Stay With Me

Stay With Me
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- So this is part three of the “Road to Nowhere” series featuring Dick Mulligan and my BSC MC. This wasn’t meant to be a series, but it evolved into one. I think there’s only one more chapter and an epilogue left, but it might be two.
Pairing- Dick Mulligan/MC
Rating- NSFW
Summary- Dick takes Summer to see his land and their relationship reaches a new stage.
Words- 2772

“It’s not much, but it’s mine,” Dick commented, hand in his pockets, an almost shy look on his face as we got out of his truck and surveyed the acres of land.

The land was empty except for a trailer and a small barn.

I looked around, taking in the land and the open sky. “It’s beautiful. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so much green.”

“Spoken like a true city girl,” Dick teased, but I could tell he was pleased by my reaction.

We’d spend one last night in Sweet Ridge and then spent the day driving across Montana to his land. I’d called Evie and let her know I’d be delayed. She’d been sympathetic, but firm, “I can’t hold the job forever, Summer, eventually we’ll need to interview other candidates.”

There had been a bit of panic at the idea of letting this job slip through my fingers, but not enough to make me leave Dick. In fact, my car was still in Sweet Ridge.

I told myself it was because it was a long drive and it wasn’t worth taking two cars, but the truth was I’d wanted to be with him. I’d wanted that time, just the two of us. We’d shared conversation, finding similarities in our differences and also just enjoyed the silence, my body snuggled up against his on the bench seat until the nearness had gotten too much for us both and we’d pulled over and I’d been able to cross “sex in a pick-up truck” off whatever bucket list I might have had.

Now we were here, on his land, his special place, and I couldn’t deny it anymore. This might have started out casual a week ago, a fun encounter on my way to my life, but somewhere along the line, it had slipped into serious. Except there was a whole lot of reasons why it couldn’t.

“I hope to start building next spring,” Dick told me, filling in the silence. “I’ve got the layout all planned.”

“Where are you building?” I asked curiously. “Where the trailer is?”

Dick shook his head. “Nah. I parked it there because I didn’t want to have to move it until the house is done.” He reached for my hand. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

I felt a moment of hesitation, knowing that there were things I should say first, but I brushed it aside and took the offered hand. Dick smiled down at me and then tugged me along eagerly, pulling me to a corner of the property.

“I’m going to build right here,” he said proudly.

“It’s beautiful,” I said, taking in the view. I’d been in Montana a week and I’d felt things I’d never felt in a lifetime in the East Coast. Would I feel the same about San Francisco? Or… I didn’t even let the thought form. “What are plans for the house?” I asked instead.

“I figure I only want to do this once,” Dick told me, “so I’m planning for the future.” He paused a bit after he said that, looking at me out of the corner of the eye in a way that made the breath catch in my throat. Was he…?

“I’m 30 now,” he hastily added, “and I can’t compete forever. I’m hoping to make it to Vegas this season and that will give me some cash and maybe some sponsorship opportunities and I figure it’s  a good as time as ever to start thinking about what comes next.” He let go of my hand and motioned to the land. “And this, this is it for me.”

“It’s a good dream,” I assured him, gazing around at the beautiful landscape, trying to picture a house there and animals and some noisy kids. It was a picture that came far easier than it should have. Just like it was too easy to imagine myself in that picture.

“What about you, darlin’?” Dick asked quietly, still holding my hand. “What’s your dream? I know you’re a writer and that’s why you’re headed to San Francisco. Is that your dream career?”

“Writing is,” I answered, “San Francisco… It’s more that it’s the right opportunity at the right time. I had a job in Boston and I liked it a lot, but… My position got eliminated.” I didn’t tell him why it got eliminated and how it had made me realize that whatever I made for myself in Boston, it would eventually fall apart and vanish because other people had the power. So I ran, hoping to make something for myself.

“One of my closest friends from high school, her cousin runs a lifestyle blog in San Francisco,” I continued, focusing on the safe details, and deciding not to mention that that friend was also the Queen of Cordonia, “Anyway, they are looking to expand and another writer and Ellie knew I was looking for something, so she set it up. It’s not a 100% done deal, but if I’m a good fit, I’ve got a job.”

“But you have to live in San Francisco,” Dick commented, giving me a searching look as he let go of my hand.

“Yeah,” I told him, “Simplicity focuses on the Bay area for now.”

“So I guess tomorrow we’ll head back to Sweet Ridge and you’ll be on your way, then.”

“Yeah…” I answered. “If I want a steady paycheck this is what I’m going to be looking for. I mean, I could freelance, but it’s not great for making rent.” Not that that was actually my first priority. Or well, it didn’t have to be. I had money, I just… It came with too many strings and I needed to prove that I could do this, that I could make my own way.

“And if that wasn’t a factor,” Dick asked, his expression unusually serious, “then what would you do?”

“Just write,” I admitted, “maybe see if I could freelance with Simplicity or other similar sites. Work on a novel. All I’ve ever wanted to do was write, I just I’ve always struggled with how to make that practical.”

Maybe because I’d been told my entire life it wasn’t. That it was fine if I wrote my silly little stories on my own time, but I couldn’t be serious about wanting to be a writer, could I? Harringtons didn’t write. They went to Ivy league schools, studying appropriate subjects and then they either went into business or married well.

“I do ok,” Dick told me, his hands in his pockets, “I mean, it’s not anything special,  but the bills all get paid and I’ve been saving up.”

I felt my breath catch in my throat, wondering where he was going with this. Surely he wasn’t…

“There’s wi-fi out here,” He continued, oh God he was, “it’s not the best, but…”

“Dick…” I breathed, not sure if I was trying to stop him or make him keep going. Did I want to hear what he had to say? There was so much I hadn’t told him. Stuff he should know. But at the same time, I stayed silent. As unfair as it was, I needed him to make this offer before he heard all the rest.

“I probably have no right to ask you to stay,” he continued, “and maybe it’s crazy, but… From the moment I saw you standing on the side of the road, there was just something and all week I haven’t been able to banish those thoughts, the image of you right here.” He took a deep breath and then looked deep into my eyes. “Don’t go to California darlin’, stay here. With me. At least until we see if this can be something.”

I thought of all the reasons I should say no or at least wait before saying yes, but they all seemed to slip out of my brain. “Yes,” I said instead, stepping towards him. “I’d like that.”

Dick’s face lit up, making him look almost boyish, and he reached for me, pulling me against him and then lowering his mouth to mine, kissing me deeply and reminding me that he was all man. I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting myself enjoy the kiss. Later, Dick and I needed to talk and there were some things I needed to tell him, but for now… I just wanted to make this moment last as long as it could.

Dick seemed to have the same thought, his hands finding the button of my plaid shirt, a purchased I’d made in Sweet Ridge, and undoing them one by one as he continued to kiss me. My fingers did the same with his shirts, then running my hands over the exposed muscles of his chest.

“We could go to the trailer,” Dick suggested, his hands pausing on the button of my jeans.

“We could,” I told him, “but why? This spot is perfect.” This spot where he was going to build his house, his dream. I wanted to be part of that, if only briefly.

Dick nodded and then undid my jeans, easing them off my hips, taking my lace thong down with them, though they got stuck on my boots. I swore a little and kicked them all off, holding on to Dick as I did so. As soon as I was free, he dropped to his knees, lifting one of my legs over his shoulder.

“The first time I saw you, I knew you’d be as sweet as candy,” he told me, “and I badly wanted a taste, but now that I know how right I was, one taste isn’t enough.”

“You’re such a charmer,” I teased, trying to fight the sigh of pleasure as his lips teased my inner thigh before moving towards my warm, wet center. He was taking his time and the anticipation was killing me.

He licked and sucked, his beard rough against my sensitive skin, yet in a way that felt oh so good. He had one arm keeping me anchored in place, while the other hand moved upward to play with my breasts, teasing my nipples into hard peaks with his calloused fingers. He plunged his tongue inside of me and I tossed my head back in pleasure.

“Dick!” I cried out, knowing that no one could hear me but him and I could be as loud as I wanted. He seemed to enjoy the sound of my cries because he just worked harder with his lips and tongue and his hand and it wasn’t long before I was saying his name over and over as I came apart.

I was grateful for his supporting arm or I might have fallen to the ground, instead I slumped against him and he gently removed my leg and stood up, still supporting me.

“I love the way you say my name darlin’,” he said with a satisfied grin, “And I want to hear it over and over.” He lowered his mouth to mine, giving me a slow, deep kiss that made my toes curl and ignited the fire in my belly all over again.

“The only question is whether I carry you to that trailer or take you right here,” he mused when he lifted his head, his arms still tight around me.

“Here,” I told him again, “take me here, Dick, where you are going to build your house.”

The fire in his eyes grew hotter and his kiss was more demanding, his hands wandering my body, stopping only long enough to hastily strip off his clothing and toss them aside before he lowered us to the ground, positioning us so I was straddling his lap. His hands gripped my hips as he lowered me onto him and I groaned at the contact, holding on to his shoulders as he filled me.

Dick wrapped his arms around me once more, pressing my chest flush against his as he began to rock our bodies, thrusting up into me as he did so. I rocked my hips against him eagerly, basking in the intimacy of this, our mouths tangled together as our bodies moved as one.

“Dick!!!!” I screamed when the orgasm washed over me, clinging to him. His movements became more desperate and I knew he was close.

“Summer,” he groaned and he spilled himself inside of me. As he did so, it suddenly occurred to me that we had forgotten to use a condom. We’d been so good about it every other time, but this time our passion had gotten away from us.

Dick seemed to realize at the same time as I did. “I’m sorry darlin’,” he apologized, letting go of me and pulling out, “I don’t normally get carried away like that. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I did.”

“Me either,” I admitted, a little dazed, both by the fact that I’d let myself get so carried away and the high we’d experienced together. “I’m on the pill,’ I assured him, “and I’m clean.”

“I am too,” Dick assured me, looking as dazed as I felt. It wasn’t the lack of condom per say, but what forgetting it meant, especially in combination with what we had just experienced. He cupped my face in his. “We did say we’d see where this could go,” he reminded me, “and for me, that means no one else.”

“Me too,” I agreed softly, accepting his kiss. I was scared and nervous and I knew there was a lot we had to talk about. But not now, now with his lips against mine, and this feeling of warmth flowing through me. There was time for reality later, I just wanted to lose myself in the fantasy of this man and all that he was offering me.


I woke to the sound of an engine.

It took me a moment to realize where I was, nestled in Dick’s arms in the small bed inside his trailer. We’d moved there after a second round, exploring each other’s bodies some more before finally falling asleep in each other’s arms. We’d been sleeping together in cheap motel beds for the last week, but this was different. This was his space, his bed, and he’d invited me to share it. And not just for one night.

I knew that today Dick and I would have to talk. That I’d have to be honest with him before we moved forward. I had to hope that the truth wouldn’t change things between us, wouldn’t change him like it had changed Elliott.

I brushed that thought aside, Dick wasn’t Elliott, just like he wasn’t Jason or any other man I’d ever known.

The sound got closer, reminding me of why I’d woken up in the first place.

“Dick,” I whispered, nudging him awake, “someone’s here.”

He stirred, yawning as he sat up. “Don’t understand how, no one else around for miles. This is private land.”

“Well you obviously have a visitor,” I told him, grabbing my clothes.

Dick groaned as he did the same.

The noise had stopped by the time we were dressed. I didn’t know if that meant whoever was had left or if they had simply stopped the vehicle. There was no sound, but Dick and I exited the trailer anyway.

We weren’t alone. There was a luxury car parked next to Dick’s truck, looking completely out of place, almost as out of place as the two men in expensive suits looked. I froze at the sight of them.

“No, no, no,” I whispered. This wasn’t happening. I just needed a little more time.

“Darlin’ what’s wrong?” Dick asked, his attention all on me, ignoring the men.

I didn’t answer, but I tucked my body behind his, hoping in vain that if I hid they’d go away.

Of course, that didn’t happen and they just kept approaching.

“Who are you and what do you want? This is private land.” Dick called out, his posture tense as he stared at them.

The men ignored him. “Dawn, we’re here to take you home.” My brother said, stepping closer.

Dick looked at me. “Dawn?”

“I can explain,” I said weakly, still refusing to look at the intruders.

I could see the anger and hurt in Dick’s eyes and didn’t blame him but he gave a stiff nod, giving me a show of trust I didn’t deserve.

“I’m only going to ask one more time, who are you and what are you doing on my land?”

The man with my brother stepped forward, looking just as smarmy as I remembered. “I’m Jason Edmonds and I’m here to collect my fiance.”

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

8 thoughts on “Stay With Me”

  1. This was everything and more. D falling for Summer, wanting to settle down, choosing her… It was all so romantic, especially the part where they don’t use protection because they trust one another and it feels right. Except… it isn’t for Summer. Not yet. And then Jason, showing up. I know it won’t end well for now, but look forward to a happily ever after eventually .

    1. Thank you! Yes, he is in this place where he’s ready for this. He has the land, his rodeo career is going where he wants it and he sees this woman as the one to complete the picture. Unfortunately it’s not that simple for Summer, though some part of her wants it to be.

  2. Aaaaaaah OMG the fiancee showed up what the hell!! The angst! The cliffhanger! What is the next ? How is Dick going to reach to the turn of events? She’s been lying to him the whole time, is he going to be able to forgive her? I need to know!

    1. Thank you for the review, yeah that reveal threw a bit of curveball into their romantic moment. Dick’s been falling in love with a woman and doesn’t even know her real name (or does he, what is truth and what is lie?).

  3. Ahhh! The feels! ❤ The tension! ⚡You should hand out pacemakers with this story! 😄 Can’t wait for the next part!

    1. Thank you! Yes for what was supposed to be a simple smutty, AU, this story has developed some twists and turns. There is a little bit left and there is some rough times ahead before the happy ending.

  4. OMG, OMG, OMG!! This was so cute! Summer continuing to push off her obligations to be with Dick, recognizing that it’s no longer just a casual thing. And Dick planning for the future and giving her the eye. Ahhh, how sweet are they?!? (Nice subtle crossover, BTW 😉)
    That scene in the field was hot, so hot … and then they got all sappy again. That ending though – damnit I hate cliffhangers! I’m waiting impatiently for the next part!
    Great job Misha!!!

    1. Thanks T! I am really loving writing Dick and giving him a softer side we don’t get to see, he gets to be more than Sawyer’s rival. There is one part and an epilogue left (I thiink, depends on ho wlong it gets) and then it’ll be all done.

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