The Birthday Gift

Author’s Note: This was requested by the lovelies @drakewalkerfantasy and @wickedgypsymoon after the cockblocking instance that was chapter 14.  What started out as a little smutty drabble somehow turned into this … I hope this helps ease some of that built up tension we all had after last chapter!


As the light show over the party fizzled out with its last flicker, the group of friends reluctantly decided to call it a night.  Atlas and Elliott gave their thanks once again for the surprise birthday party, then were quickly shooed away to leave the party planners to their clean up duty. Walking back to her dorm room Elliott smiled like a giddy schoolgirl, thankful for the night of fun and a much-needed break from, well, running for her life.  Even Atlas had a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips, one she quickly wiped away as soon as she realized her twin was watching her.

After the initial confusion and accusations of traitorous friends had been squashed, the night had turned out to be a great time.  The light show, the cake and drinks, the game of Never Have I Ever, a romantic moonlit stroll by the lake with Beckett … everything was perfect.  Well, almost perfect.

Elliott recalled the feel of Beckett’s warm hands pressed against the bare skin of her back, his lips traveling along her neck and collarbone and down her body to a much lower destination … until they were rudely interrupted by a group of rowdy coeds.  Despite both of their disappointment, Elliott was pleased that Beckett was finally becoming more open with her, sharing his affections freely and feeling comfortable enough to act on his physical desires with her. But even though his sexual advance was a sign of major progress in their relationship, Elliott couldn’t help but feel frustrated both mentally and physically that they didn’t get to finish what they started.  The thought alone of Beckett’s intentions sent a twinge of arousal through her core, a rush of dampness accumulating in her panties as she imagined his mouth exploring her most sensitive-

Buzz buzz.  Elliott snapped to attention when she heard her phone vibrate on her desk.  She paused her bedtime routine, slipping a t-shirt on over her sleep shorts, and waltzed over to check her message.

“I wanted to say good night.  I hope you had a very happy birthday.”  Beckett’s note, short and sweet yet so heartfelt brought a smile to her face, one that Atlas must have noticed from across the room.

“Is that Harrington again?”  She grumbled, rolling over to get comfy on her pallet on the floor.  “Gosh you two are so smitten with each other it’s almost nauseating.”  Elliott chuckled at her twin’s crass comment, knowing very well she didn’t mean any offense with her statement.  She turned her attention back to her phone, clicking out a flirtatious response to her new boyfriend.

“Just thinking about you too… tonight was wonderful.  Thanks again for everything.”  She pressed send, then waited patiently for a reply when she noticed the three flashing dots on her screen.  Buzz buzz.

“You should know by now I’d do anything to make you happy.”

Elliott smirked, knowing that tonight he had intended to make her very happy indeed.  If only they’d been somewhere more private … her fingers flew over the keys of her phone, typing out a response.  “I know, Beckett.  And you don’t know how much that means to me.”  She paused, then clicked away again with a wicked smirk on her lips.  “I just wish you’d had the chance to give me my birthday present.  I have a feeling that would have made me very happy.”

Three dots.  Elliott could practically hear the wheels turning in Beckett’s head from across the quad as he pondered her subtle innuendo.  Buzz buzz.  “But you did open it‍.  I thought you liked the gramophone?”

“That’s not what I meant.”  Elliott replied quickly and waited.  She couldn’t fight the evil grin as she imagined his face at this moment, his brow furrowed in deep thought.  “By the lake …”

Three dots.  Buzz buzz.  Oh.”  A short pause, then three dots reappeared.  Buzz buzz.  Oh!!!”  Elliott laughed, imagining the crimson flush spread upon Beckett’s cheeks once he finally realized what she was referencing.  Three dots. Buzz buzz.  I’m also very sorry we were interrupted, but I can promise to make it up to you soon?”  

“I’m looking forward to it. 🙂 Good night.”  Elliott beamed happily as she set the phone down on her nightstand, then shimmied under the covers and turned off the light.  

Knock knock knock.  Elliott and Atlas both sprang up in their respective beds, fighting off the initial dregs of sleep.  Elliott glanced at the clock, observing that only about twenty minutes had passed since she’d turned off the light.  Knock knock.  She groaned as she swung her legs over the side of the bed, stumbling across the floor towards the door to the common room.  She heard Atlas spring to her feet, rushing out the door to stand right at her side as she shuffled towards the main entrance.  “It’s okay Atlas, I’ve got this.”

“No way am I letting you go by yourself.  What if it’s a trick?” She cocked an eyebrow at her, challenging her to disagree.

Elliott sighed, knowing very well that her sister was right.  They needed to be careful. “Fine. But I’ll get the door and you stand behind it so no one can see you.”  Atlas nodded and took her spot before Elliott reached to open the door to the hallway.

Swinging it open swiftly, she found herself face to face with one Beckett Harrington.  Wearing a Penderghast collegiate t-shirt and loose sweatpants, he almost looked like a different person minus the brooding facial features.  Before Elliott was even able to open her mouth to speak, Beckett swooped in quickly, cupping her face in his broad hands and capturing her lips in a fervent kiss.  She felt herself instinctively melting into him, a low moan resonating at the back of her throat when she granted his tongue entrance past the seams of her lips, her arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him tighter.  

“Ah-ah-ahem!”  The two broke their kiss abruptly as Atlas stepped from behind the door, making herself known as loudly possible.  

“Oh, Atlas, I’m so sorry!”  Elliott took one step away from Beckett, still gripping his arm tightly as she faced her sister apologetically.  “You didn’t need to see that, but he caught me off guard and I wasn’t thinking and-“

“I know exactly what parts your anatomies you were thinking with.”  Atlas interrupted, her voice plain and stagnant. “Look I get it. You have physical needs you were hoping Harrington here could fulfill.  I’ll get my stuff to sleep on Shreya’s floor and let you two get it out of your system.” She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and started walking towards their shared room.

“Atlas, I …” Elliott started, glancing up towards Beckett for some sign of what to do and say.  Surprisingly she found him blank-faced, his normal pink cheeks of embarrassment nowhere to be found.  He gave her a coy smirk and shut the front door behind him, his hand pressed possessively against her lower back.

They heard a shuffle of activity moving through the room, turning their gaze to find Atlas carrying her bedroll and pillow to Shreya’s room without so much as a second glance to them. “Just try to keep down the volume, please.  Some of us want to get some actual sleep around here.” She opened the door and slipped inside with her belongings, then shut it behind her.

“Uh, thanks Sis …” Elliott called after her, unsure how

you properly thank someone for giving you space for your booty call.  She turned back to Beckett, her bewildered look suddenly breaking into a wide smile as the laughter spilled out.  Even Beckett couldn’t fight the grin upon his face at the exchange he had just witnessed. Still giggling, Elliott gripped him by the hand and lead him to her room.

Closing the door firmly, Elliott turned to face Beckett, only to find him watching her intently.  She slipped her hands up the length of his arms and hooked them behind his neck, stepping up on her tip-toes to press a sweet kiss to his lips.  “Well well, Mr. Harrington … to what do I owe the pleasure of your late night visit?”

Beckett’s mouth quirked in an amused smile, his clear greyish-blue eyes dancing over her features.  He leaned down to nuzzle his nose to her neck, his breath hot against her ear. “I believe I still owe you your birthday gift, and I promised to make it up to you soon.”  

Elliott’s eyes widened with surprise, only to flutter closed at the sensation of Beckett’s lips trailing the down her neck, pausing occasionally to suckle the sensitive flesh there.  Her mind swirled in thought, trying to devise a witty response, but the only noise she was able to emit at the moment were the quick mewling whimpers when she felt his hands dipping under the hem of her t-shirt.  She reached down to meet his wandering fingers, gripping her shirt and pulling it over her head. Beckett paused to lean back, his darkened eyes raking over her bare breasts and his hands quickly following suit. Elliott’s head fell back as she savored the feel of his large palms cupping her, his thumbs rolling over her nipples in repetitive circles before he added his fingers to tweak them gently.  The feeling was sharp and then pleasant, a startled moan escaping her lips as a jolt of arousal traveled down to her core.

So lost in the intense pleasure, Elliott had no warning when Beckett dipped down to grip her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist to pick her up.  Her lips crashed against his, her arms wrapped around his neck securely as she felt herself moving … somewhere, anywhere, she didn’t care as long as he was there flush against her.  She felt the hard surface of her desk against the back of her thighs when Beckett set her down, his mouth devouring hers furiously until they had to part for the split second when she pulled his shirt over his shoulders.  Elliott pulled him closer, her hardened nipples rubbing against the smooth skin of his firm chest while his hands kneaded the meaty part of her hips, his own excitement rubbing her center through their layers of clothing. “Mmm, Beckett … I need you.”  She whined, allowing her hand to slip inside his sweatpants and boxers to wrap around his obvious erection.

Beckett groaned, thrusting once into her hand before stepping back, his chest heaving from his labored breathing.  “No, Elli … not right now. Tonight is all about you.” His words sent a thrill down her spine, settling in between her legs in a pool of her wet arousal.

His breathing nearly steady, Beckett dropped to kneeling before her, his eyes locked on hers as he stroked up her calves to her thighs.  Elliott’s breath hitched when he found the waistband of her shorts, lifting her hips just enough to allow him to tug her pajamas and panties down in one fluid motion.  She could feel the cool night air on the damp skin of her thighs, the anticipation and the hungry look in his eyes as he studied her most private area setting her body afire.  He trailed a hand over her thigh and then higher, emitting a deep groan as his gentle fingers found her slick folds. Elliott felt her hips buck into his hand, her hormones pulsing through her veins and taking over her movements.  She watched Beckett lay slow, wet kisses up her thighs, her body buzzing with desire and her heart thumping in her chest. When he finally reached the apex between her legs he gave her a sly smirk, pausing before licking a long stripe across her sweet spot.  

Elliott tried to keep her eyes open, fighting so hard to observe as this usually timid man pleasured her so skillfully with his mouth.  But when his tongue found her sensitive nub, flicking it with his tongue and wrapping his lips around it, Elliott lost all sense of control.  Gripping the edge of the desk to steady herself, her head fell back as the pleasure overwhelmed her. Adding one finger, then two, Beckett massaged her inner walls leisurely as his tongue continued to tease her pink button.  Elliott felt the heat boiling inside of her, her body beginning to shake and pulse. The delicious pressure building up as he lapped and fingered and nipped her repeatedly until she cried out when she felt it burst, her vision clouded over with a bright white light as her body hummed with her orgasm.  

She felt Beckett pause a moment as she came down, her eyes still closed as she tried to calm her breathing, his lips pressing gentle kisses along her inner thighs.  “Mmm …” she lifted a hand to stroke through his hair, then grip his shoulder as he stood upright.

Finally raising her head to meet his eyes in a drowsy stare, she pulled him toward her to exchange soft, lazy kisses.  She could taste herself on his lips, the illicit thought thrilling her a bit. “Was my technique satisfactory?” Beckett inquired, an air of pride in his voice.

“That was fucking amazing.”  Elliott murmured, her vulgar response causing Beckett to chuckle.  She lifted her head, cocking it to the side as she pushed him away.  He looked a little confused as she slid down from the desk, but swiftly understood her implication when she tugged his pants and boxers down to his ankles.  “But don’t think I’m done with you yet, Mr. Harrington. It’s my birthday, after all.” She gave him a coy smile, then motioned to her bed. “Sit.”

Beckett did as he was told, stumbling a bit in the clothing tangled at his feet and causing Elliott to giggle.  Once he was seated, Elliott made her way to him slowly, enjoying his heated gaze as she sauntered across the room bare naked.  Standing before him, she reached into her nightstand drawer, retrieving a condom and setting it on the bed beside him. She noticed his cock hardening already, the anticipation and visual stimulation causing his arousal to become extremely evident.

Elliott eased him back on the bed, sliding her own body on top of his to straddle his legs.  She leaned down and kissed him, grasping his length in her hand and stroking him firmly until he was fully erect.  She smiled warmly as she tilted back enough to allow better access, swiftly unwrapping the condom and rolling it down over his manhood.  Beckett’s body tensed as she positioned him at her entrance, instantly relaxing with a long groaning sigh as she slowly slid down to bury him inside of her.  

Moving slowly, Elliott braced herself on his chest, sliding up and down as she adjusted to the feel of him.  His hands reached up and gripped her hips, gently guiding their bodies in sync as they caught their rhythm. Before long their bodies were moving rapidly in tandem, the only noises in the room their low moans and sounds of skin on skin.  Elliott soon noticed him hissing with each thrust as his excitement grew,, her own body climbing again towards that euphoric release. “Beckett, look at me.” She felt her heart quiver when his eyes met hers, so filled with passion and affection and a vulnerability she’d never witnessed before.  His gaze struck her straight down into her core, her walls beginning to flutter and the buzz of release taking over. “Oh, god!” The wave crashed over her, her body shaking with the tremors of pleasure. She felt Beckett still beneath her for a brief second before his own climax hit him, his cock twitching as he emptied himself inside her with with a muffled cry of her name.

She collapsed on top of him, their sweat-slicked bodies pressed together as they caught their breath.  Finally falling groggily to the bed, she felt Beckett reach down to pull the covers around them both protectively before settling down on the pillow beside her.  He wrapped his arm around her and she nuzzled into his chest, allowing him to place gentle kisses into her dark hair as she nodded off. She faintly heard his whisper before slumber pulled her under.  “Happy birthday, Elli.”


The sun was peeking through the curtains when Elliott stirred from sleep, suddenly aware of the cold, empty void in her bed where Beckett had been.

“Shhh … I’m right here.”  She heard as he sat down on the edge of the bed, brushing her hair out of her face as she turned to face him.  He placed a soft kiss on her temple, smiling fondly as he beamed down at her. “I need to get back to my dorm before the RA wakes up.”  

“Mmm, ok … right.”  Elliott said with a yawn, propping herself up on her elbow to peer up at him.  

“But for the record, that was the best night I’ve had in a long time.”  Beckett’s eyes glistened, then widened as he realized how his statement sounded.  “Best night of sleep, I mean!”

Elliott chuckled, amused that this sweet man who had literally had amazing sex with her only a few hours ago was suddenly so shy.  “Also for the record, that was the best night I’ve had in a long time. And I’m NOT talking about the sleep.”  She watched as his cheeks flushed, taking his hand in hers and giving it a quick squeeze.

“Well, yeah … that part was pretty good also.”  He laughed when Elliott cocked her brow at him, shaking his head.  “Okay, it was fucking amazing, to use your words.”

Elliott’s jaw dropped in shock, quickly followed by another wide grin.  “Why Beckett Harrington, I am shocked to hear that kind of language from you!”

“What can I say, sometimes I feel like a whole different person with you.”  He trailed a finger lightly over her cheek, watching her with a content look on his face.  “But now I really have to go.” He leaned down and met her lips in a sweet kiss, one that she returned.  He gave her a wistful smile before getting up, and reluctantly heading out the door.

Elliott laid back in bed with a big sigh, unable to hide the goofy grin spread across her face.  She was still smiling ridiculously big when she heard a loud bang as the door swung open, Atlas marching in the room and plopping her things on the floor in the corner.

“Finally, I never thought he’d leave.  I wanted to go investigate the Hall of Mirrors again and-“ Atlas stopped abruptly as she surveyed the room, her stare flicking sharply back to her sister in bed.  “Seriously? You guys are such animals that you had to copulate on the desk? The one that I use too?”

Elliott’s cheek burned and her eyes widened at the accusation.  “How in the world did you- “

“Oh please!” Atlas rolled her eyes.  “I used to have to track animals in the woods just to eat.  You’re not going to get anything past me.” Elliott lay there dumbfounded, gaping at her sister, who was obviously not ready to hear the intimate details of her evening.  “Fine, I can tell you didn’t get any sleep, so I’ll leave you to it.” Grabbing a few items as she shuffled out the door, Atlas quickly left Elliott alone again in her room.

Still in shock, Elliott shook her head with a chuckle and plopped back down on her pillow.  “Good night, Sis.” She rolled over and pulled the covers over her head, smiling to herself as she allowed the draw of sleep to pull her back in.


2 thoughts on “The Birthday Gift”

  1. Dude. DUDE! I love this! I especially appreciate this after PB so RUDELY cockblocked us with that diamond scene. You did a great job and I love Elliot and Beckett’s dynamic; the way she gets him to blush in the morning made me laugh. I also loved seeing another side of Beckett, so cool and in charge. Awesome job!

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