

By Misha

Disclaimer- not mine.

Author’s Notes- After my first foray into ROD fic, I decided to follow it up with something completely different: pure fluff. This is just a short, sweet little fic that popped into my head and set sometimes in the future.

Pairing- Logan/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- It’s Logan’s birthday and for the first time, that matters to someone.

The first thing Logan smells when he opens the door is the smell of something baking.

It’s not a smell he’s familiar with, except when walking by a bakery or coffee shop. No one in his life has ever baked for him.

And yet, there’s Lucy, standing in his kitchen, an apron wrapped around her waist pulling a cake out of his oven.

“Oh!” She says, her face falling. “You’re home early.”

His arrival has never received that reaction from her before, so he takes a step back. Lucy must have seen his reaction, because she puts the cake on the counter and hastily runs over to him. “I didn’t mean it like that,” she assures him, wrapping her arms around him.

He instinctively pulls her close, burying his face in her neck. She smells like vanilla.

“I just wanted to surprise you,” she continues, fiddling with the collar of his shirt.

“Any day I come home to you here is the best surprise,” Logan assures her as he pulls back, though he keeps his arms wrapped around her. They don’t live together, she lives on campus in a dorm, but he lives close by and she is a frequent visitor. It is the kind of perfect he never expected to have.

Lucy laughs, “yes, but it’s your birthday, silly, I want it to be special.”

His birthday. Logan does the mental calculations. Sure enough, it is. It had totally slipped him by because his birthday has never been more than just another day to him. No one has ever cared enough to celebrate it. He should have known Lucy would change that.

“So can you please go out for a couple hours?” Lucy requests, gazing up at him.

It is impossible for him to deny her anything, especially when she looks at him like that. He wonders for the millionth time how he got so lucky.

“I don’t need a surprise,” he assures her, “my birthday it’s never—“

“I know,” she interrupts, she bites her lip, a gesture he finds completely irresistible, “that is why I really want to do this for you. Because you deserve this. Please Logan? Let me do this for you.”

When she looks at him that that, all he wants is to wrap her in his arms and whisk her to the bedroom, but he restrains himself. This obviously means a lot to her and he’s gonna lie, it means something to him too. No one has ever looked at him like Lucy has or carried about him the way she does.

“I have a couple things I can do,” he tells her, stepping back.

She beams. “Thank you.” She leans forward and presses her lips to his and he instinctively deepens the kiss before pulling back. “Be back by 7, ok?”

“I will,” Logan promises, kissing her one more time before turning towards the door.

“And Logan?”

He turns back to her. “Yeah?”

“Happy birthday.”

He smiles, “thanks.” He has a feeling that for the first time in his entire life it will be and all because of her.


  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

3 thoughts on “Special”

  1. This was so cute! I’d love to see a follow up to this to see how she makes his birthday special (even if it ends up a little NSFW). Love your work!

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