The Best Medicine

Summary: After Tom gets injured, Celia helps him feel better in more ways than one.

Tom starts to stir at the other end of the worn out couch at his place. Celia has been binge watching Nailed It on Netflix trying to pass the time while he naps. They had all gotten banged up by Astrid, Vincent, and the other cult members, but Tom got the worst of it. He’d risen from his bed this morning and moved out to the couch where he promptly fell asleep again and hasn’t woken since. It’s been a long couple days for everyone, but hopefully things will start looking up from here on out. Tom rubs his groggy eyes and picks up his glasses from the table.

“Hey sleepy head.” Celia smiles softly. “Are you feeling any better?”

Tom expression is weary. “If feeling like I’ve been hit by a pick-up truck versus a freight train counts for feeling better, I suppose I’m getting there.”

“Oh Tom…” Celia scoots closer and pecks him on the cheek before rifling through the plastic shopping bag on the coffee table. “I went out and got you some things. First, take these.” She opens a bottle of Advil and hands him a few pills along with a bottle of water.

Tom pops the pills in his mouth and downs almost the entire bottle of water. “When did you leave? How long have I been sleeping?”

“It’s 7pm, Tom. You’ve been out all day.” Celia takes the other items out of the bag and sets them on the table. “I got you some more ice packs too, and at some point we should see if your bandages need to be changed.”

Tom surveys the items laid out before him. “You didn’t happen to bring back any food, did you? I’m hungry as fuck.”

Celia chuckles. “That’s a good sign. I actually ordered a pizza and it just got here about 10 minutes ago. It should still be hot if you want some now.”

“Were you waiting for me to wake up to eat it?”

“Well, I was going to give you about 5 more minutes before I just started eating myself,” Celia confesses.

“That’s my girl,” Tom pats her on the knee, and she sees his smile reach his eyes for the first time. “I’ll go get us some plates.”

“Absolutely not,” she scolds and jumps up. “I’ll go get them. You are still in no condition to be working any harder than you have to.”

“Yes ma’am.” Tom smirks. “It’s kind of hot when you boss me around like that.”

Celia rolls her eyes. “Only you would think that, but try me. There’s more where that came from.”

Tom just laughs, and Celia brings back the pizza, plates, and two more bottles of water. Tom points back towards the kitchen. “I think I have some beer in the fridge.”

“With your injuries and the meds you are taking? I don’t think so. I don’t need you bleeding out internally, plus you are probably close to being dehydrated.” Celia shoves the water bottle into his had for effect.

“I see you are enjoying playing doctor as much as I did when I fixed you up,” Tom teases.

Celia sighs loudly. “Do you not remember that I was studying to be a nurse? I got far enough to kind of know what I’m talking about here.”

“Ooh, sexy nurse.” Tom lets out a low whistle. “I like it.”

Celia shakes her head, but she can’t suppress a smile as she plops a piece of pizza on his plate. “The nurse says you need to eat now to get your strength back up.”

Tom looks Celia in the eye and takes a big bite and she nods approvingly. Together the eat an entire large deluxe pizza with Tom basically inhaling the lion’s share. Once they are done, Celia curls up next to Tom as they search for something to watch.

Tom sets the remote down and turns toward Celia, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Are we doing Netflix and chill here, because if so, I’m fine just skipping the Netflix part.” Tom leans in to close the distance between them, but then winces and clutches his side just before he reaches her lips.

Celia frowns. “I’m not sure you can handle the chill part right now, unfortunately.”

“Well, part of me doesn’t agree with you.” Tom looks down and Celia’s eyes follow, noting the bulge in Tom’s pants.

Celia’s better judgement tells her to turn him down completely to avoid Tom overexerting himself, but she just can’t say no to that pleading face. Plus, being in close proximity to Tom this whole time without being able to touch him has her a bit wound up as well. “I have an idea, but you need to behave so you don’t hurt yourself. Not sure if you’ve thought about it, but it’s probably been awhile since you showered.”

Tom chuckles. “Are you saying I stink?”

“Not exactly, but you still need to get cleaned up,” she replies. She’s not really lying. He’s got a musky, earthy scent that’s not unpleasant, but isn’t very clean smelling either, and aside from washing up a bit, he hasn’t bathed since the whole ordeal. “Why don’t you let your nurse give you a bath.”

Tom’s eyes go wide and his cheeks turn pink. “” For as confident as he was a minute ago, that swagger is gone now.

Celia supposes it is more of an intimate act, and they haven’t see each other fully naked yet, but it’s adorable to see him speechless over the suggestion either way. “I just figured I could take care of you…in more ways than one, unless you aren’t comfortable with that.”

“No!” He practically yells. “I mean yes, I would like that.” Tom gets up from the couch with a groan but waves her off when she tries to help.

Celia walks ahead and starts to run the bath. She can’t help but notice the Darth Vader soap dispenser at the sink and she laughs under her breath. Knowing Tom she’s not at all surprised. She peruses the cabinets and finds some clean towels and washcloths and has them out by the time Tom comes in. He’s already stripped down to just his boxer briefs and she studies his bruises and surface wounds for the first time since she tended to him right after the injuries occurred. The bruises have grown larger and darker, and there are more cuts and scrapes than she remembers.

Celia steps closer and lightly traces over the marks on his chest. “Oh, Tom…”

Tom tilts her chin up. “It’s okay now, Celia. I’m fine. We’re all fine.” He captures her lips with his, kissing her deeply so that she momentarily loses herself.

She pulls back with a soft sigh. “I think the water is ready. Why don’t you get in.”

Celia watches as Tom sheepishly removes his underwear, but he has nothing to be shy about. She takes in his slim muscular frame, and although he’s only half hard now, his size is still admirable. He moves faster than he should to sit down in the tub.

“No need to be self-conscious. I wouldn’t be staring if I didn’t like what I see,” she says with a sly grin, and he blushes even brighter than before. She lifts off her top and starts to shimmy out of her shorts.

“Wha- What are you doing?” Tom stammers.

“Coming in with you, silly. I can wash you up much better than out here, and then I won’t get my clothes wet.”

Tom clears his throat but says no more as she strips the rest of the way. He watches her, mesmerized like he hasn’t seen a naked women up close before, and maybe he hasn’t. She stands before him before she steps in to join him. “Woah…Fuck, Celia. You are perfect.”

Celia grabs a washcloth on her way and gets to work right away. She dabs the, soapy wet cloth gently over his face and moves downward to his neck. She wets it again to rinse him and then follows up with soft kisses. “Hmm, your pulse is elevated and your respirations are higher than normal range. My medical training tells me this could be a problem, but I know you’ve had concerns about this before–”

“You know why.” A smile tugs at Tom’s lips. “Just shut up and kiss me.”

Celia scoots in closer, lightly wrapping her legs around Tom’s hips. She brings Tom’s hair down and twines her fingers in it, guiding their mouths together. Their tongues slide past one another and Celia resists the urge to climb right up on  Tom’s lap and have her way with him. They’ll have time for that once he’s healed, but for now this is all about him.

Celia sits back on her knees. She inches her hands up Tom’s thighs, and he twitches in anticipation. “Remember to take it easy, or I’ll have to stop. Got it?

“Yes, Nurse Celia,” he says with as straight a face as he can muster.

She wraps a hand around the base of his cock and and gently tugs his balls with the other, eliciting a deep moan from Tom. She slides her hand up and down. There’s just enough soap in the water that it glides easily, and he squirms a bit every time she twists around the head.

“So jumpy, Tom. I don’t want you to get hurt. I think I’ll have to try something else.” He doesn’t object, but watches as she drains a bit of water from the tub so that he’s fully exposed. She sinks her head between his legs and takes him into her mouth, and he’s hitting the back of her throat with each thrust.

“Oh my god, Celia. That feels so fucking good.” He keeps most of his body still but fists his hands in her hair and helps control the rhythm. His pants and groans tell her he’s not going to last much longer, and when she adds a hand in sync with her mouth, it’s over. “Oh fuck, yes!” he cries out as he cums, and she swallows it down.

She rises up to kiss up and can feel him smile against her mouth. “You were a perfect patient.”

“It’s not hard to do with a nurse like you. You could get me to do anything for you, Celia.” He rests a hand on her thigh and looks down. “Speaking of…”

She shakes her head. “You can pay me back later. I think you’ve had enough strenuous activity for this evening. Besides, I may have taken care of myself earlier when were sleeping.”

Tom’s jaw drops. “I’m so pissed I missed out on that.”

Celia steps out of the tub and offers a hand to help Tom up. “There will be plenty more opportunities for that.”

“Yeah?” Tom asks expectantly.”

Celia wraps him in and towel and kisses him sweetly. “You bet. I’m not letting you get away. You’re stuck with me.”

Tom laughs. “I kind of see it the other way around, but I guess all that matters is that you’re with me.”

“Agreed.” Celia pivots Tom toward’s the bathroom door. “Now for the last part of your treatment. Cuddling and sleep.”

2 thoughts on “The Best Medicine”

  1. I loved this! I really need to play through with Tom because I love the dynamic with him and the MC. This was fun and sweet and hot all at the same time. You created a really great dynamic between them and I want more.

    1. Thank you Misha! I like Parker too, but there is something I love about the dynamic between Celia and Tom that makes them more compelling for me to write about.

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