The Best Laid Plans

The Best Laid Plans
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is my delayed entry for Day 11 of the January writing challenge: stuck in a snowstorm. I ended up being inspired by a Matt/MC plot, so that was where I ended up going this. Takes place at some point in the future. Thanks to @blaz for geeking out about Matt with me.

Pairing- Matt/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- A snowstorm leads to a life-changing moment for Matt and Sabrina.

Words- 1271

“All outbound flights are canceled.”

The reporter looked unbelievably perky as she said the words, but Matt looked incredibly dismayed. “We’re stuck here?”

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, feeling guilty.

Matt shrugged, the dismay replaced by a rueful smile. “It happens, I guess it’s a risk that you take when you go to Iowa in February.”

“I’m still sorry,” I told him, after all, I was the reason we were in Iowa. Or rather my father’s 50th birthday was the reason.

“Sabrina, it’s not your fault.” Matt said patiently, “I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to the trip.”

“You are being really nice about this,” I pointed out, “since you’re the one that has to be back on set.”

“In two days,” he reminded me, “we built in an extra day, just in case, and they are calling for the storm to let up in the morning.”

I sighed, knowing he was right. “Still, this isn’t how I expected your first trip to Iowa to go,” I told him with a sigh.

“I’m with you, that’s all I need,” he assured me, wrapping his arms around me. “Besides, I’m not going to object to being stuck in a hotel room with nowhere to go.”

“Is that so?” I asked with a smile. “Do you have any suggestions on how to pass the time?”

“I can think of one or two,” Matt said in a low voice, pulling me closer. He lowered his mouth to mine and I kissed him back eagerly, winding my arms around his neck. After a moment, he pulled away. “However, before we get carried away, we should probably make a few calls.”

I sighed, knowing he was right. I sent a text to Chazz and then called my mother to let her know we are safe.

“I hate that you’re trapped in a hotel,” my mother lamented. “If you’d agreed to stay here, we would have been able to make you comfortable.

“We are very comfortable Mom,” I assured her. Much more comfortable than I would have been staying under my parent’s roof with my movie star boyfriend and trying to cram into the double bed that I’d slept in since I was 12, no matter how times my mom tried to assure me that she and my dad were open to us sharing a room.

I assured her that we were ok and that she didn’t have to send Dad out to retrieve us, luckily I could hear him vetoing that plan in the background, and then got off the phone. I sent out a few more texts and then turned my phone off and turned to Matt. “Where were we?”

“I think I was going to show you how we should pass the time.” He told me, gathering in his arms and kissing me deeply.

“I like how you think,” I said with a happy sigh as I kissed him back. Matt maneuvered us backwards across the room towards the bed, our lips still attached, but suddenly my foot caught on something. “Ooh!” I cried as we both stumbled forward, I landed on top of Matt. “I’m sorry,” I apologized.

“Beautiful, I’ll never complain about a situation that ends up with you on top of me,” he told me with a leer.

“That might be the cheesiest line I’ve ever heard,” I said with a laugh as I got to my feet.

Matt pouted as he got up as well. “You wound me.”

I looked to see what we had tripped over and saw that it was Matt’s suitcase, apparently, it hadn’t been closed properly because it had spilled open. “Your stuff!” I cried, “I’ll clean it up.”

“I’ll do it,” Matt said quickly, reaching for the mess but I beat him to it. I picked up some shirts and then froze at the sight of a small velvet box. That couldn’t be what I thought it was, right? I very slowly raised my eyes to look at Matt.

“This wasn’t how I imagined this going,” He said sheepishly, bending to pick it up. Ok, so that was what I’d thought it was. So why hadn’t he proposed? Why was the ring still in his bag? “I had this all planned out,” he told me as he straightened, “so I don’t suppose you want to forget what you saw until we get back to California?”

“I don’t know if I can do that,” I said honestly.

Matt smiled. “I guess, I understand. Besides, improvisation is part of my job, right?”

“Unless you’re working with Markus,” I teased, trying to lighten the mood. It didn’t work, because while Matt laughed, he also stepped forward and dropped to one knee.

I felt my breath catch in my throat. This was happening. It was really happening. I was getting proposed to by Matt Rodriguez in a hotel room in Des Moines, Iowa during a snowstorm. I don’t think I could ever have dreamed this scenario.

“Sabrina, I had this all planned out, I was going to sweep you off your feet with flowers and a romantic meal,” He began, “everything you deserve, but this feels right too. Because life is about the moments you don’t expect, about adjusting to what life throws at you and there is no one I’d rather have by my side than you. Until you, I felt alone even when I was surrounded by people and then you walked into my life and everything changed. I’ve ever enjoyed every moment of our time together and I know I wanted more, so much more. Sabrina Lucia Moretti, would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

“Yes!” I screamed, throwing my arms around him. This still felt like a dream, more than anything else that happened in the last year, and I was half afraid that instead of landing on Matt I was going to wake up on the floor of my bedroom. However, I was greeted with a solid body and Matt quickly wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as we kissed deeply.

“I love you,” I told him, “not Matt Rodriguez the movie star, but Matt the sweet, kind man who makes me smile and laugh every day. I adore you, Matt, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

He kissed me again and then stood up, pulling me with him. He slipped the ring on my finger. I realized I hadn’t even looked at it. Oh, ok.

“Wow,” I said before I could stop myself.

Matt laughed, “I’m glad you approve.”

“It came from you, of course, I approve,” I told him. I mean, it was a stunning ring and it took my breath away, but…

“I know,” Matt said softly, “and that’s why I knew asking you was the right choice because you don’t care about the details. You are the most genuine person I have ever met, Sabrina.”

I blushed and decided to change the subject. “If you didn’t plan to propose, why did you bring the ring with you?”

It was Matt’s turn to blush. “I wanted to talk to your parents and get their opinion on the ring.”

“That is so sweet,” I told him, gazing up at him with love and devotion.

He really was the most amazing man in the world. I had never expected to fall in love with a movie star, but I had also never expected to fall in love with a man like Matt. I was the luckiest woman in the world and I hoped that I never forgot that.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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