Soulmates AU: This Can’t Be Happening

This Can’t Be Happening
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- Hello everyone, this is actually a Bonus May Soulmates story (so not one of the 31). I’m a little behind on the 31, but I had this extra one finished, so I’m posting it today and will hopefully finish/post Day 6 later in the day. This one is set in the same universe as “Free” and “This Woman” and is just a humorous idea that occurred to me.

Rating- PG

Summary- Those damned soulmarks kept running Madeleine’s plans, first by taking away her chance to be queen not once, but twice and then offering her the most ultimate insult in the form on her own soulmate.

Words- 711

Madeleine gritted her teeth behind her fake smile. She could do this. She was a master at hiding her feelings.

This is for Cordonia, she reminded herself, taking a sip of her champagne, trying to block out the sounds of the party going on around her. She knew her role, had always known her role, but this had been the longest month of her life. Accompanying the court on King Liam and Duchess Eleanor’s engagement tour, smiling politely while all the while seething about how it should have been hers.

Leo had never agreed to an engagement tour, part of the bargain he’d made with his father when he’d taken off for three months, a bargain that Madeleine had had no say in. She’d just had to grit her teeth and wait like a good girl for Leo to be done “sowing his wild oats” and come back and marry her.

Except that hadn’t happened. He’d met his soulmate and had abandoned his duty without a second thought, leaving Madeleine the one to deal with the sting of rejection. But she’d gotten over it. She’d brushed herself off and reminded herself that there was another prince, another social season but once again fate had gotten in the way.

Madeleine couldn’t stop her eyes from searching out Duchess Eleanor and even at the distance, they narrowed in on the blue mark just barely visible on her palm. The mark that had catapulted a nobody American to future Queen of Cordonia, because Prince Liam, like his brother, couldn’t control himself and indulged in romantic delusions instead of doing what was best for his country.

Of course, they had the luxury of doing that, Madeleine thought disdainfully. They had been born princes, born into power, they never had to fight for it.

Madeleine’s thoughts were cut off by the sudden force of someone slamming into her, spilling her champagne all over her dress. “Oh!” She exclaimed, her eyes narrowing in fury as she looked at the culprit, an unassuming man with a sheepish smile.

Madeleine’s frown deepened when she couldn’t place him, which shouldn’t happen. She’d spent years studying the court and all of Cordonia’s various diplomats. She was confident that she was much more prepared for this event, and every other event on the tour, than the queen-to-be had been. So who was this man?

“I’m so sorry,” he apologized sincerely, “I was a little overwhelmed and I didn’t realize where I was going.”

Madeleine stayed silent, reminding herself that she couldn’t afford to lose her temper in public. Especially when she still didn’t know who this person was, though she refused to believe that he was anyone important.

“I’ve never been to anything like this,” he apologized, confirming her suspicions, “but I used to work with Eleanor and she was nice enough to invite me. I’m Daniel, by the way.”

Madeleine rolled her eyes, of course, she should have known, typical Eleanor move, polluting the court with nameless riff-raff.

“That’s very nice of her,” Madeleine said stiffly, “now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go clean up.”

Daniel winced at the bite in her tone, which made Madeleine happy. That was the response she preferred.

That would have been the end of it, but apparently the universe was acting against her because someone turned quickly, right into Madeleine’s path, knocking off her feet. She let a little cry, but to her surprise, she didn’t end up on the ground.

Instead, Daniel’s arms wrapped around her, steadying her. Madeleine took a deep breath. “You can let go of me,” she snapped.

Daniel nodded and let go, but as he did, the palm of his hand brushed the bare skin of her arm and Madeleine’s skin immediately burned. Her eyes widened in horror as the green and purple mark began to form.

“Fuck!” It was the first time she’d ever sworn in public, but she couldn’t help it.

“Oh wow,” Daniel said, staring at her in awe, “I guess we should talk.”

Madeleine ignored him, just continuing to stare at the mark on her arm. This could not be happening. She was supposed to end up with a King, not some waiter. No, no, no, she did not accept it, she would not.


  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

One thought on “Soulmates AU: This Can’t Be Happening”

  1. I LOVE DANIEL THE WAITER SO MUCH HAHAHAH and oh my god pairing him with Madeline???? This is AMAZING i would actually love to read this further and see how Madeline falls in love with a sinple commoner

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