
Summary: Jake and Taylor watch the stars in La Huerta.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 24 of #ChoicesCreates: Movement of the Stars

Taylor and Jake sat outside together, cuddled up close. The soft glow of moonlight illuminated the night sky. Taylor looked up at the stars. Once again, she was struck by how different the sky looked. Could she really be seeing the sky as it was during the Hadean Era, more than four billion years ago? At one time she would have found the idea hard to believe, but so many crazy things had happened since they had arrived in La Huerta. She had traveled through time on more than one occasion, and had even gone back two hundred million years, to the time that the island was created.

“These stars are amazing. Sitting here, looking at the constellations…it reminds me of when I went into the observatory with Sean.”

Jake frowned. “You’re out here with me, and you’re thinking about Captain America?”

“Not like that! He’s just a friend. You know that you’re the one I want.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss to reassure him. After a moment she continued. “We saw a holographic display of the sky. It was so beautiful. But Sean noticed something. The stars in the display were the same ones that we can see here. He noticed that the constellations are different here, but they should be the same ones that we can see at home. Look up at the sky. Can you see the Big Dipper?”

Jake looked up at the stars, searching. Finally he spoke. “No, I can’t find it.”

“That’s because we can’t see it from here. We should be able to, but we can’t. Sean said that the sky probably hasn’t looked this way in a million years.”

Jake’s eyes widened. “What the hell?”

“Yeah, it’s crazy, but that’s La Huerta for you. Time is totally messed up here.” She thought back to the night she had gone to Rourke’s office with Aleister, Estela, and Iris. “The zodiac signs are different here too. They’re from the Hadean Era, when the earth was first formed. Rourke figured out all our Hadean zodiac signs. They seem to have something to do with those catalyst idols we’ve been finding.”

Jake grinned. “Hey, baby, what’s your sign?”

Taylor laughed. “Andromeda. And you’re Lupus, the wolf.”

“That’s me, a wild animal!” Jake moved his hand over and squeezed Taylor’s chest.

Taylor smiled and ruffled his hair. “You know it!” She looked up at the sky again, and her eyes were drawn towards a group of stars. “I think that’s mine.” She pointed to the constellation. “Andromeda.”

“You know all the constellations, Princess?”

Taylor shook her head. “No, just a few, but I have a feeling. I just know somehow. I’ve had so many strange feelings and visions since I got here. Maybe this is another one.”

“Could be.”

“It looks like it fits the description, too. Andromeda represents a woman in chains.” She pointed to the stars again. “Doesn’t it kind of look like that?”

“I guess.” He leered at her. “Chains, huh? Sounds kinky!”

“You and your dirty mind!” She laughed.

“And you love it!” He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.

“Yeah, I do.” She wrapped her arms around him. “Maybe we should find somewhere a little more private.”

He smiled. “Let’s go.”

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