
Summary: Kenna discovers that Diavolos likes to tease her.

Diavolos likes to bite. Kenna learns this early on in their marriage. He’s dominant in general, likes to use his height and size to his advantage and likes to be in control. Rarely does he go soft and slow with her, though she loves it when he does, loves the way he murmurs her name in her ear, kisses her deeply, explores her skin with his hands and mouth. 

But one of his favorite things is using his teeth on her, biting her shoulders and collarbones and neck, scraping his teeth teasingly along her breasts and hips and thighs, until she’s all but begging him for release. 

Kenna loves it, the quick jolt of desire it sends straight to her belly, but she carefully controls her reactions, because she also learns early on that if Diavolos knows she likes something, he withholds it on purpose. The man is infuriatingly good at teasing her. The first time he makes her fall apart using his tongue and those long, callused fingers, she nearly flies out of her skin and almost screams. Nearly every time they’re in the bedroom after that, he teases her mercilessly, kissing her and touching her and swirling his tongue everywhere else. She whines and pulls at his hair, but he refuses to relent. Eventually, after she calls him a smug bastard, he flashes her that cocky grin she knows and loves and gives in. 

When he learns that she moans especially loudly when he roughly flips her onto her knees and slides into her from behind, he starts getting her into every position but that one. 

She makes the mistake of actually telling him once that she loves that he sleeps naked and feeling his bare skin pressed against her when she wakes up, and he starts dressing to go to bed. 

He drives her crazy, in the best possible ways, although she’s told him on more than one occasion that if she wasn’t so ridiculously in love with him, she’d probably try to assassinate him for tormenting her. 

And so, she very carefully tries not to give away that she loves when he bites her. He always manages to find the most sensitive spots on her skin, making it especially difficult not to moan or arch into him or dig her nails into his back, but she persists. 

He’s usually very careful only to bite her in places that can easily be covered, because she has no desire to go out in public with visible bite marks all over, but one night, after they’ve gotten into an argument over dealing with Adder and Zenobia, he bites her hard enough to leave a purple-red mark. 

Kenna is furious, because they have a meeting with several nobles in the morning, and it’s up high enough on her neck that she has nothing to cover it with. Diavolos tries to look apologetic when Kenna fumes at him the next morning, but a barely concealed smirk keeps sneaking across his face. 

The meeting is terrible; she can hear the nobles muttering about the obvious bruise coloring her neck, and most of them defer all of their questions and concerns to Diavolos. He tries, earnestly, to convey that Kenna is leading this meeting, but to no avail. She’s even angrier by the time they get ready for bed that evening. 

Diavolos keeps apologizing, until she finally snaps at him to stop.

“I know you’re sorry,” she says irritably. “But it’s a little late for that.”

“What can I do?” he asks, and she smirks faintly at the pleading tone in his voice. It doesn’t happen often, but she likes when he pleads. 

Diavolos steps closer to her, kissing her gently, even as she narrows her eyes at him. “I really am sorry,” he murmurs in her ear, then kisses her again, his lips warm and slightly chapped against hers. 

“Yes, I know,” Kenna sighs. Damn him. He’s impossible to stay mad at, when he turns those dark eyes on her and kisses her like this. 

“I could make love to you,” he suggests in a low voice. 

Kenna snorts out a laugh. “Really? That’s what led to this whole fight in the first place!”

“No,” he disagrees. “That was angry make-up sex. I’m talking about going slow. Gentle. Taking my time. I know you like it.”

“It’s okay,” Kenna says nonchalantly. If he withholds one more thing from her because he knows she likes it…

Diavolos smirks slightly, slowly pulling her top off and kissing her shoulder. “Don’t worry, my queen. I won’t stop going slow just as a way to torment you.”

“I don’t-ohhhh-believe you,” she moans as he slides his tongue over her nipple. 

“I’ll just have to prove you wrong then,” he murmurs, stepping back to slowly peel the rest of her clothing off. When she’s completely bare before him, he strips off his own clothing, then carries her to the bed. 

He takes his time, almost frustratingly slow, caressing her breasts, kissing from her calves to her thighs and back again, rolling her over to press his lips against her spine. Diavolos brushes her hair aside to kiss her neck and gently nip at her earlobe. 

“I love you,” he murmurs. 

“I love you too,” she murmurs back.

Her eyes close in pleasure as he rolls her back onto her back and slides into her. His rhythm is slow and gentle, his hand finding hers and lacing their fingers as they move together. 

Kenna can’t stop her moans and sighs as he makes love to her. She loves him rough and commanding, but she loves him like this too. 

Diavolos slides his hand down and runs his thumb over her clit, and he groans as they come together, rolling them so she’s resting on top of him. She presses lazy kisses over his heart as she catches her breath.

“Do you forgive me?” Diavolos’ voice is a rumble under her ear. 

Kenna lifts her head up, tapping her fingers against his chest, considering him. “…no.”

Diavolos looks halfway frustrated, until he realizes she’s teasing him. Then, he flashes her that damn cocky grin that he knows she loves. 

“Give me a few minutes. I’ll apologize again,” he says hotly against her ear. 

Kenna shrieks as he flips her underneath him, his mouth hot against her neck and chest. 

“You’re insatiable,” she moans. 

“Only when it comes to you,” Diavolos vows. 

“If you bite me again, I’ll send Raydan after you,” she threatens half-heartedly. 

Diavolos laughs. “I’ll take my chances,” he says, bringing his teeth to her shoulder. 

This man is going to be the death of her. 

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