Stolen Kingdom: Chapter One

Stolen Kingdom
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am finished.
Author’s Notes- This has been in progress since August. I’ve teased it a few times but couldn’t commit to it mostly because this will go to a dark place. Kenna is naïve and Diavolos’s motives aren’t the best and I still have no idea how I will pull off a happy ending, I am also a little concerned about my ability to write an epic but I really want to commit myself to a few projects and I think this one could be one. It’s set before Book 1.
Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos
Summary- His father desperately wants Stormholt and Diavolos desperately wants its princes and he puts in motion a dangerous plan to give them both what they want.
Rating- PG-13 (will be NSFW in later chapters)
Words- 2601

Chapter One

“Prince Diavolos, welcome to Stormholt,” Queen Adriana greeted, “I was so pleased to get the message that your father was willing to consider the alliance.”

“Father is very interested in the idea of the alliance,” Diavolos lied smoothly, “but he is occupied at the moment trying to secure our coastline. He hopes that you don’t mind that I am here in his place.”

“Of course not,” The queen assured him, “any representative of Abanthus is welcome.”

Diavolos wondered if she was naïve enough to take what he was saying at face-value. His father thought so. Well-meaning, but terribly naïve. Puts too much faith in the strength of her walls. That was Luther had had to say about the Queen of Stormholt.

“I am just sorry that Princess Kenna isn’t here to greet you,” Adriana said after a moment, “she seems to have slipped off.”

A look of frustration crossed her face, though she quickly masked it, but not before Diavolos noted it, thinking about what he knew about Princess Kenna. The princess was reputed to be beautiful, one of the reasons why Adriana was dangling her as a bargaining chip for the alliance, but she was also said to be free-spirited and rebellious, more interested in sword-fighting than courtly duties. Personally, Diavolos thought the princess sounded intriguing, he had never had much time for the proper women of the court, and at least Princess Kenna sound like she had spirit.

“I’m sure the princess is busy,” Diavolos said smoothly, “but I look forward to meeting her at dinner.”

The princess was actually one of the reasons he was at Stormholt, his father wanted him to report back on the princess and his impressions of her. After all, she was the heiress to a formidable army and a prosperous kingdom and her mother seemed intent on using her as a bargaining chip.

Diavolos didn’t think his father was seriously considering that route though since Luther preferred not to leave things to chance and preferred to take what he wanted by force. But he wasn’t ruling the idea out either, Diavolos knew, or at least he wanted Adriana to think he was considering it. That he’d be willing to marry one of his sons to her beautiful daughter and in exchange, lend his army to her proposed alliance.

“Why don’t you accompany me to the meeting room before dinner?” Adriana suggested after a moment. “There is much to discuss in terms of the alliance.” “

Of course,” Diavolos agreed, falling into step with the queen.

He kept a careful eye on his surroundings, taking care to memorize every detail so that he could report it back to his father. After all, that was the real reason he was here, to gather as much information about the castle and its inhabitants as possible so Luther could formulate his next step.  

“You cannot keep disappearing like this, Kenna,” Gabriel scolded, “it was one thing when you were young, but you are not a child any longer. You are a grown woman and the Princess of Stormholt. Your mother was expecting you to be there to greet Prince Diavolos.”

Kenna sighed, she knew she had screwed up. She had honestly forgotten that the delegation from Abanthus was expected that morning until she was already away from the castle.

“I’ll see him at dinner,” she argued, “and it’s not like I’m needed for the political discussions.” Kenna had no interest in court politics or diplomatic agreements. She was happy to leave all that to her mother while she focused on the things that interested her.

“You are the heir to Stormholt,” Gabriel reminded her, “it’s time that you start considering what that means and take the time to learn about your kingdom instead of spending all your time sneaking off to be with Dominic.”

Kenna stayed silent, her face set in a mutinous line. She knew Gabriel was right, she did need to start learning how to govern, but she hated to hear it. She preferred being outside, instead of being cooped up inside all day. As for Dom… He was her best friend, the one person who truly understood, of course, she wanted to spend her time with him.

“Was Mother angry?” She asked after a moment, as they headed towards the castle.

“More disappointed, “ Gabriel told her, “your mother is very optimistic about this visit and the fact that Luther sent his favorite son to meet with her. She thinks it could bode well for the proposed alliance.”

Kenna nodded, she knew how much this alliance meant to her mother. She also knew that Abanthus was the largest and most powerful of the five kingdoms, meaning that if the alliance was going to happen, her mother needed their full support.

“If you want to make it up to your mother, dress nicely for dinner,” Gabriel advised, “come to dinner dressed like the Princess of Stromholt should and act like it too.”

Kenna nodded, “I can do that.” She repressed the urge to sigh. She knew what Gabriel was really saying: Charm Prince Diavolos so that he would see her as a potential bride. Kenna knew as well as anyone that once this alliance was official, she would be expected to marry, and that the lure of Stormholt and its resources was one of the reasons the other kingdoms were considering the alliance in the first place.

Still, while she didn’t like what it meant for her own future, Kenna was proud of her mother and her efforts to bring peace to the realm. Besides, as everyone kept telling her, she was a princess, her future wasn’t hers to choose. So, she would dress nicely and be polite to Prince Diavolos. She just hoped that he wasn’t too full of himself.

Diavolos wasn’t sure what he had expected upon meeting Princess Kenna, but it certainly wasn’t the strong desire that coursed through him the moment he set eyes on her. He wanted this woman, more than he could remember ever wanting anything in his life. From the blush that crept up her cheeks when their eyes met and the way she quickly glanced away, he guessed that the feeling was mutual.

Throughout dinner, he focused his attention on her, engaging her in conversation. He wanted to know more about her, to learn if there was more to her than the incredibly appealing package. She was reserved at first but slowly opened up to him, warming up as they talked out about horses.

Diavolos could see Queen Adriana watching them carefully, obviously appraising the situation. “Kenna, perhaps tomorrow you could accompany Prince Diavolos on a ride,” the queen suggested, “I’m sure he would enjoy the chance to see more of the kingdom and you know the countryside better than anyone.”

The princess looked surprised but nodded. “Of course, if that’s what he wants.”

“I would like that,” Diavolos said immediately, “I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful kingdom and I couldn’t ask for a better guide or a prettier one.”

Princess Kenna blushed, but Diavolos saw the trace of a smile on her face.

Queen Adriana looked quite satisfied by the exchange. “Do you like to ride, Prince Diavolos?”

“Yes,” he told her honestly, “I prefer being outdoors if I have the option.”

Adriana smiled fondly, “you’re just like my butterfly then, it’s hard to keep her indoors sometimes.”

“Something we have in common then,” Diavolos agreed, his eyes focused on Kenna. “I look forward to finding out if we share any other common interests.”

He noted with pleasure the way she averted her gaze and the flush that tinted her cheeks when he spoke. The princess was not indifferent to him, at least, though only time would tell if she felt the same intense attraction. But if she did, then Diavolos intended to take full advantage and he knew from the smile on Adriana’s face that he would have her full support.

He hadn’t come to Stormholt to take a bride, actually, it had been the last thing he’d wanted, but a good General knew when to adapt a plan. Yes, Kenna was a little young, but she was undeniably beautiful and he had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted her. Add that to the strategic benefits of marriage and there was no reason not to pursue her.

It might not be what his father had planned, but Diavolos was confident that he could bring him around. After all, Luther would still get his hands on Stormholt, just with less bloodshed, and Diavolos would get the girl, meaning they’d both get what they wanted.

Kenna wasn’t surprised when her mother knocked on her bedchamber door early the next morning. She’d been aware of the way her mother had been watching her and Prince Diavolos the previous night and she expected that her mother had a lot to say about the situation.

“Have you come to give me instructions?” Kenna asked as she lay out her armor. After all, it was her mother who had suggested this morning ride and it was clear that she had an ulterior motive.

“Of course not,” Adriana denied, though she cast a critical eye over the armor. “Is that what you were planning on wearing?”

“Yes,” Kenna answered, “what else would I wear? It’s not exactly practical for me to dress on a ride through the woods.”

She knew her mother wanted her to dress more ladylike, but the armor was convenient.

“Of course not,” Adriana agreed even as she got up and walked over to the wardrobe. After a moment, she pulled out a pair of soft black pants and a blue tunic. “However, I think this would be suitable riding attire and more attractive than the armor.”

Kenna rolled her eyes but took the clothes anyway, quickly putting them on. “Do I meet your approval?”

“You look beautiful,” Adriana told her, tucking back a stray piece of hair. “I know it seems silly, but Abanthus is the most powerful of the five kingdoms and we need Luther’s support.”

“And you want me to try and charm Prince Diavolos so he’ll convince his father to side with the alliance,” Kenna surmised, “with the lure of me as a potential bride for his son.”

“Do you dislike him?” Adriana questioned.

“No,” Kenna admitted. He had been handsome and charming, very attentive but not in a demanding way. In fact, Kenna found herself quite drawn to him. She had spent most of the meal wondering what his lips would feel like against hers and she had spent the night tossing and turning, tormented by thoughts of him. Which was a little unsettling, actually, given that they had just met.

“He would make you an excellent husband,” Her mother pointed out, “I know I told you that marriage would come after the alliance, but a union between Stormholt and Abanthus… It would put us in a powerful position and make it so that the other kingdoms would have to joint he alliance.”

Or face the combined armies of Abanthus and Stormholt, Kenna realized.

“Mother, I just met the man,” she pointed out, “don’t you think it’s a little early to start planning the wedding?”

“I’m not,” Adriana denied, “I’m just… I’m thinking ahead. I’m not asking you to make a decision today, Kenna, I just want you to be open to the possibility. Can you do that, for me?”

“All right,” Kenna agreed, knowing there was nothing else to say. Besides, she had always known an arranged marriage was in her future, she had just thought she’d have more time… On the other hand, at least she was attracted to Prince Diavolos, unlike some of the other possible candidates. That was a start, right?

“Is something bothering you, Princess Kenna?” Diavolos asked Kenna when they stopped to rest their horses and stretch their legs. He noticed she’d been very quiet.

“No!” She said quickly and then sighed. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little overwhelmed.”

“I  can imagine, you must feel like you’re being bartered off,” he said sympathetically, coming to stand behind her.

She looked away, her cheeks flushing. “Has my mother been that obvious?”

“Yes,” Diavolos admitted, “but if my father was here, he’d be just as obvious.”

It was true, Luther did not know the meaning of subtly and he also didn’t believe in passing up an opportunity, if he were there, he’d be encouraging Diavolos to exploit the opportunity that was presenting itself.

“But my father isn’t here,” he continued, “and neither is your mother. It’s just you and I.”

“It is,” Kenna agreed, biting her lip nervously and peering up at him shyly.

Diavolos took a deep breath, trying to get the sudden rush of desire that flooded him under control. Hells she was beautiful. “It means there no one forcing us to react a certain way,” he told her quietly.

Kenna nodded, her eyes still locked on his face.

“It means whatever happens next, it’s because we want it to,” he continued, stepping towards her. “Do you want this, Kenna?” He asked in a low voice, his face mere inches from hers. “Do you want me?”

“Yes,” she whispered, “I do.”

A thrill of triumph shot through him and then he pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply. She kissed him back eagerly, melting into his arms. When he finally released her, she was flushed and gasping for breath.

“I’ve been wanting to do that since the moment I saw you,” he told her, keeping his arms wrapped around her.

“Me too,” she admitted and then looked at, “I just… I barely know you.”

“I can tell you anything you want to know,” Diavolos assured her, “but I think what is happening tells us more than words ever could. We know that there is something between us, something that we can build on. We both know as royalty we don’t have a lot of say in our own futures. There are certain things that are expected of us.”

“Yes…” Kenna agreed, “I’ve always known my mother would choose my husband.”

There was a bleakness in her voice that told Diavolos that while she knew it, she had never quite accepted it. He wondered if there was someone she would choose if she had had the option. It was an unpleasant thought and he pushed it aside, reminding himself it didn’t matter who she might have chosen only who she did choose.

“Would it be so terrible if she chose me?” Diavolos asked her, letting his hand travel upward to caress her breast, causing her to draw in a sharp breath, “because at least, physically, we are compatible, which is more than most arranged marriages have going for them.”

He trailed his lips down her neck and shoulders, gently biting her skin. She moaned at his touch, pressing herself closer to him.

“You want to marry me?” She asked, sounding a little surprised. “Just like that?”

“Why not?” He asked, continuing to kiss and caress her. “You are beautiful, smart, intriguing and I want you more than I’ve wanted anything in my life. I’ve always known I’d have to make a suitable match, but I never expected to be able to make such a pleasurable one.”

He kissed her again, exploring her mouth with his and feeling her melt against him. As  Kenna opened her mouth to him and pressed her body closer to his, Diavolos felt a rush of triumph, sure that she was ready to give in. She was going to be his.

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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