The Great Costume Debate

The Great Costume Debate
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is the first of my four 400 followers contest fics. This isn’t a ship I normally go for, so I hope I did them justice. This is a fluffy piece that was inspired by a post about Kenji and MC dressing up as themselves for Halloween.

Pairing- Kenji/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Kenji and Sarah argue over Halloween costumes.

Words- 572

“No, no, no.” I protested, shaking my head and glaring at Kenji, “we are not going to the Prescott Industries Halloween Gala as Starstorm and Talos.”

“Come on, it would be awesome,” Kenji argued, giving me a pout that I was determined to ignore.

“Remember the ‘secret’ part of secret indemnity?” I said sternly.

“That’s why it’s so brilliant,” Kenji pointed out, “no one would suspect us as actually dressing up as ourselves.”

I had to admit he had a point, but… I still wasn’t giving in on this one.

“That’s because it’s incredibly egotistical,” I said dryly. “Besides, you don’t even have a costume and you can’t just transform into Talos for the gala, especially since we need to be there as Lexi and Kenji.”

“They sell Talos costumes,” Kenji said, handing me his phone, which was open to the website of a local costume store.


I scrolled through and sure enough, there were lots of options for both Talos and Nightshadow. Huh. We’d only been around for a few months and already they were commercializing us.

“Or we could make them ourselves,” Kenji added, “you know how to sew right?” I shot him a look and he laughed. “It was a thought.”

“I’m still not dressing as Nightshadow,” I told him, “honestly, Halloween is supposed to be a time to dress as something you’re not. Plus it’s just so risky to go a work function dressed as my secret identity.”

“There are a million other couple ideas that won’t expose us,” I pointed out, “I thought Poppy’s sun and the moon idea was cute.”

“It is cute,” Kenji agreed, “but it’s not nearly as cool as my idea.” He grinned. “How about a bet?”

I looked at suspiciously. “What do you have in mind?”

He looked at me innocently, “just a simple sparring match. Winner gets to choose the Halloween costumes. Unless you’re too afraid that you’ll lose.”

I raised an eyebrow, “hah. I can take you any day.”

“Prove it.” He said, moving closer to me.

We weren’t touching, but I was still so aware of him. However, this wasn’t the time to get… Distracted.

“You’re on,” I agreed, starting to head to the bathroom so I could change.

“Wait,” Kenji said and grabbed my hand and pulled me into him for a kiss. I pressed myself against him, leaning into the kiss.

“Trying to distract me?” I asked as we pulled away.

“Is it working?” Kenji inquired with a playful grin.

I shook my head as I slipped out of his embrace, “nope. I’m still going to kick your ass.”

I could hear him laugh as I closed the bathroom door. There was just something so easy about being with Kenji, something I had waited a lifetime to find and I knew that there would always be disagreements, but I believed there would also always be laughter and passion as well. That we’d keep on making each other better.

However, I really didn’t want to dress as myself for Halloween, no matter how cute he was, so I was determined to win the sparring match. I grinned, besides I’d make it up to him afterward.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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