Stolen Kisses

Stolen Kisses
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I’ve been on a bit of a Sophomore slump lately, but I managed to combine all my remaining Chris prompts into this cute little, fluffy drabble. I know it’s Christmas and I’m posting a Valentine’s Day fic, but I can’t help it, I was inspired. This is a response to the prompts: “Kisses on the forehead to make the person feel better”, “Quick kisses that you steal from each other at parties”, “Soft kisses on the neck that make you giggle and Person A kisses you more on the neck just to hear you laugh” and “Soft kissing to both of them kissing passionately not letting each other go even though they have to leave”.

Pairing- Chris/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- The gang throws a Valentine’s Day party and Chris and Savannah steal a few moments alone.

Words- 765

“Why are we having a Valentine’s Day party?” Chris grumbled as he hung up the decorations, “Valentine’s Day is a couple occasion, not a group event.”

I sighed, “yes, but other than us, all our friends are single, so they want to have a party.”

It had been Zack’s idea, celebrating friendly love instead of romantic love. I thought it was sweet. Especially given that Abbie and Tyler had officially broken up.

Abbie was living with us, for now, having taken over Chris’s room while he moved into mine It wasn’t the best solution, and sometimes my room felt very crowded, but we were making it work. She was obviously sad about the break-up, which was one of the reasons Zack had suggested the party. Though, he’d made it clear Tyler would also be invited.

“I kind of wanted to celebrate with you,” Chris reminded me, coming to wrap his arms around my waist.

“Tomorrow,” I promised him.

We’d set aside the next day as a private date night since I hadn’t wanted to skip the party. Or rather, I hadn’t wanted to face the guilt-trip from Becca, Kaitlyn, and Abbie if Chris and I skipped out on the party.

“Savannah!” Becca called from the kitchen.

I sighed. “I better go see what she wants.”

Instead of letting me go, Chris pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him back eagerly, even though I knew we should be getting ready for the party. But part of me felt the same way as Chris, I would have much rather been celebrating a private Valentine’s Day just the two of us. The kiss grew more heated as Chris wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer, his hands running up and down my back.


The shrill sound broke us apart.

“If you don’t go, she’s just going to come out here,” Chris said with a sigh, reluctantly releasing me.

I nodded and headed towards the kitchen to see what Becca needed from me.

It was much later before I saw Chris again, by then the party was in full swing. TBD was getting ready to perform and I’d been swamped making small talk and performing my hostess duties.

“This is such a great idea Savannah,” Maddison told me, “Valentine’s Day can be lonely and this way no one is excluded!” She gave me a warm hug. “Thanks for inviting me!”

I hugged her back, “anytime.”

I wandered over to Chris, who was chatting with Darren.

“Is this where the non-singles are hanging out?” I teased, giving Chris a quick kiss.

“Pretty much,” he said with a grin. “We were commiserating about how our girlfriends made us go to a party instead of letting us be all romantic.”

“Though, Amara and I did go away for the weekend,” Darren said, glancing at over where the band was setting up, “she wanted to celebrate early so she didn’t let the band down.”

“I’m sure they appreciate it,” I told him.

I was about to say something else when I saw Kaitlyn waving frantically, obviously trying to get my attention. I gave Chris another quick kiss and then hurried over to see what Kaitlyn needed.

After I helped avert an equipment crisis, I went back to mingling. Then the band got started and conversation died down.

I felt two strong arms wrap around me and leaned into Chris’s embrace. He pressed his lips to my neck, making me giggle.

“I like it when you do that,” I told him, placing my hand over his as it rested on my stomach.

“Then I’ll keep doing it,” he promised, peppering my neck with kisses and making me giggle.

It was hard to focus on the band when I was in Chris’s arms, his lips against my skin. A part of me wanted to drag him to our room and forget the party existed, but I knew I couldn’t’ do that. So instead, I decided to enjoy the moment.

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” I told him softly, leaning against him, “I’m sorry, it’s not just the two of us.”

“It’s ok,” he assured me, leaning forward to brush his lips against my forehead, “we’re together, that’s what matters. I love you, Savannah.”

“I love you too,” I told him, turning to give him a quick, but loving kiss, before settling back to watch the band perform.

Maybe it wasn’t the most traditionally romantic Valentine’s Day, but I was surrounded by the people I loved and I was with the man I loved and everyone was happy and smiling. It was pretty perfect actually.

–          End



Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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