. Not only is he there, he’s even better looking in person, seems genuinely nice, and talks to her.

She introduces herself, and an odd look crosses Matt’s face.

“I-“ he begins, but before he can say anything else, Chris Winters and Thomas Hunt call him over.

Chris Winters and Thomas Hunt. Internally Adder is starstruck. Externally she’s hoping she looks calm and collected.

“Come to my birthday party tonight,” Matt says suddenly.

“Really?” Adder asks.

“Yes. Please. We should-“

Someone else calls his name, and Matt sighs and then laughs good-naturedly.

“I’ll see you tonight?” he asks before he walks off.

“Uh. Yeah. Definitely,” Adder stammers.

When she and Chazz arrive at the party, Matt somehow finds them immediately. She’s more than gratified that he seems so interested in her, though she’s also wondering why.

“Can I talk to you?” Matt asks when they manage to find a semi-quiet corner.

“Oh! Sure,” Adder says.

His hand is warm against her lower back as they head upstairs. Just outside a set of double doors, Matt stops.

“This is going to sound…completely insane,” he says. “But what’s your soulmate’s name?”

Adder looks at him in confusion. “Yours,” she replies, then hurriedly says, “I mean, it’s Matt. Matt somebody.”

He nods, his brow furrowed. “Do you mind if I ask where your soulmark is?”

“My left hip,” she says slowly, her hand automatically resting over the spot.

Matt stares at her.

“Unbelievable,” he murmurs, then pushes the double doors open.

“I want to show you mine. If that’s okay.”

“Sure,” she agrees.

She’s still confused, though there’s a little voice in the back of her head telling her there’s a possibly very good explanation for why he’s asking about her soulmark and wants to show her his. She refuses to let that thought come to the front of her mind though. It’s ridiculous, she tells herself.

Adder follows him through the doors into what turns out to be his bedroom. Through the open balcony door, she can just hear the din of the party below. Matt shuts the double doors behind him, then shrugs out of his suit jacket.

“Mine is on my hip too,” he explains.

“Which one?” Adder asks faintly, even though she’s pretty sure she already knows the answer.

“My left.”

He unbuttons his shirt, leaving it hanging loose, then shifts his dress pants down just enough that she can read his soulmark.

“Oh my god,” are the first words out of her mouth.

It’s her name. In her loopy handwriting. Adder’s eyes dart back up to his, then back down to his soulmark. She can’t find anything to say, so instead, she eases her dress up on the left side. She doesn’t care, in that particular moment, how this would look to anyone who walked in. Matt sucks in a breath when he sees her soulmark.

“That’s my handwriting,” he says.

He reaches for her, and Adder lets her dress drop back down. Matt’s hands settle on her hips. She lets her hands rest on his bare chest, his skin warm and his heart racing under her touch.

Matt tilts his head down, and Adder sighs as his lips meet hers. He kisses her softly at first, then, when she slides her hands up to his neck and into his hair, he groans and kisses her harder.

“God, I want you,” he says against her mouth. “I can’t believe I found you.”

Adder makes a soft noise of agreement, kissing him again eagerly. He starts walking her backwards to the bed, and they both jump and groan in unison when someone suddenly pounds on his door.

“Coming!” Matt calls.

He’s still holding her tightly to him, his arms secure around her hips. He kisses her again.

“Don’t leave,” he murmurs.

“I won’t,” she promises.

“I should go kick everyone out,” he mutters, and Adder laughs.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Good,” he says.

Matt trails his fingers up her sides, grinning when she squirms. He cups his face in her hands.

“God, you’re beautiful, Adder. I just…”

He trails off and shakes his head.

“I can’t wait for you,” he finally says.

He doesn’t elaborate any further, but as he kisses her again, a long, lingering kiss, Adder knows exactly what he means.

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