Soulmates AU: When I Heard Your Name

When I Heard Your Name
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This is my 6th entry for the May Soulmates Challenge and this one is Zig and MC (my MC for my Zig play through is Sofia Ramirez). This one is set in a soulmates universe where your soulmates name appears in puberty, fully forming by adulthood. Also, it’s the name they choose (so if you’re soulmate changed their name, the mark would change). This one has a bonus crossover companion.

Pairing- Zig/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Having a soulmate with an unusual game was a kind of waiting game, just waiting to hear that name, to know that you finally met them.

Words- 718

There are advantages and disadvantages to having a soulmate with unusual name and Sofia had weighed them all by the time the mark that had begun appearing in puberty had fully formed.


It wasn’t a name she’d ever heard before and she had a feeling that she’d only hear it once: when she met her soulmate.

Which was one of the advantages, there’d be no guessing. Once she met him, she’d know. But that was also a disadvantage, because it led to a lot of waiting and no mystery.

Still, she knew other people thought she was lucky to have such an unusual soulmark. Her best friend Lilith never failed to comment on it.

“You’re so lucky,” she constantly complained, “Zig! You get Zig and I get Adam. Do you know how many Adams there are in the US? Over 425,000!”

Sofia acknowledged that she might feel frustrated if she were in Lilith’s shoes, if she had to analyze every meeting instead of just wait. She waited all through high school and then her first year at Hartfeld.

She dated James briefly, even if he wasn’t her soulmate, he was handsome and sweet, but it fizzled before it ever really started thanks to her keeping Vasquez’s secret (she did wonder if things would have been different if James had been her soulmate, if they both would have tried harder) and she started spring semester single, wondering if this was what the next three years would be like.

More missed connections and lukewarm relationships, while waiting for a man that she might not meet for decades? It made her envious of Abbie and Tyler who had met so early, but also jealous of Zack and Brandon who were stable despite long distances and not being soulmates.

Then, just like that, it happened. She walked into the coffee shop and immediately noticed the cute new barista.

“Sofia sees something she likes,” Kaitlyn teased.

Sofia laughed, admitting that he was cute, though was this going to be another James situation? Yet, as soon as she asked herself that question, fate gave her an answer in the form of his name.

“I’m Zig.”

Her breath caught in her throat. This was it. This was him. Her friends were equally silent, since her soulmark had been revealed during a game of truth or dare last quarter, and Sofia was sure he must think they were all freaks.

“Sofia,” she introduced, watching him, awaiting the reaction that she knew would come.

And she was right. His eyes widened and then met hers, silently asking her a question. She nodded.

Zig opened his mouth to talk, but then his boss called for him. “We’ll talk later?” He asked, sending her an apologetic look.

Sofia nodded, unable to keep the smile off her face. She didn’t have to see his soulmark to know this was it, this was him. And that night she called Lilith, eager to share the news, though a part of her felt bad given that Lilith had already met half-a-dozen Adams without any of them being hers.

Despite that, her friend was happy for her. “I’m glad you don’t have to wait anymore.”

“Me too,” Sofia agreed, though she did have to wait a little longer, for the right moment.

She and Zig flirted and got to know each other better, but it was a few weeks before they showed each other their marks.

When things got hot and heavy the night of Madison’s birthday, Zig paused briefly, his hand resting knowingly on her hip, as if he was confident what was hidden under her clothes. “My name is there, isn’t it?” He asked her in a low voice.

“It is,” Sofia confirmed, “and mine’s right there.” She touched his hip just as confidently.

“It is,” Zig told her, “want to see?”

“Oh yeah,” Sofia told him and then grinned, “I’ll you mine if you shows me yours.”

“I like the sound of that,” Zig told her, though instead of undoing his jeans, he pulled her towards him and kissed her again, a deep, intense kiss that she felt deep in her heart. This was it. This was what she had been waiting for since the moment his name had appeared in her skin and it was definitely worth the wait.


  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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