The Gift of Giving – Beckett x MC

Summary: Beckett surprises Clarette before they leave for Winter Break.

Rating: PG

Words: 1700

Author’s Notes: Another WIP that had been sitting for almost a month, but look! I’m writing fluff with a big side of cheese! Beckett doesn’t belong to me (unfortunately), but the story does. No Beta used.

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‘Right. It’s just a little Christmas gift. It’s okay if she didn’t get me anything in return because she didn’t know I was getting her anything in the first place.

Oh God,’ Beckett nodded, taking a deep breath. He was already rambling in his mind. “Well, here goes nothing.” Arriving at Clarette’s door, he knocked before he could lose his wit. After what felt like an agonizing wait, the door opened to reveal one of the inhabitants.

“Beckett?!” Shreya exclaimed in surprise. “What are you – ” she paused, noticing the gift wrapped parcel in his hands. Smiling knowingly, she continued on without missing a beat. “Ah, I see. Clarette is just finishing up in the shower. She should be out in five. Take a seat, make yourself at home. Help yourself to anything in the fridge since we can’t take it back for break.”

“Thanks, Shreya,” he called out, even though the girl had already disappeared into her room. Taking a look around the living area, a slight pang hit him in the chest, wondering if he should have opted for a roommate instead of a single. He absentmindedly fidgeted with the ridiculous friendship bracelets they all wore, though he would never admit how happy it made him to be accepted into one of those stereotypical groups of friends that were on television. Eyes settling on Clarette’s bedroom door, he thought about her in the shower – ‘damn it, Harrington, stop that!’ He focused on thief matches, yorba eggs, golf – really, anything – to get his mind out of the gutter and to redirect the flow of blood in his system.

Just then, the adjacent bathroom door opened. Beckett’s jaw dropped as he took in the sight. Clarette stepped out wearing nothing but a towel wrapped tightly around her petite frame, leaving very little to the imagination.

“Oh my God, Beckett!” she screeched, in surprise, holding a hand over her chest. “I didn’t know you were here!”

He averted his eyes quickly, everything feeling alight. “Sorry! Shreya said just to wait here!”

Clarette glared at her suite mate’s door. “Thanks, Shreya! Really appreciate the heads up!” She chimed sarcastically.

A faint giggling could be made out in the other room. “You’re very welcome, roomie! Love you!”

Clarette shook her head, smiling. “I know you do!” Turning to the man on the couch, she became suddenly aware of her state of undress. “Give me a sec to change into… something, okay?”

He nodded, quickly glancing at her. Her cheeks had flushed; it might have been the first time he saw a hint of blush on her. He shook the thought that it could be because of his presence. She did just come from a hot, steamy shower after all.

A few minutes passed before she called him into her room. Hesitating momentarily, he stood up and smoothed out his sweater vest, taking a deep breath before entering her room.

The space was neat and tidy, opposite of what it looked like when they did yoga together. Books were stacked on the desk, with binders and folders on the shelf. There were some crystal specimens on her nightstand, including a decently sized sunstone sphere. The only thing out of place was the rumpled towel currently strewn over the made bed. As surprising as it was, this was totally her – down to the slightly musky mix of vanilla orchid that hung in the air.

Her back was to him as he entered, putting something away in the closet. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I thought you already left for the holidays. I wasn’t expecting to see you.”

He shuffled his feet, a nervous energy coursing through him as he finally stood in front of her. “Ah, well, yes. I’m leaving later today, but I wanted to give you this before I left,” he answered, brandishing the gold foiled wrapped box.

Clarette stepped forward to take it, her hands slightly trembling, mouth agape in awe. “Beckett,” her eyes flickered to his, voice slightly above a whisper, “you didn’t have to.” She delicately slid the red silk ribbons in between her fingers.

“I know, but I wanted to show you my appreciation for everything you’ve done for me.” He stuck his hands in his pockets, observing her expression. He wasn’t sure, but he swore he saw her eyes well up before she blinked them away. “Go ahead, open it.”

Taking a seat on her bed, she placed the box in her lap, gently untying the ribbon. The foil wrapping came next, flakes of 24 karat gold shimmering in the light. Placing the gold and silk on her sheets, she admired the ornate gift box before looking up at him.

He gave the slightest nod, almost imperceptible to anyone but her. Lifting the lid with utmost care, she gasped as the contents were revealed. Inside was the most enchanting snow globe she had ever laid eyes on. Taking it out and swirling the globe, the snowflakes inside changed from white, to gold, to a multicolored spectacle that floated around an internal setting of a pond surrounded by flora. Peering closer, the mini water feature appeared to shimmer, mimicking real water. It was truly magickal.

“I hope you like it. I came across it and I thought of you. Aster told me I was meant to purchase it when I went to pay –” he rambled, only stopping when Clarette’s soulful eyes were focused on him, a soft smile on her lips.

“I love it, “she stood, wrapping her arms around him without a second thought. “Thank you.”

After a momentary pause, he enveloped her in his arms, treasuring the feel of her snuggled into him. They held each other for a moment longer than necessary, until Clarette stepped away, much to his dismay.

“I was hoping I’d be able to catch you before we left for the holidays,” she trailed off while rummaging through her bag, “because I got you a little something, too.“ Producing a small box covered in wrapping paper, she turned around, offering it to him.

It was now Beckett’s mouth that fell open. He was not expecting anything from her at all. ” I – uh – you shouldn’t – er – “ Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat. “Thank you.”

Accepting the box, his lips quirked while he gave the gift wrap a once over. The fat, Santa hat wearing penguins were so quintessentially her. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the pensive expression on her face as she bit the inside of her mouth, waiting for him to open the present. He unwrapped the box just as carefully as she had with the gold foil until a black box sat in his hand. Turning his head, their eyes locked; his full of curiosity, hers reflecting a nervous energy.

Flipping the lid open, his jaw dropped once again. Staring back at him was a pair of enameled Penderghast cufflinks.

“They’re not gold or silver or anything, and it’s not a designer or whatever, but when I saw them, I had to get them for you,” she rattled on, something that was uncharacteristic of her usual composed behavior.

“I absolutely love them. They’re perfect,” he blurted out, while silently thinking, ‘like you.’

She beamed, relief washing over her face. “I’m glad. I was afraid you were going to think they were cheap or ugly or something.”

“Not at all. I didn’t think you would get me anything.”

Clarette replied with a light laugh, her eyes glowing as she picked up the snow globe again. “I could say the same thing.” Quickly flipping it so the snowflakes once again danced, she admired the scenery until her eyes widened with recognition.

“Beckett, this scene,” her eyes met his, “It looks like the pond –”

“Where we had our first kiss? Yes.” His complexion reddened with the admission as he rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s why it reminded me of you.”

Clarette carefully placed the globe on her nightstand, turning to face him. “This is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me.“

He took a step closer to her and she froze, getting lost in the depths of his hazel grey eyes. His guard was completely down and his gaze upon her radiated with tenderness.

“That night – I know we haven’t talked about it –” His brow furrowed as he struggled to find the words eluding him. “It meant a lot to me. I was just wondering –“

Closing the distance, she stopped in front of him. “It meant a lot to me, too. I just didn’t know if you wanted to be friends who sometimes kissed or more –”

“More?” He cupped her face. “Definitely more.”

Her eyes fluttered shut as he bent over and ghosted his lips over hers, the slightest of contact raising goosebumps over her arms.

His voice dropped to a murmur. “Clarette, I wasn’t lying that evening when I said I wanted more.”

“How much more?” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Everything and anything you’re willing to give me.” He rested his forehead against hers, staring deeply into her eyes.

A smile graced her face as she reached up and kissed him gently. He returned the kiss, their lips meeting lightly for several moments before he took control and tangled one hand in her hair while his other hand pulled her close.

She responded with equal fervor, pressing her body against his as they deepened their kiss. She moaned into his mouth as his tongue danced with hers, the sound urging him on as she arched against him. Her hands gently pulled at his thick hair, a satisfactory groan escaping him as his hands roamed down her body, before squeezing her backside. They pulled apart breathlessly, their kisses threatening to drown them.

Still holding each other close while they gathered their thoughts, she glanced up at him through dark lashes, their eyes connecting as he looked at her in total admiration.

“So we’re really doing this?”

Beckett nodded, the corners of his mouth turning upward as he answered softly, “If you’ll have me.”

“Oh Beckett,” Clarette’s eyes twinkled as their mouths met once more, “All I wanted for Christmas was you.”

4 thoughts on “The Gift of Giving – Beckett x MC”

  1. This was wonderful. I love how sweet Beckett and Clarette are together. This was just so cute and sweet and perfect,

    1. Misha!!

      Even I didn’t know how sweet they would be together. You would never know that all she wanted to do was when she first saw him was ride his face, right? LOL! These two are so multifaceted and I love them already.

      Thanks for reading and commenting xx!

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