Soulmates AU: My Mark on You

My Mark on You
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- Another Soulmates AU! I have had this one done for a while but was waiting for enmchoices birthday to post. This one is set during Chapter 14 of Book 1 and is set in a soulmates AU where soulmates have matching scars.

Rating- PG-13

Pairing- Drake/Amelia

Summary- After Drake rescues Amelia from Tariq, she bandages him up and gets proof that he is her soulmate.

Words- 823


“Well I should get out of here before we really cause a scandal,” Drake commented.

I knew he was right, after all, until the season was over I had to maintain a certain level of propriety and that didn’t include entertaining commoners in my bedroom after hours. No matter how appealing that sounds.

He winced as he reached for the door.

“You’re hurt,” I commented, stepping towards him.

Drake gave me a weak smile, “nothing a few shots of whiskey won’t fix.”

“Let me take a look,” I offered on impulse, “it’s the least I can do.” After all, he had gotten hurt coming to my rescue.

“You trying to get me to take my shirt off, Grant?” He asked with a grin.

I rolled my eyes, “yes, that glimpse at the beach has been tormenting me.”

While the tone was sarcastic, it was also the truth. Though I’d done my best not to look that day at the beach, knowing it wasn’t appropriate for a suitor to drool over the prince’s best friend. Which was why I’d chosen to rub sunscreen on Hana instead because I hadn’t trusted myself to touch a bare-chested Drake. Or to have him touch me.

But he was injured and it was the least I could do.

“I’ll go get the first aid kit,” I told him after a moment, disappearing into the bathroom.

When I came back, Drake had taken his shirt off. “Happy?”

“Yes,” I told him, stepping closer. But as I took a better look, I froze. Not because Drake looked damn good shirtless, though he did, or because of the ugly bruise on his ribcage but because of two scars on his chest.

Two very familiar scars.

“Did you have your appendix out?” I asked quietly.

Drake shook his head, “no, my soulmate must have.”


“What about this one?” I asked, gently touching the one on his hip bone.

Drake sucked in a breath at my touch. “Fell out of a tree and landed on a stick,” Drake answered, “why?”

“I’ve just always wondered the story behind it,” I said before I could stop myself.

Drake’s eyes narrowed. “Grant….”

I pulled down the hem of my pajama pants to show Drake the matching scar. “I had my appendix out when I was 9,” I told him quietly, “I also have a scar on my foot that I got from stepping on a piece of glass during a trip to the Jersey shore when I was 7 and one on my ass that I don’t even want to know the story behind.”

“Got thrown from a horse onto a wire fence,” Drake admitted with a laugh, “at least you didn’t have to feel it.” He was quiet for a long moment. “I can’t believe it.”

“I can,” I said softly, “from the beginning it was you I was drawn to, not Liam.”

“You came here for Liam,” he reminded me.

“I came here for the adventure,” I corrected. “Besides being bonded would disqualify me, Maxwell managed to tell me that much.”

An active bond that was. One that had been accepted by both parties. Some people chose not to accept their bond, but I wanted too. Of course, I did.

“And that doesn’t bother you?” Drake asked me quietly.

“No,” I told him honestly, “I don’t want Liam. I want you, I’ve wanted you since Lythikos.”

“Me too,” Drake admitted, his voice deep with need. I reached for him, wanting to touch him and complete the bond, but Drake shook his head. I stepped back, hurt flooding me. Was he rejecting me?

“Grant, that’s not what I meant,” Drake told me, “I just… I want to tell Liam first. We owe him that much.”

I nodded, knowing he was right.

“He’s in love with you,” Drake continued.

“I know,” I answered quietly, “But I’m not in love with him and at least… Least this way I can let him down gently.”

I could blame fate, not my fickle heart. Drake nodded, but I could tell he still felt guilty.

“Do you regret this?” I asked softly, needing to know.

He shook his head, “no. I never imagined it would be someone like you, never dared hoped it would be.” He reached out and touched my face. “I could never regret having you as my soulmate, Grant, not even for Liam.”

I smiled up at him and then my eyes fell on his bruised chest. “We should patch you up,” I reminded him, stepping back to pick up the first aid kit. Drake nodded and let me tend to the wounds. “And tomorrow we’ll talk to Liam?” I asked as I tended to the wound.

“Tomorrow we talk to Liam,” Drake agreed.

And then, we could be together. As much as I hated the idea of hurting Liam, and disappointing the Beaumonts, I was giddy at the idea of a lifetime with Drake.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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