The Best Decision

The Best Decision
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I got a request in my “what would you like to write” for Olivia/MC. If Olivia were to become an LI in Book 3, I’d romance her on my second device (sorry Drake) so I went with Amelia for this story. This is set sometime in Book 2, during the engagement tour before Amelia’s name has been cleared.

Pairing- Olivia/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Olivia makes Amelia an offer she can’t refuse.

Words- 565

“Why are you doing this?” I turned to Oliva. “What do you mean?”

“You don’t want to marry Liam,” she commented, “so why are you trying so hard to clear your name?”

I looked at her, caught off-guard by her comment. “What…?”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not an idiot, Amelia. Besides, I know it looks like when you’re in love with Liam and you’ve never had that look.”

I felt a stab of guilt. “Olivia…”

She brushed me off. “Please don’t. I’ve accepted Liam doesn’t love me, besides I’ve also spent some time examining my own feelings.”

“Really?” I asked in surprise. Was Olivia saying she didn’t love Liam anymore?

“For a long time Liam was the only person who really cared about me,” Olivia explained, “I mean I have an aunt and cousin and they care, but not enough to come back to Cordonia for me. Liam was my constant. Of course, I loved him.”

“And now you don’t?” I asked quietly.

“Now I have been wondering if I mistook the kind of love I had for him,” Olivia said slowly, obviously uncomfortable. In fact, I was surprised she was being this open. “Which leads me to my original question, why are you working so hard to clear your name when you don’t want to be queen?”

I shrugged. “Because I don’t like people gossiping about me?”

Olivia snorted. “I don’t buy it. I’ve known you long enough to know that you don’t really care what people think about you.”

I sighed. “Because Cordonia feels home,” I admitted. “It’s been nice getting away from my family, from the pressure and clearing my name and marrying Liam is the only way I can stay right?”

“Not the only way,” Olivia corrected, “as long as a Cordonian noble family agreed to sponsor you, you’d always have a place in Cordonia.”

“I’m not sure the Beaumonts would continue sponsoring me if I rejected Liam,” I pointed out.

“Who said it had to be the Beaumonts?” Olivia asked with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow. “Are you suggesting…?”

“Perhaps,” she said with a shrug, “I seem to have gotten used to having you around.”

“I thought you only dated people of your own rank,” I pointed out, thinking of her response to my teasing comment the night of the Coronation.

“I’ve decided that slumming it might not be so bad,” she told me, stepping closer. “For the right person, that is.”

I grinned. “That sounds promising.”

“We could get out of here. I could charter a plane and have us in Lythikos in a few hours.” Olivia offered. It was tempting, really tempting.

“What about the plot against us both?” I asked quietly.

“Don’t worry Amelia, I’ll still get my revenge,” Olivia promised in a low voice, “but it can wait. So what will it be?”

I thought of all the reasons I shouldn’t say yes, I’d be abandoning Hana and the Beaumonts and Drake and Liam. My name was still in mud, but… It was tempting. So tempting. I thought about it for a moment longer and then grinned. “Let’s get out of here.”

Olivia grinned, making her look even more beautiful. “Finally, a smart choice.” She rested her hand on my face and then leaned in and brushed her lips against mine. “This is going to be the best decision you’ve ever made, Amelia.”

“I know,” I said as I deepened the kiss. This definitely wasn’t where I had expected my Cordonian journey to take me, but I wasn’t complaining.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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