
Author’s Note: Another TH:M mystery pairing fic, this time starring that sexy Silver Fox Edison.  Dedicated to those who asked for this … you know who you are. 😘


Edison peered out over the balcony, gripping the railing so tight that his knuckles gleaned white in the shadows.  Soft moonlight glistened off the still water of the pool below him, the sounds of crickets chirping their midnight symphony echoing through the night air.  This was his favorite spot to be alone in the safehouse, his usual place of respite when he needed to relax. But after today, after the impromptu meeting with the Rooks reminding him of everything that was on the line with this job, he couldn’t shrug off the tension that had his body  wound like a tight coil.

“I figured I’d find you here.”  A low voice rasped from behind him, sending a shiver up Edison’s spine.  He smiled to himself, a youthful feeling of exhilaration at the thought that this certain someone had been searching for him.

“Perhaps I was hoping to be found.”  He cocked his head over his shoulder to glance at the intruder, locking his gaze with those dark eyes.  The attraction was undeniable, that feeling like he would fall into those deep chocolate pools every time their eyes met.  And with every encounter, Edison found himself being pulled in deeper.

Sidling up beside him at the railing, his friend looked up to study his expression closely, brows furrowed with concern.  “You look tense. Do you want to talk about it?” Resting a hand gently atop his reassuringly, eyes never leaving his face, Edison felt as if he’d been stripped bare.  The soft caress of a fingertip along his knuckles sent a jolt of electricity straight through him, settling deep in his pants. He cleared his throat nervously, averting his eyes from the imploring stare.  “There’s nothing to talk about. I know what’s at stake here.” The words slipped from Edison’s tongue like poison, and suddenly he wasn’t sure if he was referencing the job or whatever heat had been simmering between them for the past several weeks.

“Maybe I can help put your mind at ease.”  The voice was soft and soothing, yet laced with determination as Edison felt their body shifting closer.  And all of the sudden their chests were pressed together, his partner slipping their smaller frame between him and the railing, gripping his waist tightly so there was no chance he could escape.  As if he could even move right now, drowning in those dark eyes. “At least let me help you relax.”

Edison tried to grumble his protest, but his words were muffled by another set of lips on his own.  The taste of rum on his tongue, teeth gently nipping his lip, breathy moans escaping his throat when he finally came up for air.  His whole body was buzzing with energy, making him feel more like a horny teenager than a middle-aged washup. “Oh God …” he groaned as those warm lips trailed down his neck, agile hands swiftly unfastening his pants.  His hips bucked into the warm palm that gripped him, the feel of the chilly night air hitting his abdomen as his pants slipped down his hips. He glanced down to catch a quick glimpse of those shiny black locks as they descended, his partner now perched on their knees before him.

“Let me make you feel better, Niles.”  The voice purred into his skin, peppering his hips with playful nips.  His name, his real name, rolling off those lips … the coy look in those ebony eyes, peering up at him from under those dark lashes … it was all almost enough to make him come right there.  But nothing could prepare him for what came next.

“Oh my, that’s good …” his head rolled back, his jaw slack as he melted into the warmth of those wet lips.  Gripping the rail again, Edison held on with everything he had, fighting to savor this sweet blissful moment.  Strong hands gripping his ass, fingers kneading his skin as they helped guide him in and out, in and out … that tongue, swirling and stroking his cock as those defined cheeks sucked him gently with every thrust.  “Yes, Fabien … yes, just like that.” Fabien’s eyes flicked up to meet his gaze, the passion within his stare stoking the fire within him.

Fabien pulled away for a moment, dropping a hand to massage Edison’s throbbing sack, resulting in a growl as the pressure built up inside.  Finally returning to the job at hand, Fabien whispered his commands softly against the slick skin. “You can give in, Niles. Let go, I’ve got you.”  His words sent a thrill through Edison’s body, desire thrumming inside from his head to his toes.

And so he let go.

Lacing his fingers through those black stands, Edison gently coaxed his partner to pick up the pace, watching him take every inch of him in that gorgeous mouth time and time again.  The urge was almost primal as he continued to thrust and thrust over and over, seeking that sweet release. He could feel the coil tightening, twisting and pulling tighter and tighter until-

“Holy hell!!!”- it snapped.  Tremors racked his body as Edison erupted with his climax, Fabien smiling smugly as he sucked every ounce of tension from him.

Barely cognizant of his surroundings, Edison stirred from his reverie to the sound of Fabien’s chuckle in front of him.  “I’d say you look much more relaxed now, Niles.” Fabien pressed a lazy kiss to the other man’s mouth, the salty taste of his arousal tinged on his lips.  

“Mmm … yes, I suppose I am.”  A goofy grin plastered across his face, Edison finally opened his eyes to meet Fabien’s smoldering glare.  “How did you know my real name? Why did you call me Niles?” He asked curiously as he pulled his clothing back on.  

Edison swore he saw a faint blush on Fabien’s cheeks, a flash of vulnerability behind his eyes.  “I always do my research. It helps to know what I’m dealing with on any job.” He flashed him a flirtatious grin.

Edison chuckled, quite impressed that the other man’s quick wit matched his other notable skills.  “Well, I’m happy to say your claims to being fast and bold are well-merited, although I don’t think I will be reporting the methods of my findings to our teammates.”

“Probably best if this stays between us.”  Fabien’s eyes twinkled as he leaned up to press one more kiss, sweeter this time, to his lips.  He turned to walk back inside, but paused at the doorway, a smug grin on his lips.

“What?”  Edison asked, his heart finally almost returning to its normal rhythm.

“I just remembered I have my job tomorrow, and perhaps I’ll need to relieve some tension of my own afterwards.  Say… around 11 o’clock?” Fabien’s eyes flashed with mischief as he tugged his lower lip between his teeth. “Maybe I can determine if ‘Eddie Quick’ truly deserves that title.”  He gave Edison a quick wink before slipping inside quietly.

Edison laughed softly under his breath, shaking his head fondly as he turned to look out over the pool again.  This time much lighter, slightly smitten and a hell of a lot more relaxed.


2 thoughts on “Tension”

  1. I never knew I needed this pairing before now. Omg T I loved this. Their banter is everything.

    Fabien’s eyes flashed with mischief as he tugged his lower lip between his teeth. “Maybe I can determine if ‘Eddie Quick’ truly deserves that title.” He gave Edison a quick wink before slipping inside quietly.- seriously my favorite part. So smug and cocky and perfect. I totally want more of these two now 😂😂

    1. I’m so glad you liked this pairing! I thought the extremes of their personalities made them an interesting combo!
      Thanks so much for reading and your comment Loveomesnark!!! 😘

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