Steam – Maxwell x MC (NSFW)

Summary: Maxwell and MC (Leila) enjoy some time alone in the sauna.

Notes: This is a re-imagining of the diamond scene in Book 3, Chapter 6. You know me, I had to make it a little smuttier. 😂

Leila settled back in the steam room as Maxwell ladled water over the hissing coals. “This feels so good,” she said as she let the warmth envelop her.

“Agreed,” Maxwell said as he sat beside her. He reached over and took her hand in his before bringing it to his lips. “It’s crazy to think about how much has changed since the last time we were here.”

“I know,” Leila agreed. “Last time, I was in the other steam room, daydreaming about what it’d be like to be with you. I never thought you’d actually feel the same way.”

“Are you kidding?” Maxwell asked. “I’ve been fighting feelings for you since I met you in New York.”

“I’m glad you stopped fighting,” Leila said with a smile as she leaned over and kissed him gently. Maxwell cupped her face in his hands and deepened the kiss. Without breaking away, Leila moved over to sit on his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist. Maxwell’s fingers dug into the terrycloth of her towel as he pulled her tighter to him.

“If I’m being perfectly honest,” Maxwell murmured with a devilish grin. “The last time we were here, I was thinking about you, too.”

“Oh yeah?” Leila asked, gently kissing his earlobe. “What were you thinking?”

“I was picturing you in the sauna wearing only a towel,” he admitted. “It was very … distracting.”

“I’m surprised you included the towel,” Leila said. She kissed his neck, his slick skin salty against her lips.

“Well … the towel may have only lasted for a minute,” Maxwell said, his fingertips tracing along the top of her towel. Leila tilted his face towards hers and he kissed her hungrily. Leila felt breathless as she returned his embrace, like she’d been searching for water in the desert and had finally found an oasis.

“I have an … idea,” Leila finally said when they broke apart.

“What sort of an idea?” Maxwell asked, his hands tracing slow pathways up and down her back.

“First, let me reiterate that I don’t want to pressure you,” Leila said. Maxwell smiled and brushed a lock of damp hair back from her forehead. “We have forever together; there’s no need to rush anything. But … I mean, you said you thought about me last time we were here, so I was thinking maybe you might want a preview.”

“A preview, huh?” Maxwell asked with a grin as he rested his hand against her heart. “What sort of preview did you have in mind?”

“Strictly above the waist,” Leila assured him. “But … towels slip all the time.”

“It’s true, you can’t fight gravity,” Maxwell said. He reached for where she’d secured her towel and his fingers paused against her skin. “Are you sure?”

Leila nodded and he gently tugged at her towel. It fell away from her body, puddling around her waist, and Maxwell sucked in a sharp breath as he took in the sight of her body.

“Do I live up to the fantasy?” Leila felt a sudden pang of nervousness. She’d fallen so hard for him and she still couldn’t believe he felt the same way.

“Leila, you are better than any fantasy,” Maxwell said. He kissed her softly, his hands caressing the bare skin on her sides. “I still can’t believe this is really my life.”

Maxwell trailed his lips across her jaw and down her throat. Leila sighed, running her fingers through his hair as he kissed his way across her slick skin to her breasts. He groaned softly as he took her nipple in his mouth, the vibrations from his mouth making her shudder under his touch. She dropped her head back, consumed by the way he flicked his tongue over her nipple, sucking it into a hard peak before moving to the other one. She could feel his erection through the towel at his waist and she imagined taking him in her mouth, running her tongue along his length before sucking the glistening drops from his head.

He licked the salt from her skin and Leila imagined Maxwell inside of her, thrusting into her, filling her as she begged for more. He lifted his face to hers and brought her lips to his in a bruising kiss and Leila felt a warm, wet, ache inside of her that had nothing to do with the sauna. Maxwell’s strong hands caressed her breasts as they kissed and she was so absorbed with the way he made her feel that she almost didn’t hear the banging on the sauna door.

“Get a room already!” Drake called through the door.

“We’ve got one, go get your own room!” Maxwell yelled back. Leila laughed and Maxwell joined her, dissolving the sexual tension in the room. Drake banged on the door again and Leila could faintly hear Hana admonishing him.

“We should probably get out there,” Leila said. Maxwell pulled her towel up from around her waist and wrapped it around her, securing it snugly.

“I loved the preview,” he said with a grin. “Almost as much as I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Leila said. He kissed her softly, his hands gentle in her hair. She slid off of his lap to sit beside him and he readjusted his own towel. “You know, I heard a rumor that Valtoria has a sauna.”

“Does it?” Maxwell asked as he took her hand in his. “Interesting …”

“I thought so,” Leila said. “And I was thinking that maybe once all the craziness of this tour is over, we could recreate this scene at Valtoria once we’re married.”

Maxwell stood up and helped Leila to her feet before wrapping his arms around her waist. “That could definitely be arranged.”

“Plus, Drake won’t be there to bang on the door and interrupt us,” Leila added. Maxwell laughed and kissed her sweetly.

“Good, because I don’t intend to share my time with you with anyone,” he said. Then he wound his fingers between hers and they left the sauna, steam still coursing through their veins.

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