Terrors in the Night

Terrors in the Night
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m not making money off this story and am just borrowing the characters for a little while.

Author’s Notes- So I started this little drabble of a piece and decided that there was no need to name the love interest (except it is a male love interest) because really it fit with any of them. It’s just Kenna dealing with the aftermath of the war.

Pairing- Kenna/Male Love Interest

Summary- She wakes up shaking in terror, remembering what Azura did, but his presence calms her.

Rating- PG

Words- 268

Months have passed since she defeated Azura, but Kenna still suffers from terrible nightmares.. Sometimes she dreams about what could have happened, sometimes she dreams about what did happen. Both scenarios lead to her waking up shaking in terror.

“No…” She gasps, bolting upright, her heart racing.

The man beside her wakes instantly, a light sleeper thanks to years of needing to be on guard, he is also very familiar with her nightmares. He wraps his arms around her, cradling her against him.

“It’s just a dream,” he whispers soothingly, “we won, remember?”

She does remember, but she also remembers how much they lost in the process. She buries her head in her husband’s chest for a moment, breathing in his familiar scent and taking comfort in his strength. She spends so much of her life being strong for her people, but in this room, with his man, she doesn’t have to be.

She feels the tension start to leave her body as the nightmare-ish images begin to fade away.  As terrible as it had been, the war was over. Her husband was right: they had won. Azura had tried to destroy them, but she had failed. Instead, they had emerged stronger than ever before, bringing a period of peace and unity to the Five Kingdoms.

And more than that, they had found happiness. The type of true, everlasting happiness that Azura would never have been unable to understand.

Kenna smiled, relaxing in her husband’s embrace. Her nightmares were terrifying, but her future was bright and in time the nightmares would fade, but the happiness would last.

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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