Stolen Kingdom: Chapter Four

Stolen Kingdom
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am done.
Pairing- Diavolos/Kenna
Rating- PG-13
Summary- Kenna and Diavolos travel to Abanthus for the duration of her pregnancy.
Words- 2078

Chapter Four

“I’ve never been away from Stormholt,” Kenna mused a few weeks later as she and Diavolos prepared for their trip to Abanthus, “well, not really, only to visit the country estates.”

She’d never left her own kingdom and yet, now she would be making her home elsewhere, at least temporarily. She knew it was only right that she went. Her husband was heir to a kingdom of his own and she needed to meet his people.

“We’ll be back soon enough,” Diavolos promised her, “once the babe is born.” He put a possessive hand on her stomach as he said the words.

“Yes,” Kenna said with a smile. Traveling in pregnancy was tricky and it had been agreed that Kenna would make the trip to Lykos now, while she was still only a few months along, and then return to Stormholt once she’d safely delivered. This babe could be born in Lykos and the next one at Stormholt, after all, that would be the fair thing to do.

Just then her mother emerged from the castle. “Are you all set for your trip?” Adriana asked them. Kenna noted the way her mother’s eyes lingered on Diavolos’s hand and the resulting smile.

“We are,” Diavolos answered for them both as he removed his hand, “I’ll give you a few moments alone while I go give the orders.”

They would be accompanied by a small band of soldiers from both Abanthus and Stormholt, and several servants. Diavolos assured her they would take their time and that he would do his best to make the journey as easy as possible and she knew he would keep his word. He always did.

Kenna watched Diavolos stride away, thinking again how powerful and commanding he was.

Adriana followed her gaze with a fond smile. “Marriage suits you, butterfly.”

“Diavolos suits me,” Kenna corrected, but she was smiling as well.

“It makes me happy to see you so happy,” Adriana told her and then she sighed, “I’ll miss you.”

Mother and daughter had rarely been separated and as strange as it would be to be away from Stormholt, it was going to be even stranger to be away from her mother.

“I’ll miss you too,” Kenna told her sincerely, “You’ll come when my time nears?”

“I will,” Adriana promised, her expression soft, “my little butterfly will soon be a mother, I still can’t believe it, but I am so happy.” Adriana opened her arms and Kenna walked into them, the two of them embracing.

They parted, just as Diavolos returned. “Are you ready to go?” He asked Kenna. She nodded. “I am.”

She hugged her mother one more time and then followed her husband towards where their party waited for them. Diavolos lifted her easily up onto the horse. It had been decided that in her condition, they should share.

“We’ll ride at your pace,” he reminded her, “just let me know when you want to rest.”

Kenna smiled at his concern. “I will,” she promised.

Diavolos nodded and then easily mounted behind her, his strong arms wrapping around her and making her feel safe and protected, just like he did. She was nervous about leaving Stormholt for such an extended period, but she had Diavolos by her side and that made her feel stronger and more confident.

It didn’t take long for Diavolos to realize that Kenna did not like Lykos, not that he blamed her, there was a reason he’d avoided court for so long. And Lykos was very different than Stormholt. She was polite, but he could see her tense at what passed for “entertainment” in his father’s castle and he could see her becoming more withdrawn as the days passed.

His family was also a problem. Baltair and Seoras were welcoming, but they had only been at the castle briefly before being sent back to fight a border skirmish near Panrion. Zenobia had been her usual spoiled self and she and Kenna did not hit it off, but it was Marco that Diavolos was worried about and the way he constantly watched Kenna.

What especially worried him was the knowledge that he would soon be expected to rejoin the army, after all, that’s what he was, a soldier. It had never bothered him before, in fact, he was grateful for the excuse to avoid the castle, but he hated the idea of leaving Kenna.

“I want you to go to Panrion,” Luther told him a few days after his arrival in Lykos, cornering him at a banquet.

Diavolos nodded because he didn’t know what else to do, trying not to acknowledge the panic that set it at the idea of leaving Kenna to the devices of court.

“I want you to make sure Baltair is capable of leading,” Luther continued, “because I intend to promote him to field commander.”

Diavolos raised an eyebrow; that had always been his job.

“You have new obligations,” Luther reminded him, “you have a wife, soon to be a child, and another kingdom to be concerned with. It wouldn’t be wise to have the armies to be shown as having the same command, no matter what may occur in the future, and your concern must now be Stormholt.”

Diavolos nodded. “That makes sense,” he agreed. Before he had departed Stormholt, he and Adriana had discussed the possibility of him taking formal command of the Stormholt army once he and Kenna returned.

“You’re not appointing Marco in my place?” He asked with a smirk. Marco was the oldest of Luther’s children by his second wife and always liked to see himself as the heir.

“Your brother has his uses,” Luther commented, “but commanding an army is not one of them. Baltair will do a fine job.”

Kenna walked along the beach, just grateful for the escape from the castle. She had been in Lykos a month and it had occurred to her how different it was from Stormholt and how much she longed for home.

The last few days had been the worst, because Diavolos had been sent on a military mission for Luther. She knew he’d be back soon, but it just made her feel more alone. She might be a princess of Abanthus now, but she was still an outsider.

“It’s not wise to slip your guards, especially in your condition.” Kenna turned at the sound of the voice, freezing when she saw King Luther. He didn’t look angry though, more amused.

“I just needed some time to think,” she apologized.

He stepped towards her. “Lykos is dangerous, Princess Kenna,” he warned, “however I can understand that it can be quite… stifling in the castle, I’d be happy to walk with you, if you’d like.”

“You would?” She asked in surprise. She didn’t know Diavolos’s father well, but her first impression of him was that he was intimidating, a man used to getting his own way, and a little cold.

Luther smiled, “of course. This is your home now Kenna, at least part of the time, and I want you to be comfortable.”

“Thank you,” Kenna said quietly, “I’m not used to spending a lot of time indoors.”

“Me neither,” Luther told her as they walked along the beach. “I’ve always preferred a battlefield to a ballroom.”

“Sometimes I think I can see the appeal in that,” Kenna admitted, “not that I’ve had any practical experience in battle.”

That wasn’t her role in life. She was a princess, she would spend her life safe and protected inside a castle.

“In Abanthus, we believe that everyone should be able to wield a sword,” Luther told her, “and I’m told you are quite capable. Once the babe is here, I’m sure Diavolos would be happy to continue your training.”

Kenna’s eyes lit up at the idea. It was a very different picture than the one her mother had always presented her and much more appealing. Maybe life as a princess of Abanthus wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“There is a messenger from Stormholt, Your Majesty.” The servant declared, out of breath. “He says he must see the princess immediately, in private.”

“Show him to my study,” Luther said calmly.

Kenna stood up, from the table, Diavolos offering her a hand. They headed towards the study, walking as quickly as Kenna’s condition would allow. When they got there, they found a familiar face waiting for them.

“Gabriel!” She said in surprise, greeting her former bodyguard. “What are you doing here?”

It had been decided that Gabriel would stay at Stormholt, to give Kenna and Diavolos time to adjust to married life without the presence of her father figure.

The older man looked grave. “I am afraid I have terrible news, Kenna,” he told her, stepping towards her, “your mother is dead.”

Diavolos went stiff, he should have expected it after all this was the ideal time, yet he’d tried hard to push those thoughts aside as he’d focused on Kenna and their life together.

Kenna let out a little cry and he wrapped an arm around her to support her. “How?” Kenna whispered.

“We’re not sure,” Gabriel commented, he looked distressed, “she was found murdered in her bed, with no sign of how the assassins got in. Not until morning.”

Diavolos felt his blood run cold. That sounded eerily familiar, surely his father wouldn’t… That would be cold, even for him. But the alternative was equally distressing.

Kenna must have been thinking the same thing because she looked at him. “Isn’t that how your mother was killed?”

Gabriel looked surprised. “I’d never heard that.”

“We kept the details quiet as not to create panic,” Luther explained, speaking before Diavolos could, “but yes, my late wife Livia was killed under similar conditions. The assassins were never found, but I’ve always believed that they came from the Iron Empire.”

“They must have killed Mother,” Kenna spoke up, “perhaps the Empress heard about the alliance that Mother was trying to organize and decided to put a stop to it.”

“That is possible,” Gabriel agreed, he stepped forward and handed something to Kenna, “it means that you have to be even more careful, my Queen.”

Diavolos glanced at the item in his wife’s hand, a gold signet ring. The one previously worn by the Queen of Stormholt.

“I’ll protect Kenna with my life,” he assured the older man, his arm still around his wife’s waist.

“All of Abanthus will,” Luther spoke up. He turned to Kenna. “You are young and the other kingdoms, and the Iron Empire, will be looking for signs of weakness, but rest assured, you have the full support of Abanthus.”

Kenna smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”

Diavolos eyed his father carefully, trying to read his expression but whatever Luther’s true motives, he was concealing them well. Could it really be a coincidence? Had the Iron Empire struck before Luther could?

Kenna stared down at the newborn in her arms, her daughter. She was a mother. A sudden wave of sadness filled her at the realization that her own mother wasn’t there to share this moment.

“I want to name her after my mother,” Kenna told Diavolos.

“Of course,” he answered, his eyes glued to the infant. “Adriana.”

“And how about Livia as her middle name?” Kenna suggested, “after your mother?”

Diavolos paused and then nodded. “I’d like that.” He leaned down and kissed her. “She is as beautiful as her mother.”

Kenna blushed, gazing up at him. “I need to go home,” she said after a moment. “To Stormholt.”

“I know,” Diavolos assured her, “as soon as you and Adriana can travel, we will depart.”

Kenna nodded, grateful for his support. “It’s strange to think I’m queen,” she admitted, “I don’t feel ready.”

“You won’t have to do it alone,” Diavolos assured her, “I’ll be at your side.”

The words strengthened her,  but that didn’t surprise her, Diavolos had been a source of strength in the weeks since she’d learned of her mother’s death.

“I want to see my mother’s dreams fulfilled,” Kenna continued, “I want to see the alliance come to fruition.”

“Then we will,” Diavolos told her, “I’m sure Father will offer his support.”

Kenna was sure of that too. Luther had been wonderful, helping her adjust to life in Abanthus and vowing to support her any way possible and she was confident that with his support the alliance would become a reality and they would defeat the Iron Empire once and for all.

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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