The Dark Side

Author’s Note: This is one of two fics inspired by Viktor’s attack on MC in chapter 6 of book 2 and is my take on how Kaylee reacts (read the other here). Of the two fics, this one is a bit darker and is more me working out my feelings about the scene. Important Note: Kaylee’s ocelot is named Rocket (yes, after the raccoon).

Summary: Kaylee returns home after Viktor’s attack, still horribly shaken. Seth attempts to set up a surprise for Kaylee, but ends up surprised himself when she arrives home early. 

She wants it to be a dream, nothing but a horrifically vivid nightmare. However, as she rides home in eerie silence, a niggling feeling in her gut informs her that’s far from the truth.

Staring out the window, she hopes the bright cityscape blurring by will distract her from the thoughts racing through her mind. But it’s a fruitless effort. Soon, building lights fade from view as the events from earlier in the evening replay before her eyes in vivid flashes, her other senses joining in to enhance the experience tenfold.

Viktor’s glinting eyes devour her with their gaze and his face contorts into a devilishly pleased look as claims he always gets what he wants. Kaylee’s shoulders ache from his strong hands resting upon them; the skin on her cheek where his finger grazed stings from the burn of his unwanted touch. Bitter bile laps at the back of her throat as the scent of his musky cologne with hints of floral and spice overwhelms her nostrils. His words ring in her ears, demanding attention over the pounding of her heart, stabbing into her soul.

 “I’m Victor Montmartre. I have all the power here.”

She’s shaking violently again, Rocket clutched tightly to her chest, when the deep sound of someone clearing their throat yanks her from her flashback. Reality materializes before her eyes, realization that they’re parked in front of the requested destination sinking in slowly. After taking a few deep breaths to calm her nerves enough to move, Kaylee quietly thanks the driver and exits.

Fingers trembling uncontrollably, she manages to key in the gate code and unlock the front door. She hurries into the entryway, the ocelot cub eagerly following behind her. In the same instant the door clasps shut, her back is against it. As slowly as her unsteady legs allow, she lowers herself to the ground, burying her head in her hands.

How had this happened? Had she done something to bring this about? Had she someone made Viktor think she was even remotely interested in him?

No. NO. This is not my fault. He’s a monster.

The thoughts flare into the young actress’ brain, a burst of flame lighting up the darkness trying to settle in. But the flame fizzles as quickly as it sparked, trepidation creeping in from the shadows.

He claimed she owes him. And technically…. he’s right. He’d given her a starring role in a blockbuster film on the heels of her debut film. A very profitable and stand-out film, but her first nonetheless. He’s taking a risk on her, investing in her, ready to make her dreams come true. She does owe him something. But her body? That’s not something she owes anyone.

Yet he wouldn’t take no for an answer. And now her career might be sunk before making it out of the port.

Ice water replaces the blood in her veins causing her to shiver. Her stomach twists into a knot. Seemingly sensing her need, Rocket climbs into her lap and nuzzles his head against hers. Determined to pull herself free from the orbit of the black hole forming in her mind, she focuses on her breathing. The wildly soothing scent of ocelot fur entrances her, calming her nerves.

She’s poised to make her big break from the doorway when she hears them- plodding footsteps on the marble floors.

Footsteps which are swiftly getting louder.

Panic encases her once more.

He’s here. He followed me. I didn’t give him what he wanted. I told him no. I ran. But that won’t stop him. Nothing will stop him. I’m not really safe, not even here. Because Viktor Montmartre always gets what he wants, one way or another. And he wants me.

Her nerves fire endlessly, passing a signal from her brain to her legs urging them to move. But they fail to obey, the signal struck down somewhere along the line by bolts of fear. She’s a sitting duck, sprawled on the floor with her back against the door completely paralyzed by her own terror.

Kaylee manages to hold in a whimper as the volume of the footfalls indicates their owner is right around the corner of the hall, seconds from joining her in the foyer.

He’s here. I can’t get away. He’ll succeed this time. He’s…

“Iowa, what are you doing home already?”

…He’s Seth?

Her ‘secret’ boyfriend saunters around the corner, a puzzled look forming on his face when he spots her. Several golden-brown locks stick up from the center of his head, curling slightly at the top. He’s sporting classic white converse, jeans, and a dark grey Henley; one she’d urged him to buy weeks prior because of how perfectly it accentuated his muscles. A spark attempts to flicker in her chest, but it’s snuffed out by the raging storm of panic and confusion.

“I know the marble is exquisite and all but…” Seth’s voice falters, worry joining the confusion painted across his features. “Hey, your eyes… I mean… is something wrong? Did something…UFF.”

Kaylee’s off the floor and slamming into the tall man’s chest in a flash, Rocket mewing in surprise as he’s dumped off her lap.

“Well it’s good to see you too?” The comedian stares down at the woman with her head now pressed against his ribcage, his instinct to comfort battling with the perplexity swirling in his mind.

“Seth you’re… I texted and called but… voicemail… and… you’re here,” Kaylee manages to blubber into his shirt. Her arms entwine around him and he returns the gesture, though somewhat hesitantly.

What… What is happening?

Tears burst forth, cascading down her cheeks in warm rivers. Seth hugs her tighter; pulling her so close he catches a whiff of her coconut-almond shampoo.

“Woah, hey, it’s ok. My phone is just off. I let it die earlier, like the genius I am, then apparently forgot to turn it on once I got here and plugged it in,” he explains. Slowly, he shuffles his bawling girlfriend towards a nearby sofa and settles them both down upon it, their bodies still practically conjoined.

Heavy sobs begin to wrack Kaylee, her whole body shuddering against Seth. His heart drops, colliding with his stomach. Shifting, he pulls her onto his lap completely while thoughts race in his mind.

He’s never seen her like this before; downtrodden or even nervous, yes, but never bordering on hysteria. What could have possibly caused this? Had something happened on set?

She’d mentioned one of her co-starts giving her attitude lately, which had saddened but not surprised him; LA is bursting at the seams with strong personalities, one of whom Kaylee was bound to work with sooner or later. But is Peaches Pomegranate, or whatever her name is, so terrible she can break down someone as strong as Kaylee this quickly? He highly doubts it.

So then what on earth was going on?

Realizing his need for answers is less important than Kaylee’s need for comfort at the moment, he focuses his attention back to her. His fingers twine in her hair, gently massaging her scalp, while his other hand brushes soft circles across her lower back. “Shhhh. You’re okay. You’re home now. I’ve got you. You’re safe,” he murmurs tenderly into her ear, hoping he’s chosen the right words to soothe her.

Minutes seem to stretch into hours before the rhythm of Kaylee’s heart steadies against Seth’s chest. Carefully, he pulls back and cups the face of the woman he’s desperately falling for.

His chest aches at the woman staring up at him.

Her usually sparkling green eyes are dull, exhaustion settling in over what appears to be receding fear. Puffy pink lips, downturned at the corners, tremble ever so slightly and tears glint off her flushed cheeks.

He brushes his lips against her forehead tenderly before grabbing a handful of fortuitously placed tissues off the side table. Forcing his lips into a soft smile, Seth works to wipe the tears and snot from Kaylee’s face. Her muscles relax against him and the tension in his own shoulders lessens.

Then his finger bushes down the side of her cheek.

Kaylee goes ramrod stiff, her eyes resembling those of a cornered animal. She pushes off of him hard, retreating to the other corner of the couch.

Frozen in shock, Seth merely gapes at her. His soul stings from the arrow shot through it by the fear in his girlfriend’s eyes; fear aimed at him.

What the hell happened?

“I’m sorry. I didn’t… it’s ok. I won’t hurt you,” he starts, repressing the urge to reach out for her. “Kaylee, it’s just me, Ohio. You know, the bumbling dork who’s far less amazing than you but eternally grateful you’ve decided to be with him anyways?” Kaylee’s cheek twitches with the faintest glimmer of a grin and Seth releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

His arm slings around her shoulders instinctively when she slides closer once again. After a minute of trying the words out in his head, Seth asks if she wants to tell him what happened. Chestnut hair tickles his inner elbow as her head shakes back and forth.

“That’s ok. But um… what would you like to do? Or… I mean is there anything you need? I brought ice cream and… oh I set up a bubble bath with those essential oil thingies if you’d want that…” Chapped lips meet his in a feather-soft kiss, cutting him off.

“Can you just hold me for a while?” Kaylee practically whispers when she pulls back, her half-pleading eyes searching his.

“Gladly. For as long as you need.”

Eventually, when she falls asleep against his side, Seth carries her to bed, but not before whispering his plans in her ear so she’s not taken off-guard. He tucks her in carefully, hoping he won’t accidentally do something to trigger a reaction like before. With a quick kiss to her head, he turns to leave, but delicate fingers grasp his hand.

“Stay? Please?”


Morning light peaks through the lacey curtains of the large window near the bed, illuminating Kaylee’s slumbering figure encased in Seth’s arms and teasing the ends of his eyelids. Reluctantly, the still exhausted man opens them, smiling at the woman finally sleeping peacefully beside him. Their night had been the opposite of serene, with Kaylee waking multiple times with a shriek or yelp and covered in cold sweat. Each time, he’d wrapped her tighter in his arms, murmuring reassuring words in her ears until he heard her breathing slow once more.

Something had happened, something terrible, he’s certain. And while his brain refuses to stop wildly speculating what that something could be, he also doesn’t want to push. She’ll tell him when she’s ready. Though hopefully it won’t take too long, he muses, or his anxiety may completely eat away at his stomach lining. But that’s a chance he’s willing to take for her sake.

She wakes shortly after him, the soft smile she gives him upon meeting his gaze setting his soul ablaze. After they share a few tender kisses, he’s relieved when she mentions she wants to explain what happened. But the relief fades quickly, uneasiness pooling in his stomach as soon as she begins to speak.

“I think I found it, Seth.”

“Found what?”

“The dark side of Hollywood.”

– The End

Published by


Writer, fangirl of Seth Levine, and basic nerd

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