Sweet Dreams

Summary: Kenji and Sutton drink and flirt. Set sometime after Sutton returns from the Prism World. More pointless smut.

Through a tequila-induced haze, Sutton realizes how adorable Kenji is when he’s drunk. His cheeks are pink, his dark hair sticking up all over the place as he downs another shot. His cocky, boastful comments are getting more and more ridiculous as they drink, and all Sutton can think is that he’s lucky he’s cute.

A goofy grin crosses his face when he catches Sutton staring at him from the other end of the booth as he talks to Grayson. “You need something, darling?” he calls over to her, trying and failing miserably to wink.

Sutton chokes back a laugh as he tries again, both eyes squinting closed, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrates. “Looks like I found something Kenji Katsaros can’t do,” she teases him.

Kenji shakes his head and raises his eyebrows, his eyes lingering on her as steps out of the booth and holds his hand out to her. “Dance with me?”

She’s vaguely aware of Poppy and Eva laughing over the fact that yes, Sutton and Kenji still act like this all the time, and Eva asking how in the world they all keep putting up with it.

“Don’t be jealous,” Kenji says cheerfully, making Sutton giggle as he tugs her upright.

She’s half-surprised they manage to make it to the dance floor, giggling and stumbling over each other. Kenji’s arms feel good wrapped around her, his skin warm and smelling of his cologne as she nuzzles against his neck. Even drunk, he manages to be a good dancer, although Sutton thinks what they’re doing qualifies more as sloppy grinding than actual dancing. But she’s not complaining.

She tilts her head up to kiss him, right as someone calls his name and he turns his head, her lips ending up planted between his mouth and his cheek.

“Nice aim, Sutton,” Kenji chuckles.

“Shut up,” she grumbles. “You turned your head.”

Kenji leans down to kiss her, and she laughs as he ends up kissing the tip of her nose.

“You a little drunk there?”

“If I’m drunk, you’re completely obliterated,” he declares with a smirk, very slowly and deliberately enunciating the last word.


She considers him for a second as the song changes, then grabs his collar and yanks his head down, finally managing to get their lips together. He tastes like tequila and lime, citrusy and biting against her tongue. Kenji kisses her back eagerly, nipping at her bottom lip and then demanding entrance to her mouth, their tongues dancing together. They stay on the dance floor for a few songs, his hands roaming lower and lower as she presses closer to him.

“You gonna tease me all night, Katsaros?” she finally asks when he cups her ass, running the tip of her tongue along his neck and grinning when he sucks in a breath.

“You want me to, darling?” he rumbles, tilting his head down to suck at the sensitive spot below her ear.

“No,” she murmurs, burying her hands in his hair. “I want you to do something about it.”

“You want to go home?”

“Mmm. Or your office,” she sighs.

“I can’t have sex with you in my office when Grayson is here.”

Sutton rolls her eyes and huffs in frustration. “Fine.”

Kenji yanks her in tight, staring down at her. “You’re so impatient,” he says teasingly.

“You’re one to talk,” Sutton retorts, twisting her hips against his and smirking at the look that crosses his face.

They wait outside for a cab after saying goodnight to everyone else. It’s cold as she snuggles into his side, and she stays curled up against him on the ride home, in the elevator, and until they get into their apartment. They don’t even get the lights on before they’re impatiently tugging at their clothing, scattering it around as they stumble their way to the bedroom.

Sutton slams him into a wall at one point, distracted by his lips on hers, a little harder than she means to. He lets out a yelp, muttering, “Super strength, Sutton.”

“Sorry,” she says, groaning when Kenji spins them so she’s pressed against the wall instead.

He kisses her desperately, sloppily, for a few moments, lifting one of her thighs up around his hips and grunting when she rocks into him. Sutton makes a faintly whining noise, nudging him toward the bedroom again. Kenji lifts her up, and they both start laughing as they topple on to the unmade bed.

“You’re drunk,” Sutton says, shrieking as he tickles her sides and flips her underneath him.

“So are you.”

Kenji stares down at her, smiling against her mouth as he kisses her, then presses his lips down her neck and chest, sucking and biting. It feels good, but she’s impatient, doesn’t want the teasing tonight, so she bucks her hips up into his.

Kenji chuckles against her, then dips between her legs, kissing over the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Her hands bury in his hair as he brushes his mouth over her, licking along her folds, then suddenly presses his tongue into her. Sutton sucks in a breath, her hips arching up as Kenji slides his tongue in and out of her, until she’s tugging at his hair and moaning his name, desperate for release. She groans as he massages his thumb over her clit, closing her eyes and sinking against the pillow as she comes.

Kenji murmurs something in her ear, and she’s suddenly aware he’s crawled back up over her, a smirk on his face. Sutton roams her hands over his chest and stomach and then down between them.

“What?” she asks.

“I said, is that better?”

“Not yet,” Sutton answers teasingly, then pushes him on to his back and straddles him. She resists when he goes to lift her, his hips pressing up into her. She moves down the length of his body, watching the way his smile disappears and his lips part just slightly.

“Oh fuck,” he moans when Sutton runs her hand over his erection, then leans down and takes him in her mouth.

Kenji bucks up into her, his fingers tangling in her dark hair when she bobs her head up and down, taking in his full length and humming in satisfaction when he groans her name. The sound makes his fingers tighten in her hair, and he curses again loudly when she twists her hand and runs her tongue over the underside of his shaft. When she glances up, he’s staring at her.

“Jesus Christ, Sutton,” he groans as she sucks harder.

He pulls her head back after a minute, his voice hoarse as he says, “You gotta stop.”

Kenji lifts her easily, pushing against her back until she’s on her hands and knees. He grips her hips, sliding into her teasingly slowly, then pulling back out.

“Kenji,” she whines.

“Yes, darling?”

He does it again, his hands warm as he moves them to trace along her lower back. Before she can tell him to hurry up, he moves his hands back to her hips and slams into her. “Finally,” she moans.

“You’re insatiable,” Kenji groans.

“Only for you,” Sutton sighs.

Kenji never fails to respond to her ego boosts, his fingers digging into her skin again as he thrusts hard and fast against her. She rocks back against him, her fingers gripping the pillow under her head, his movements becoming sloppy and hurried as he gets close. He slips one of his hands between legs, his thumb pressing against her clit until she cries his name into the pillow and comes apart. Sutton gasps for breath as he keeps slamming into her, clenching her muscles around him until he groans “Sutton” and stills against her as he reaches his release.

Sutton sighs, completely sated, her fingers relaxing in the pillow as Kenji catches his breath. He presses a kiss to her shoulder before laying on his stomach next to her. Kenji lifts his arm up lazily as Sutton pokes his side, smiling when she curls up against him. He shifts so they’re lying chest to chest, his eyes sleepy as he leans in to kiss her.

“Love you,” she yawns.

“Love you too, darling. Sweet dreams.”

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