
Summary: A little moment between Kenna and Diavolos before Zenobia’s wedding. Utter fluff.

The water is refreshingly cool on Kenna’s feet as she stands on the sandy shore, a stark contrast to the oppressive heat in the air. She sighs contentedly, closing her eyes and holding the hem of her skirt up as the waves lap gently over her toes. There are a few hours until Zenobia and Tevan’s wedding, and Kenna had snuck out at her first opportunity. Zenobia was actually being fairly mild-mannered, given how she’d been stomping around shrieking about minor inconveniences the past two days, but Kenna liked taking advantage of Fydoria’s beautiful coastlines when she got the chance to visit. Kenna turns as she hears someone approaching, smiling when she sees Diavolos.

“There you are,” he says, unlacing his boots and rolling up his pant legs to stand beside her. “I thought you might have run off.”

Kenna laughs. “As if I could get that far today with Zenobia watching everyone like a hawk.”

Diavolos kisses her temple, tucking her into his side. Kenna smiles as she leans into him and digs her toes into the sand, a warm breeze ruffling her hair. She frowns when she feels droplets of cool water hit her legs just below her knees and glances at Diavolos. He’s nonchalantly watching the waves crash into the rocks further down the shore, but she can see a hint of a smirk on his face as he squeezes his arm around her.

Kenna turns back to look out at the water, the steady motion of the waves relaxing and peaceful. Her eyes drift closed, flying open when water hits just below her knees again. She scowls, turning her head into Diavolos’ chest.

“Diavolos,” she says warningly.

“Yes, my love?”

Kenna narrows her eyes as he glances down at her. “Stop splashing me.”

“I’m not splashing you,” he says easily. “You said it was hot earlier. I’m helping you cool off.”

He kicks water at her again and she shrieks as it hits her.

“We have a wedding to attend in four hours,” she reminds him, the words ending in a yelp as he goes to splash her again.

Kenna jumps back, drenching the hem of her skirt when she releases her grip on it.

“You’re not wearing that to the wedding,” Diavolos reminds her, grinning and walking towards her slowly as she backs away.

“Don’t even think about it,” she says, trying not to laugh and jumping just out of reach when he goes to kick water at her again.

He pauses and she can’t keep a laugh from bubbling out as they both stop moving, locked in a stare down. Diavolos eventually takes one slow step toward her, then another, then suddenly darts forward and grabs her around the waist.

“Diavolos!” she shrieks, laughing as he lifts her up easily.

He spins her once and then sets her down at the edge of the water, grinning as he tilts his head down to kiss her.

“I can’t believe you splashed me,” Kenna grumbles playfully after a minute, pushing against his chest.

Diavolos shrugs, yanking her in tight and pressing his lips to hers. “That’s not what you’re wearing to the wedding,” he reminds her again. “It’ll dry.”

She rolls her eyes, but her lips spread into a smile when he kisses her again and again, running his hands into her hair. Kenna walks her fingers up his chest, gripping his collar tightly and sighing into his mouth. When they pull apart, Diavolos is grinning.

“We should probably go get ready,” Kenna says after a minute, resting her head against his chest.

He rumbles his agreement, twining his fingers with hers as they grab their boots and start walking back to the palace, splashing along the edge of the water.

“Wait,” Kenna says suddenly, tugging at his hand.

Diavolos stops, looking at her curiously. Before he can react, she grins and dips her foot in the water and kicks it towards him, soaking his pant leg. He just stares at her for a minute, then down at his drenched pant leg.

“Kenna Rys,” he says slowly, a glint in his eyes.

“What?” she asks innocently, shrieking when he suddenly drops his boots and scoops her up, her boots falling out of her hand and on to the wet sand.

“You’ll pay for that,” he vows with a laugh.

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