Surprise at the Vet

Summary: Elena takes her kitten to the vet.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 22 of #ChoicesCreates: Animals

Elena sat on the couch, stroking the kitten in her lap. “My sweet Callie! Such a handsome boy!” She looked over at Alex. “While we’re here, I should take Cal to the vet. We don’t know if he’s had any shots yet.”

“Good idea. Better safe than sorry.”

Elena took out her cell phone. She used the Google app to search for a local veterinarian, then called the number. “I’d like to bring my kitten in for his vaccinations. I’m not sure if he’s had any yet…. I think he’s about four months old…. I’m not going to be in the area for very long. What’s the earliest you have available?… That would be great. Thank you.”

She ended the call and put her phone down. “I’m bringing him in this afternoon at 3 o’clock.”

The veterinary technician placed the kitten on the scale. “3.2 pounds.”

“Is that a healthy weight?” Elena asked.

“Yes, it is. Dr. Garcia will be in shortly.” The technician turned towards the back door and walked out of the exam room.

A few minutes later, the veterinarian walked into the room. “Hello, I’m Dr. Lourdes Garcia.”

“Hi, I’m Elena Sanchez. This is Cal. I got him on a cruise ship, and I wanted to get him his vaccinations while I’m here visiting my family.”

Dr. Garcia lifted the kitten’s tail. After examining the rear end, she looked up at Elena. “Your kitten is female. I suspected that when I first saw her, and I just confirmed it. Only one in about three thousand calico cats is male. The gene that controls the orange color is sex-linked.”

“Really? I guess I’ll have to change her name to Callie. That was his…her nickname, but I’d better make it official now.”

Dr. Garcia continued examining the kitten, then vaccinated her for feline rhinotracheitis/feline calicivirus/feline panleukopenia and for rabies. “She looks healthy. Would you like to make an appointment to have her spayed?”

“She’s so young! You can do it this early?” Elena reached over to Callie, who was walking too close to the edge of the examination table.

“Yes, it can be done as early as eight weeks of age. Although cats usually have their first heat cycle when they are six months old, it can happen as early as four months. It’s important to have her spayed so that she doesn’t become pregnant.”

“Callie’s an only cat, and she doesn’t go outside. I’m not going to be here for long. I need to head back to the cruise soon. I’ll have it done once the cruise is over and I’m home.”

“How’s Cal?” Alex asked as Elena walked through the door, holding the cat carrier. “Is he healthy?”

“He’s a she. It turns out that almost all calico cats are female. Her name is Callie now. Officially, not just a nickname. And yes, she’s healthy, and up to date on her shots now.” She set the carrier down and opened it, then picked up the kitten. “You’re home, Callie! You were such a good girl at the vet today!” As Elena stroked her, Callie began to purr.

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