Sweet Escape

Summary: Sutton and Kenji take some spontaneous time for themselves.

Kenji buys her a motorcycle helmet. He presents it to her nonchalantly one Saturday when he takes her out, and Sutton throws her arms around him, squeezing tight.

“I take it you like it then?” he asks, laughing as she gets on the motorcycle behind him.

“I love it. Thank you.”

She presses a kiss to the back of his neck.

“What did I tell you about kissing me when we’re on the bike?” he scolds her playfully.

Sutton grumbles. “Fine. Remind me to thank you later.”

“Oh, I will, darling. Don’t you worry.”

She laughs and shakes her head, leaning against the warmth of his back as he expertly weaves in and out of traffic, bringing them outside the city to their usual overlook. Sutton sighs, pulling her helmet off and settling on the grass. Kenji sits next to her, nudging her slightly.

“You doing okay?”

“Fine,” she says. “I hate that I have to stay in the shadows while you and Eva do all the dirty work.”

She’s been trying to keep a low profile since Silas Prescott revealed he knew who she, or rather, Luna Phoenix, was. She’s honestly surprised he hasn’t outed her to the public yet, but she’s guessing he has some disturbing master plan in mind for her.

And so she’s been forced to work behind the scenes, helping Dax and Poppy gather intel and reinforcing Minuet’s suit and Talos’ armor. Sutton is glad she can still help, but she’d rather be out actually doing something.

They stay at the overview for a while, before Sutton reluctantly says they should head back. It’s getting late, and she’s promised to help Dax in the morning. Kenji walks her up to her apartment, kissing her and giving her a suggestive grin as he tells her he could keep her company. Sutton laughs, pushing him out the door playfully.

“Tomorrow,” she promises. “I have to be up early.”

“I can get up early,” Kenji smirks.

“Kenji, we don’t sleep when you stay over.”

“I don’t hear you complaining.”

She laughs again, unable to help herself. “Good night, Kenji. I’ll call you tomorrow when I’m done helping Dax.”

Sutton calls him, but she doesn’t see Kenji at all over the next few days. There’s been an increase in petty crime breaking out across the city, and Dax suspects it’s to distract them, and the cops, from whatever Silas Prescott is planning next.

When she finally sees Kenji the following Saturday, they’re both exhausted and frustrated, and all Sutton wants is to get out of the city. She slips behind him on the motorcycle, resting her head between his shoulders.

“Where to?” Kenji calls over the roar of the motor.


He goes to their usual overlook, but she makes no attempt to climb off the bike when he stops.

“What is it, Sutton?” he asks.

I don’t want you to stop,” she admits. “I just want to keep going, and not come back for a few days.”

Kenji cranes his head around, smiling at her. “I don’t think Eva or Dax or Poppy will forgive us if we disappear for that long. But what do you say we go somewhere tonight?”

“Where?” Sutton asks, an undeniable excitement in her voice.

“There’s a little bed and breakfast about an hour away,” Kenji suggests.

“Yes,” she says immediately, then, teasingly, “Kenji, take me away.”

“That was terrible,” he laughs as he starts the bike back up.

“You love my awful sense of humor,” she jokes, shrieking as he roars out of the overlook.

The bed and breakfast is in a beautiful old Victorian house, run by a sweet older lady and her daughter, who fuss over them and keep telling them how adorable they are. It’s endearing, and Kenji eats it up, showering Sutton’s face with kisses and nuzzling against her neck. She rolls her eyes, but secretly she doesn’t mind.

Their private bathroom has a huge claw foot tub, and Sutton declares it hers before Kenji can even argue. She soaks for nearly an hour, until Kenji threatens to drag her out himself. He’s lounging on the bed with his eyes closed when she walks out with nothing but a towel wrapped around her. His eyes open slowly when he hears the bathroom door open, shamelessly watching her.

“You know, you never did thank me for buying you that helmet,” he says with a grin, rising from the bed.

“I didn’t, did I? Hmm.”

Sutton drops the towel, delighting in the way the grin disappears from his face and his eyes widen. She pushes him back to sit on the bed and straddles him, pressing her lips to his neck.

Kenji groans, running his hands up her thighs.

“Now,” Sutton murmurs, kissing up to his ear and squeezing her thighs around his. “However will I show you my gratitude?”

His voice is hoarse as he says, “I have a few ideas.”

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