Summary: After the deadly attack on the palace, Liam struggles to cope as a king and as a man while comforting the woman who is in love with his best friend.

‘A number of ambassadors have already called to express their condolences and to deny responsibility for the attack on behalf of their country, Your Majesty.’
‘Sire, all known terrorist groups in the region are already being investigated for potential involvement. We are determining their legitimacy as we speak.’
Voices of his assistants and press secretaries bombarded him as he walked along the long hallway, Shaking his head, Liam tried to clear his mind. Just minutes ago he’d been fending off assassins, dodging knives and bullets, searching through the chaos for his friends. And now without so much as a pause to compose himself, he was surrounded again. For a moment he wished they would stop, stop and let him recover from what had just occurred.The terrible attack on his people in his own home. As a monarch, he couldn’t afford them to.
The people of Cordonia needed their king, a leader, they needed him to be the model of strength and decisiveness. He’d always been good at delivering what was required of him but tonight he just didn’t have it in him. He felt terrible for letting his country down when they needed him most but as a man he needed some solace from all the noise. The words were just about to leave his mouth when the flock of assistants dropped into silence, causing him to lift his head.
Queen Mother Regina stood outside the threshold to the antechamber, her signature steely gaze commanding its usual silence as her intelligent eyes swept the corridor.
‘Step-mother,’ his voice was low and respectful. ‘I regret to inform you of the tragedy that has occurred within our walls tonight.’
Her gaze settled on him for a second before she addressed his companions in a regal tone. ‘As Queen Mother, I thank you all for your service and loyalty to the crown in this terrible time. I trust each and every one of you will do your utmost best to assist King Liam and I know the King Father and I can rely on you. However I ask your leave for my son who I feel requires a moment of privacy amidst the disorder.’
As his staff scattered to fulfilled her request, Liam’s eyebrows raised slightly. He and his step-mother did not pretend to enjoy an affectionate relationship despite her flawless show of support in the public eye. While he couldn’t say she was cruel, this was one of the few times he’d actually felt her embody the motherly role. However in light of what had happened, he couldn’t afford to misplace his trust just because she decided he needed a break.
‘Thank you step-mother,’ he ventured, offering his arm to her as he lead her inside the room. Once they were in private, he spoke again. ’Though I must ask what warrants such concern?’
Regina’s eyes raised to his own and she dropped the mask of monarch and queen.
‘Liam,’ she began hesitantly. ‘I know you and I have not had the best relationship but after such a disaster, I am familiar of the customary procedures that take place after such an event. And,’ Her voice dropped suddenly and Liam found himself holding his breath as he waited for her to continue.
‘I know how much emotional strain you have on you regarding your position but I just wanted to make sure you were alright.’
Her plainness of speech surprised him. He did not expect Regina to be sympathetic especially in light of what had happened.
‘I appreciate your concern but I am fine,’ he responded curtly, unsure of how to approach this newfound show of affection.
‘Liam, you and I both know that is not true,’ Regina’s gaze seemed to pass right through his walls. ‘You and your court were just attacked, your best friend got caught in the crossfire protecting the woman who turned your proposal of marriage down. If you were fine about that, I’d be questioning your humanity.’
Liam was stunned at her words, finding himself caught off guard by his step mother for the second time in as many minutes. Words failed him and he hung his head, allowing himself to succumb to all the emotions he had been pushing back.
‘Oh my son,’ Regina placed a hand on his cheek and surprisingly Liam found himself leaning into her touch. The moment was interrupted by Bastien’s quiet entrance. She received a discreet nod before turning back to Liam.
‘Tonight you take for yourself, your father and I can handle the affairs for now. Tomorrow you can handle the press and the nation. Besides,’ she gestured towards the parlour door. ‘I believe a certain American awaits you.’
Liam regarded her with gratitude, taking her hands into his. ‘Thank you… Mother.’
The Queen Mother smiled faintly before continuing down the hallway followed by her security detail.
After taking a moment to compose himself, Liam pushed open the parlour door. From her seat on the sofa, Elizabeth’s eyes immediately found his.
‘Elizabeth,’ he breathed shakily. ‘Are you alright?.’
She rushed forward, enveloping him in a hug.
He was hesitant to return the gesture at first but eventually gave in, taking that moment to savour having her in his arms, a whirlwind of emotions in his head. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t still have feelings for her and he couldn’t pretend she had not hurt him by refusing his proposal. They’d barely had an opportunity to talk about what had happened after the night in New York. The lack of closure coupled with his duties as king then had only served to distance the two of them.
Liam couldn’t bring himself to begrudge her however. After seeing her so happy on the lawn during the fireworks, kissing his best friend, he was beginning to accept them. He’d never seen Drake smile so widely, after all he had gone through, with Savannah and for him, he knew his best friend deserved to have a shot at happiness. And Elizabeth…. as cliche as it seemed he knew that if he really cared for her, he would have to let her go.
‘How have you been holding up?’ Her small voice interrupted his reflections and a gasp escaped her.
‘You got hit?’
‘Just a scratch.’ Liam unconsciously rubbed the wound dressing on his face before taking her whole figure in. His eyes immediately widened at the huge stain of red on her golden dress and its tattered hem. How had he not noticed this before?
‘Its not mine..’ She cut him off, reading his mind and her eyes began to shine with tears. ‘Its… his… I tried to go after the ambulance but Bastien wouldn’t let me. What if…’
Her voice gave way to sobs and she leaned in for another embrace. This time, Liam willingly obliged, his hand gently stroking her dark hair. Another moment passed in silence, as the two of them took comfort in each other’s embrace before he spoke.
‘I’ll take you to him now.’
Elizabeth pulled back to look him in the eye. ‘But… what about your duties?’
Liam was already shaking his head. ‘Don’t worry about them. I’ve made arrangements. We can leave immediately… But you should probably change out of that dress.’
She blinked at him before looking down at herself, clearly taking in her appearance for the first time.
‘I’ll see you back here in ten minutes.’ She replied, turning to the door.
‘Before you go, Elizabeth there is something you must know…’ He began, catching her hand before she could leave. She saw the alarm in his eyes and came back to stand in front of him again.
‘I have Bastien’s men searching the palace grounds but as of this moment, we cannot locate Maxwell or Hana.’
Elizabeth’s eyes widened in fear and he watched the conflict warring across her tear-stained face.
‘While I don’t think there is cause for panic just yet but we may soon have to consider that they might have been taken hostage or…’ Liam trailed off uncertainly, unsure as to how she would react.
Eyes closed, she hung her head, fighting back a sob. When she faced him again after a long moment, resolve had settled on her face.
‘I’ll see you in ten minutes,’ she repeated turning on her heel.
As promised, Elizabeth was already waiting when he returned. Barefaced and dressed in a green sweater and jeans, she wordlessly followed him to the waiting car. She did not speak on the way to the hospital and as he guided the car in the direction of the hospital, Liam snuck a concerned glance in her direction only to find her blankly staring out the window. The blank look disappeared only he’d returned after a quiet word to the nurse on duty, replaced with one of expectancy.
‘The doctors have managed to extract the bullet. It hit some of the veins leading into his heart so the process is a little more complicated than they expected. As soon as he’s out, someone will notify us the moment he’s been placed in a room,’ he informed her, taking the spare seat next to her. ‘In the meantime, you should get some sleep.’
Elizabeth’s face contorted into anger at his words. ’Sleep? You expect me to sleep at a time like this?’ Her voice grew in volume and pitch, attracting the attention of the other patrons in the waiting room. ‘Liam, my two best friends are missing, the man I love just took a bullet for m-‘ She cut herself off, stunned at her admission and her body crumpled, seeming to lose all ability to support herself.
Liam’s arms shot out to steady her and she buried her face in his shirt, erupting into sobs.
‘He tried to say it…’ she choked out, the meaning obvious in her voice. ‘I didn’t let him… But what if he dies not knowing I wanted to say it too?’
For a moment, Liam was at a loss for words. If some part of him had still been holding out for a hope that she would choose him, it was well and truly squashed now. He wrapped his arms around her again, rubbing her back gently as he struggled to give her a response.
‘He won’t…’ Liam finally whispered into her soft hair. ‘He’ll… Drake will be back before you know it… He’s a stubborn idiot but he won’t leave you like that.’
She nodded faintly and when she made no response, he pulled back slightly to see that she was falling asleep against him. Shifting slightly to make her more comfortable, he rested his head against hers, preparing for the long night of waiting ahead.