Test Anxiety

Summary: Bianca (HSS MC) worries that she did not do well on her algebra test.

Author’s note: This was written for Choices Fandom Appreciation Week: Fanfiction Day.

Bianca tried to focus on the algebra problems. “I hope that’s right,” she thought as she wrote down an answer. This test was really hard. She had studied, but she still didn’t feel very confident. She had been dreading the test all day, and it was just as bad as she had expected.

When the bell rang, she handed in her test paper and headed for the cafeteria. Although it was lunchtime, she didn’t feel very hungry. She thought about the number of problems on the test, and tried to figure out how many she could get wrong and still get a passing grade. She got some french fries and a diet soda, and then sat down at a table with Aiden, Emma, Luis, and Myra.

As her friends talked, she picked at her food. Emma, Luis, and Myra were discussing Lookout. Aiden turned his attention to her.

“You’re quiet today. Is everything all right?” When she shrugged, he reached for her hand. “Do you want to take a walk?”

Bianca nodded, and she and Aiden left the cafeteria. They made their way over to the courtyard, near the statue of Ollie the Tiger. She sat down at one of the outdoor tables.

As Aiden took a seat next to her, he looked her in the eye. “Something’s wrong, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she admitted. “I don’t think I did well on the algebra test. What if I failed? I won’t make the honor roll. My dad will be disappointed in me. I’ll be disappointed in myself.”

Aiden smiled at her. “I’m sure you did well enough. You’re a good student.”

She shook her head. “Well, I’m not sure I did. That test was so hard.”

“Bianca, you’re amazing. You’re good at so many things. It’s hard to imagine you failing.”

“I keep imagining it over and over. It’s not impossible. I can’t stop worrying. What if I fail the class?”

Aiden put his arm around her. “Even if you failed the test, that doesn’t mean you’ll fail the class. I know you’ll keep trying your best. Would it make you feel better if we studied together? We could quiz each other on the problems.”

Bianca smiled. “I’d like that. I would actually look forward to studying, because I could spend more time with you.”

Aiden blushed. “Do you feel any better now?”

“A little. Thanks, Aiden. You’re the best.” She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. Then they stood up and began to walk back inside, hand in hand.

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