Spring Break

Summary: The ILITW gang goes to Laguna Beach, California for spring break.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 52 of #ChoicesCreates: Taking a Trip

It was spring break, and Vanessa and her friends had decided that it would be good to get away from Westchester for a little while. There were so many bad memories there. Every time Vanessa looked at those woods behind her house, she thought about Redfield, Jane, and Noah. True, she didn’t have to see the woods every day any more, since she had gone away to college, but her school wasn’t that far away, and she came home often. She and Connor were very serious, and if he wasn’t visiting her over the weekend, she was usually home to see him. Besides, she missed Onyx. She had wanted to bring her to school, but pets weren’t allowed in the dorms.

Fortunately the high school had their break at the same time as their colleges, so their friends who had to repeat their senior year were able to get away too. They wanted to go somewhere warmer, so they rented a passenger van and took turns driving straight through, all the way down to Laguna Beach, California. Although it wasn’t as warm as Florida or the Caribbean, it was still sunny. They arrived late, checked in to their hotel, and got some much-needed rest.

The next day, they headed over to the beach. The water was too cold for swimming, but they could still sunbathe and relax. Vanessa and Connor sat together, their arms around each other. Lily and Britney also sat close together. Stacy, Dan, Andy, and Tom were playing a game of beach volleyball. Lucas opened up his environmental science textbook.

“You’re studying during spring break?” Britney asked with surprise.

“Britney! Come on, you said you’d be nice!” Lily reminded her.

“I need to keep my grades up. I can’t afford to get behind.” Lucas turned his attention back to the book.

“He’s not the only one that brought something to read.” Ava reached into her bag and took out the copy of Westchester’s Dark History that she had borrowed from the library.

Several hours later, they decided to explore the “historic and interesting places” district. Lucas pointed at the bookstore. “They probably have books on Laguna Greenbelt. They’ve been protecting the land since the late sixties.”

“I wonder if they have anything on the occult,” said Ava. “Or maybe there’s a shop around here.”

Stacy looked at the display in one of the clothing store windows. “I like that shirt!”

“Why don’t we all meet back at the hotel later?” Vanessa suggested.

She and Connor checked out the art galleries. “I still want to see your work on display,” she told him.

“Maybe someday,” he replied.

When they were done looking around, they went back to their room at the hotel. Once they were inside, Connor wrapped his arms around Vanessa and kissed her. She kissed him back, then pulled away. “We need to meet up with the others soon.”

“I think we still have a little time.” Connor took Vanessa’s hand, then walked to the edge of the bed and sat down. Vanessa sat beside him, and they began to kiss deeply. She ran her fingers through his long blond hair. Then Connor’s phone rang.

Reluctantly, he pulled away and reached for his phone. “Oh, hey, Stace.” He paused for a moment, listening. “Sure, we’ll be right there.” He ended the call, then turned to Vanessa. “Everyone’s meeting in the lobby downstairs. They’re ready to go to dinner.”

“We’d better get going, then.” She reached for his hand, and then they stood up and headed out.

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