The Great Pumpkin Invasion

The Great Pumpkin Invasion
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them unharmed when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- Sometimes I get a prompt and know I don’t want to write it the “right” way. This was one of those times. The prompt was “Don’t touch me” and I knew I didn’t want to do angst. Instead, this piece of total fluff was born.

Pairing- Chris/MC

Summary- The roommates prepare for a Halloween party.

Rating- PG-13

Words- 260

I walked into the house and froze at the sight in front of me before I could question it, Chris saw me and smiled.

“Hey, babe.”

He reached for me, but I evaded his touch. “Don’t touch me!” I squealed, “you have pumpkin guts all over your hands.”

“I didn’t realize you were so shallow,” he teased.

“You better believe it, baby,” I said saucily, “I only let gorgeous football captains with clean hands touch me.” I waved a hand towards the dozen or so pumpkins that were currently dominating our living space. “What’s going on here? Are we carving pumpkins for the entire block?”

“Ask the two of them,” Chris said, nodding towards Becca and Zack, who were standing together, evaluating our army of jack-o-lanterns.

“If we’re going to throw a Halloween party, we need to do it right,” Becca said haughtily. “I don’t do anything halfway.”

“Becca’s right, we need to create the proper ambiance,” Zack said enthusiastically. “Do you want to help, Savannah?”

“Nope. I don’t do pumpkin guts.” I told him, wrinkling my nose. “However, if you want to put me to work in other ways, I guess that’s ok. After I shower.” I grinned at Chris. “Want to join me, Powell? It looks like you need to get clean.”

Chris immediately dropped the pumpkin he was holding.

Zack groaned. “Savannah! Neither Becca or I needed that visual!”

I just laughed and darted up the stairs, hearing Chris’s footsteps right behind me.

“Make it quick!” I heard Becca call, “these pumpkins won’t carve themselves!”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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