The First Day of Forever

The First Day of Forever
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I wish I owned Diavolos. I’m not making money off this, so please don’t sue me.

Pairing- Diavolos/Kenna

Summary- Diavolos and Kenna’s wedding night.

Words- 1476                                                                                                     


They stood in Kenna’s chambers, their chambers now, neither of them quite sure how to proceed. They had been lovers for months, but this was different and they both knew it. This wasn’t a secret rendezvous that would end too soon. This was their wedding night. They were no longer star-crossed lovers who had the whole world working against them, instead, they were going to build a life together.

“You are gorgeous,” Diavolos whispered, a little bit of awe in his voice, “I still can’t believe you are mine.”

She liked the sound of that. Of being his. She had always been fiercely independent, but it was nice to belong somewhere, to someone. Besides, he was hers as much as she was his. It was a mutual possession.

“So what are you going to do with me?” She asked with a teasing smile. “Since I am yours. Yours to do with what you like.”

His dark eyes were full of hunger as he took a step towards her. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her with an intensity that took her breath away. His kiss was forceful and demanding, his tongue seeking access to her mouth, access that she willingly gave. His arms held her tight against him, so tight that she could feel every curve of his body and knew exactly the effect that she had on him. Her arms slipped around his neck, clinging to him.

Diavolos swung her up into his arms as if she weighed nothing at all, all the while continuing to kiss her like a drowning man who had found water for the first time in days. He finally broke the kiss, both of them gasping for air, once he reached the bed. He laid her down gently, treating her as if she was the most precious thing in the world. She knew that, to him, she was. She was normally the protector, so it was nice to have the roles reversed and to have someone take care of her.

“I guess I shouldn’t rip this dress off of you, no matter how much I might want to,” he commented, running a gentle hand over the silk and velvet creation that covered her curves.

She smiled. “I’d rather you didn’t. A lot of work went into this dress and I’d like to preserve it.”

“I will treat it like the treasure it is,” he assured her, helping her to her feet once more. She turned so that her back was to him and could feel him beginning to undo the laces of her gown. He took his time, placing slow kisses on her exposed skin as he slowly inched the gown off of her.

“Diavolos,” she moaned as he nipped lightly at her sensitive skin, his hands resting on her hips. Her dress pooled at her feet, leaving her in her silk chemise and nothing else. Diavolos slowly edged the straps over her shoulders and pushed the chemise down until it joined her dress on the floor and she stood there naked in the moonlight.

“I am either underdressed or you are overdressed,” she pouted turning in his embrace so that she was looking up at him. She placed her hands on the material of his tunic and tugged it upward. He grinned and covered her hand with his, pulling his tunic off with surprising force.

“We can’t have that, can we,” he told her, discarding his pants just as quickly. He then pulled her into another hungry kiss. Kenna ran her hands over his bare chest, tracing the scars that rested there, as she kissed him back, meeting his hunger with her own.

“I have never wanted anything the way I want you.” He admitted when the kiss ended, pulling her down onto the bed. “The moment I saw you, I wanted you, even though I never believed I could actually have you.”

“But you can,” she reminded him, remembering how drawn she was to him from the start, “I am yours. Forever.”

“I can hardly believe my good fortune,” he said, running a tender hand over her cheek, “I plan on spending every day showing you just how much I appreciate you.”

“I think you should start now,” Kenna teased, running a suggestive hand down his broad chest.

“I can do that.” Diavolos agreed, capturing her hand and bringing it to his mouth for a kiss. “Let me show you how happy I am to be your husband.” He knelt over her and began to kiss his way down her body. He started at her neck, finding the sensitive spot that made her moan with pleasure and then worked his way down. He took his time with her breasts, teasing each nipple into a perfect point and making her gasp with pleasure before continuing down her flat stomach.

“Oh…” She gasped as his hands joined his mouth in their exploration, the caresses slow and tantalizing. This was a new side of Diavolos. Normally their encounters tended towards the rough and frantic, all about desperate need, but tonight he seemed to want to take his time, tormenting a response out of her.

He nudged her thighs apart with his head, placing tender kisses on the inside of her thighs before moving on to her out lips. He kissed and sucked as his tongue darted inside and found her most sensitive nub, his strong hands holding her hips in place as she arched against his mouth to allow him better access. “Diavolos.”

“I like it when you scream my name,” he told her with a grin after she came down from the wave of pleasure, reminding her of their first night together when she had refused to make a sound after he had teased her. They had come so far from then and she had no issue in letting him know how much pleasure he brought her.

He pulled her towards him in another fierce kiss and she responded eagerly, one hand in his dark hair to keep him close to her. She broke the kiss and got off the bed, ignoring Diavolos’ grunt of displeasure, and knelt on the floor beside the bed. She grabbed his hand and tugged it, he immediately understood what she wanted and swung his legs over the bed so that she was kneeling between them, his eyes dark with desire as he realized her intention.

“Kenna,” he moaned, digging his hand into her hair as she licked and sucked at him. She stroked his hard length with one hand, as she placed kisses all along it, enjoying the sounds he made and the rough way he tugged at her hair when she did something he particularly likes.

“If you don’t stop I’m not going to last,” he groaned. Kenna pulled away, after bestowing one last kiss, and he immediately pulled her up onto the bed, claiming her mouth in a passionate kiss as he did so. As he continued to kiss her, he spun them so that she on her back on the bed and then entered her in one smooth movement, once more the frantic, desperate lover she had become accustomed to.

She moved in time with him, meeting him thrust for thrust. She was desperate for him, all of him. She loved the feel of him inside of her, filling her, completing her.

“You are everything,” he whispered roughly against her neck, “my queen, my love, my wife.”

“I love you.” She assured him, the words coming out a little breathless because of the sensations she was feeling. She clung to him, raking her nails down his back as she shuddered beneath him just as he reached his peak and emptied himself into her.

He collapsed against her and she held him close, savoring the weight of him against her. He rolled off her after a long moment and then pulled her into the circle of his arms, resting his chin on top of her head. “So much for taking it slow,” he said ruefully, “I wanted to worship you like you deserve.”

“I feel very cherished,” Kenna assured him with a smile. “I like knowing that you are as desperate for me as I am for you.” She placed a kiss on his shoulder. “We have a lifetime ahead of us, surely we’ll get to slow eventually.”

“A lifetime,” Diavolos mused, running his fingers through her hair as she continued to place kisses on his shoulder and chest, “I like the sound of that.”

She lifted her head and smiled at him. “Me too.” She leaned up and met his lips in a surprisingly sweet kiss. One full of love and devotion and hope for the future. She knew that for both of them, the future had always been uncertain, but not any longer. Now the future looked wonderful.

–          Fin


Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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