Soulmates AU: What We Already Know

What We Already Know
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.

Author’s Notes- This is the next installment in the Soulmates AU challenge: Grayson and Lexi. This one was challenging because Hero has been gone too long and I feel like I barely remember these two and their dynamic. This is set in an AU where soulmates share scars.

Pairing- Grayson/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Lexi doesn’t need soulmarks to know that Grayson is meant to be hers.

Words- 612


Getting The Grand prepared requires a lot of work, which means a lot of time together. Not just for Kenji and I, but Grayson too, and that means lots of random conversations.

After a day of hard work pouring over ordering forms and making decisions, Kenji decides we all need a drink and as we sit and drink, the conversation somehow turns to the topic of soulmarks.

“Mine works with their hands,” Kenji comments, holding up his hands.

As I lean in to get a closer look, I notice the little scars there. “Only this one is mine,” Kenji continued, holding up a finger.

I am quiet. The topic of soulmates has always been a hard one for me, because I don’t have a single mark on my body, though now, thanks to the prism crystal and my powers, I wonder if there is a reason. But Kenji has a soulmate…

“I don’t think I have a soulmate,” Grayson says after a moment, “I mean, I don’t have any marks.”

I consider that. Roughly ¼ of the world was unmarked, were Grayson and I both part of that number? It was a nice thought because we had been slowly working towards something the last few weeks… Maybe this was a sign. Maybe he isn’t mine in a traditional way, but he can still be mine.

“I don’t either,” I admit after a moment, meeting Grayson’s gaze.

He seems surprised, but then smiles as our eyes meet. Suddenly I didn’t care about having a soulmate, because I know I’ve found the person I am supposed to be with, even if the universe didn’t think so.


“Give me your wallet or the woman gets it,” the thug says several months later, holding a knife to me.

Grayson is calm, his eyes meeting mine, though I know what is about to happen  bothers him. Not the idea of me saving the day, but that I may be in danger, even briefly.

Still, he gives me an almost unnoticeable nod, my cue to disarm the punk. It’s fast, and I have him down, barely even noticing the cut on my arm.

It’s only afterward, once we are home, that I notice it.

“It’s just a scrape,” I assure Grayson.

He nods, but still goes to get the first aid kit, rolling up his own sleeves in the process and then freezing.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him.

Grayson doesn’t answer, instead he strips his shirt off completely. I am really curious now, but I also never complain about seeing him shirtless. But as soon as his shirt is off, I see why he froze, because there is now a thin scar on his arm, in the exact place where the knife cut me, but even as I watch, it’s beginning. Oh, wow. Could it be…

“You don’t scar,” Grayson says in a quiet voice, “and soulmate scars don’t hurt, they just appear.”

“And they disappear when the scar is removed….” I remember reading an article about soul marks and plastic surgery. “So if they appeared and then disappeared quickly, you might not even know.”

Without even realizing I had done it, I’ve moved to Grayson’s side, fingers lightly tracing the mark on his arm.

“You’re mine,” I say in awe.

“I was always yours,” Grayson corrects me, “this is just the universe confirming what we already knew.”

He wraps his arm around me, pulling me against and kissing me, a slow, deep kiss that doesn’t leave any doubt to his feelings and he’s right. The confirmation is nice, but it doesn’t change anything, we had never for a moment doubted that we were meant to be.


  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

2 thoughts on “Soulmates AU: What We Already Know”

  1. M, oh my gosh I teared up at this. It’s so sweet! I love Grayson and Lexi. Their easy, romantic dynamic is so beautiful and you really portrayed that with this piece.

    1. Thank you so much A. I miss them and i hate that it’s so hard to channel their voices. I honestly loved the idea of them having that bond and not realizing it, but not needing it either.

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