
Is it really possible?

Is it really possible to look this good when you’re sipping coffee and reading some trashy fashion magazine?

Well, you never thought “some girl sitting on a sofa reading magazines” would be the kind of scene that would make your heart beat run wild, thumping against your chest…So fast that even a certain Mr Christopher Powell running at top speed pales in comparison. (And that’s saying a lot – that boy makes Superman’s flying look like your grandma taking a stroll in the park)

Well, on a normal day, you would want to continue admiring that masterpiece of a woman from behind the counter of your shared house…but today wasn’t any ordinary day.

It’s been exactly 45 hours since both of you went public with your relationship. And god, was it worth the wait – sneaking around each other’s bedrooms while your roommates were out, resisting the urge to want to hold her hand and kiss her when some douche-bag hits on her in the club – all things you put up with just so you could keep the little secret romance between the both of you and maybe one day call her yours.

And Rebecca Davenport was worth every single fucking second of the torturous wait.

A literal goddess who has descended from heaven to bless you – you love her, really.

Well, except for the fact that she teases you so goddamn freaking much, just to let you know that she’s in control at all times.

Unknowingly, you scrunch your nose up as you recall the thousands of times she teased you.

The other day at Tyler and Abbie’s dinner get-together and her hand just kept brushing against your thigh throughout the entirety of the goddamn dinner. Not forgetting the way her eyes held your gaze and the way her fingertips lingered for just a moment too long whenever she passed you another piece of chicken. Christ, y’all weren’t even sitting beside each other throughout the entirety of the dinner and that was still more than enough to send your system into overdrive.

How about that day after class? You had just finished an agonizingly long drawn out meeting with James about the next issue of the Knightly News. Your eyes were drooping, knees were about to give way, brain definitely not functioning. You stumbled out of the library, aching to go home to that chocolate cake you saved in the fridge. Nomnomnom. Yet, out of nowhere, there Becca Davenport was – right in front of you. Leaning in dangerously close to you, she whispered just soft enough for you – and only you – to hear, “Cute outfit. Though, I much prefer the way you looked…” As though for dramatic effect, she paused. Enunciating the next few words as carefully and softly as possible, “That night. On my bed. At Kappa Phi Sigma.” Your jaw dropped. She walked away.

You know exactly the kind of effect that she has on you – leaving you, gaping, a pile of blushing mess, stuttering and stumbling like a star struck fan (even though you try to hide it…’try’ being the operative word)

And so, you wonder if you have the same kind of effect on her.

Making your way towards her, you plopped down on the free seat beside her.

“Hey, love.” You started.

It was subtle, almost unnoticeable but you saw it – the rosy pink that spread across her features. So maybe you do have an effect on her.

“Hey,” she acknowledged you without even so much of a mere glance at you.

“You’re blushing – cause you like me right?” You tease, hoping she might take the bait and give you some –any– reaction that might betray her seemingly cold exterior.

Well, if you were looking for any more blushing from her, you’re going to be seriously disappointed.

“That’s right. I like you.” She said, calm and serious. Almost nonchalantly. Never once did her eyes leave the article she was reading. What the hell is in that article anyway? 101 more ways to tease your partner and leave her looking like a fool? 20 hot, new haircuts for the next season?

Hell, to say you were unsatisfied with her reaction would be the understatement of the century. You needed to up your game, fast.

“You think I’m cuuuute, don’tcha?” You might have thrown up a little bit saying that.

“Sure, I do”

Ugh, you’ll try one more time to get a rise out of her.

“You’re wrapped around my little finger!”


Okay, fine. She wins this round. Last try.

“You’re in looooove with me!” You said, making sure to emphasise the L-word. She has always been hesitant to say it, so you pray this last ditch effort will finally get some form of reaction.

“I am. I do love you.” Without skipping a single beat.

You didn’t notice it, but by the time your little charade was over, you were already half way sunk down the sofa. Groan.

“Well, MC, if you are quite done with your stupid games. I got an important question to ask you.”

“Hm?” You weren’t quite in the mood.

“Well, which hair cut do you think would suit me better? This or this? I’ve been thinking about it all day and I think I should try to switch things up a little bit, set some trends. You know!” She rambled on excitedly, pointing at a few different styles.

“Ah, well. This one seems nice enough.” You said, demoralized, pointing at a random haircut. You didn’t even look at it, but frankly you don’t really care. Becca will look good in anything, anyway. Plus, you were still kind of salty about the fact that you lost again.

“What? Bangs? I mean, if you think so…”

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